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Theme/amusement parks - yes or no? 🎠


Squirtle Squad
Mar 23, 2021
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Space Whale Plush
Galaxy Swirl
Space Whale Plush
S.S. Dolphin
Opalescent Crystal
Blue Rosewater Potion
White Pansy
Cool Feather
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
How do you feel about theme parks? Do you have a favourite theme park? What do you like most/least about them?

I've never been to a theme park. I think I'd be most concerned about long queues, boredom from queuing, and being crowded by so many people. I'm also a scaredy cat, so I wouldn't do carnival rides. Maybe it would be good to know what people enjoy about them! 🎡🎠
There aren't many big parks where I live, other than one water park. I've been there once and it was quite fun, although the lines weren't great. I hate heights, so I much prefer water things to the idea of normal amusement parks with rollercoasters and such.
But I would be willing to try once to see if I enjoy it more than I feel I would!
I love rollercoasters! I'm not a fan of crowded places, though, and usually most of the time at an amusement park is spent queuing up so it seems like more effort than it's worth. I've been to Alton Towers and it was fun but I wouldn't go again.

I think I'd only go out of my way for it if there was something particularly unique about the park or it was based on something I'm interested in, like Super Nintendo World or Ghibli Park.
I don’t mind theme/amusement parks and I do like some of the games that amusement parks have. I’ve been to Universal Hollywood and Disneyland before and would like to see Universal Orlando for the Harry Potter Park and Disney World but everything is so expensive in theme parks now that I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a week’s visit. There are two amusement parks near me and the one closest to me is nice and has a water park section but it isn’t as exciting as it used to be for me when I was younger. The other park I didn’t like very much because it’s mostly roller coasters and I went there once when I was ten and I became afraid of a lot of the rides because I kept imagining myself falling out by accident and dying. My abuser yelled at me over being scared when we got home and said that I ruined the entire day for everybody and since then I never want to go back there because of how traumatic it was for meto be screamed at and punished for a typical kid’s emotion. If it weren’t for the fact that I was literally punished for being afraid I might have visited the park a second time to give it another chance.
I don’t mind theme/amusement parks and I do like some of the games that amusement parks have. I’ve been to Universal Hollywood and Disneyland before and would like to see Universal Orlando for the Harry Potter Park and Disney World but everything is so expensive in theme parks now that I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a week’s visit. There are two amusement parks near me and the one closest to me is nice and has a water park section but it isn’t as exciting as it used to be for me when I was younger. The other park I didn’t like very much because it’s mostly roller coasters and I went there once when I was ten and I became afraid of a lot of the rides because I kept imagining myself falling out by accident and dying. My abuser yelled at me over being scared when we got home and said that I ruined the entire day for everybody and since then I never want to go back there because of how traumatic it was for meto be screamed at and punished for a typical kid’s emotion. If it weren’t for the fact that I was literally punished for being afraid I might have visited the park a second time to give it another chance.
I'm sorry that happened! It's completely rational to be scared. ❤️


I thought I'd share that even though I haven't been to an amusement park, I've been on exactly two carnival rides in my life. The first was a spinning teacups ride, and the SlingShot. I have no plans to go on any other carnival rides, though I think a carousel would be cute. 🤣
I am not interested in them now that I'm older and have body issues, but when I was a kid a friend, a few times, would take me and others to Holiday World for their birthday. And one time at Indiana Beach.
That's pretty much the only theme parks I've been too and there wasn't much waiting if at all for rides. There were people around, but not sardined.
Granted many rides were spinning rides at holiday world and we stayed away from roller coasters but we had fun. They also have a water park that's nice too, at least it was when I was a kid. No idea now. I remember they had nice shops but the only shop I can remember is a crystal glass shop. We would pick up a few blind bags.
I don't remember much from Indiana Beach. I remember the lines were longer and it was more crowded. Personally I don't have a desire to go back nor would I take kids there. Holiday World is better impo.

My thoughts are positive about theme parks, at least, and I don't have much more of an opinion beyond what is expressed here and how I would never wait an hour in line to ride something.

I wouldn't do a carnival ride unless it doesn't leave the ground, even if I was in perfect health. Even then, it would have to run a few times first. I simply don't feel they are that safe and mistakes can be made assembling and disassembling so often. I heard too many sad stories. That's just me though. So not so positive there.
No. I typically dislike being in places with crowds. I have seen pictures of Disney World and Universal and that just turns me off. As amazing as some of the attractions could be, like Wizarding World and the Super Nintendo World, I just can't do it. The queues...the noises...the overpriced food and junk...the small children...its just too much for my introverted personality. The battery would get drained fairly early and the whole experience would start to get awful.
I have been to Six Flags 10 years ago and let’s say the experience wasn’t so good.

You see, the main reason you go to amusement parks is for the rides, I don’t go on any of them because I’m afraid of vomiting after a ride, and as I didn’t go on ride’s my enjoyment at the park wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be.

At least the water park was fun, everywhere else wasn’t.
I'm neither crazy about amusement/theme parks nor do I dislike them. I'm in the middle, they're fine and enjoyable.

I haven't been to one in years, so what I remember of my visits to them are the fun I had. I have to take the other posters' comments about the lines at their word since I don't really remember that part, and I can imagine that wouldn't be particularly great.

I will say that I always had more fondness for water rides. Roller coasters and other such rides are still fun though. Whether my opinion would change in adulthood, I'd have to visit one of these parks sometime and find out.

One particular park experience I'd like to try sometime is Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.
I'm not a fan. I usually go and end up not going on any rides. I especially dislike water rides since I don't like wet clothes sitting on my skin. I have a swim shirt specifically for when I swim, since I obviously can't be without a shirt on being AFAB and any tops make me feel dysphoric. I hope that during my trip to Disney World in less than two weeks, I will do more than just walking around and eating that delicious food I desperately want to try, haha. I feel like I'd be missing out otherwise.
I like theme parks, but I'm perhaps the most boring person to tag along with. I don't really care for rides, and instead just opt for stage shows, concerts, and especially the restaurants. Disney theme parks have the full spectrum of either the best food you'll have for miles or absolutely disgusting filth that should never be consumed by a human being (or both at the same time!!), but it's always an interesting venture regardless of which side it lands on. Even if the food isn't good, the thematic atmosphere, which isn't nearly as childish or overtly Disney-ified as one would be led to believe, makes for a very comfortable dining experience.

Basically, rollercoasters bad. Food good.
I'm not a fan of crowds, but I do love thrill rides like rollercoasters. I've been to local fairs and larger theme parks with varying experiences.

Local theme parks were fun but more limited. Great as a child, less fun for me as I got older. They can also have a seedier vibe. I'm cautious anywhere, but I remember my mom feeling like someone was stalking us at one fair and that stuck with me.

For larger parks, I've been to Disney World, SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, and Kings Dominion.

My one visit to Disney World was at an awkward age. I was too old to enjoy the kiddie rides but too small to be allowed on the adult rides. Since the rides are my main source of enjoyment, I didn't have a lot of fun. It was also way too crowded and the lines were too long. Miserable and disappointing experience, but it might have been better if I was tall enough for the rides.

We visited SeaWorld on the same trip and I enjoyed that a lot more. Getting to see and interact with the animals was a very memorable experience. Of course, now I have some qualms about animal captivity and how it's handled.

Busch Gardens and Kings Dominion are my favorites of the amusement parks I've visited. Busch Gardens is slightly more picturesque. Both are less crowded than Disney World and both have some great rollercoasters. I avoid new coasters with super long lines or maybe just ride them once at a less busy time. I get the most fun finding a coaster with almost no line so I can ride, run back around, and ride it again over and over. Most rollercoaster rides are between 1-3 minutes, so I would rather maximize my amount of time riding versus waiting in line.
Amusement parks are not for me. I'm not a huge fan of crowds, plus generally I just don't want to go on most rides in the parks. The moment that exemplifies this best for me is I did have a chance to go to one for a school field trip, but since I would've had to ride some rollercoasters as part of it, I opted to skip it and just go through a normal school day instead, lmao.
Theme parks are fun! I don’t even mind the wait time in lines. I just don’t like how expensive it is to visit if you’re going with other people. Might as well visit another country at that price.

While Disneyland is good for nostalgia, I like Knott’s Berry Farm better overall. The boysenberry funnel cakes are delicious!
Not usually a fan of them. I've been to a decent amount throughout my life, but I'm really not a fan of the crowds, and I've found that sometimes all the different smells of food and other things can be kind of nauseating to me. I definitely enjoyed them more when I was younger, but as I got older I've had a change of heart. I'm especially not a fan of a lot of ride, especially roller coasters. Even when I was a kid they terrified me, and now as an adult I'm even more against them. 😅
My child self always wanted to go to one of the Disney parks. I never got to go. But me now? I don't care anymore. The closest one is in Florida which is not a place I want to be. It's also waaay too expensive. No.
I guess now I want to go to the Nintendo theme park but I haven't even bothered checking where it is because I have zero hope of going to anything like that.
Ironically I also hate crowds and think certain rides are scary, so I shouldn't want to go at all.
Also, I have been to some amusement parks before. I just... don't remember them very well. Apparently I was taken to Six Flags when I was a child? I remember absolutely nothing about that trip.
I grew up near an amusement park (Canada's Wonderland) and went there somewhat regularly for free as a kid, and have recently gone to Disneyland and Universal while in Japan, so... I generally like them! It's more on an aesthetic basis rather than anything else -- I like seeing the decor, themed rides, areas, food, etc. I'm also a fan of roller coasters, though I tend to pass on them if the lines seem too long. They're just a nice bonus to me.

I generally dislike crowds, but I tend to visit parks on days that are a little less crowded, so it hasn't been a huge issue for me. Lines are also much more bearable when you're waiting in them with friends! Depending on the park, though, food prices and whatnot can be insane. i was very surprised at the prices of food in disney tokyo / usj, because they weren't outrageous. that would never happen in NA lmao

Universal Studios Japan was definitely one of my favourites as far as parks go! Super Nintendo World was really neat in terms of set design! With that said, while I do like them, it's more of a "go to them once every few years" sort of deal -- I think the magic would wear off if I went to them more regularly than that.
Theme parks are probably one of my favorite places to go to and I have a general interest of the history of various theme parks/the production and technicalities of roller coasters! I live about an hour and a half away from Disney and my boyfriend and I go probably twice a year (though, in an ideal world, we would go more often). I can't say that I love the crowds or the heat, so we usually go during off-season when it's colder outside and when there are less tourists.