The Town Idea Thread!


seeker of truth
Dec 26, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
Silver Mailbox
Here you can post the ideas for your town! For example, town name, town theme, PWP's, etc.
My idea for my town is to make it modern :) I will have to demolish a few PWP's that don't go with the theme but anyway :D I would love to see the communities ideas!

Post your dream address so other people can see how far you've gotten with your dream town!
Not positng mine because I have stuff ALL OVER THE PLACE.
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You know mine - hybrid infested, with fairy tale stuff as well (town hall, train station, other pwps.) Oh, and natural stuff - log bench, windmill etc
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My new town I'm resetting for is a bit of a mix and match.
All my PWPs will be Zen themed, and all the upgrades including my house will be too. But I'm commemorating my town name to one of my home countries, the Czech Republic, by calling it Česk?, the Czech Republic in Czech. My native fruit will be apples so I'll have a perfect apple orchard, but the rest of my town will have normal trees so I can save my dream address between the 5th and 7th of April to make it rain cherry blossoms with the cherry blossom trees. My paths will be paved with roses and I'm going to grow a blue rose field. I feel like perhaps this dream is a bit far-fetched, and I haven't even mentioned inside the houses, but I think I can do it if I try.
No dream is far fetched. You can do anything as long as you try!
xD I would totally post my dream address if my town wasn't a complete mess.
I should probably give all my stuff to someone who just started xD I dont need all that stuff.
xD I would totally post my dream address if my town wasn't a complete mess.
I should probably give all my stuff to someone who just started xD I dont need all that stuff.

Your dream address is 5500-3360-0618 right?
lol yes it is...
I forgot I posted it for my giveaway xD might as well put it in the post then.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm planning on calling my future town Serenity and making it just as it sounds - peaceful, calm, and nice. I was planning to call it Macaroon at first, but I found out that macaroon has more than one meaning, so I changed it to Serenity instead. I think it's a really cute name and I plan to have a really natural themed town. :blush: