• For our final bonus event, answer 18 challenging questions in The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Quiz! Submit your answers by Saturday, August 31st at 11:59 PM EDT to earn anywhere from 0 - 9 extra tickets and throwback tickets. Good luck!

The Pointless Quiz!

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The deftest potato peeler
Project Staff
Dec 27, 2008
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So after letting my mind wander into the great unknown, i've come up with a bunch of pointless questions that are usually overshadowed by the many other popular questions, and here's what i've come up with!

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?
#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?

#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Chris, Trevor, Ron, Night, Merinda

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Uhm... The good ones that can kill the zombies?

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
My room.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
A cat.

#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?

#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?

#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
Darth Vader.

#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
A cool ghost? lol

#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
If you have nothing good to eat what would you eat?</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Chicken Quesadilla!!! <3

#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Pally, Alfred, Miranda, AndyB, and Jeremy

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Snake, Captain Falcon, Mario, Black Knight (Fire Emblem), and Kirby

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
A tropical island...I'd build a hut and fish and do stuff like that.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?

#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
Dance or Die - Family Force 5

#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?

#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean)

#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
Never played it...King Boo?

#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
What CD do you recommend? Outta Space Love - Group 1 Crew /shameless plug</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: David, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Bacon Boy said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Thunderstruck said:
Bacon Boy said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Bacon Boy said:
Thunderstruck said:
Bacon Boy said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Cucumber Cups
#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Lisa, Ron, Farren, Kiley, Numner
#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Anyone who's read the Zombie Survival Guide
#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
The Northern Hemisphere :'D
#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Vampire Squid
#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
And all I need's a great big Congratulations~
#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?
#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
The sexiest one there
#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
If you could smack someone on TBT, who would it be?</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>I guess i should do this, too, eh?</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
omfg a quote said:
If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Cheese Sticks + marinara
#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Andy, Bdubs, Rawn, Farren, Muffun
#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Engineer. that is all.
runners up: Razputin, John Freeman, Samus, Luigi
#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
somewhere with a bed, food, and plumbing.
let's go with my house.
#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
the laziest goddamn cat you've ever seen.
#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
ghost ride the whip, obviously
#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?
#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
Manfred von Karma, obviously.
#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
the boss for the third place, that multiplies and is huge. something about statues? on the roof/balcony or something.
#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
a crappy question. :p
Bacon Boy said:
Thunderstruck said:
Bacon Boy said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
-Chocolate covered strawberries.

#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
- Pally, Kalinn, Robert, Nightray, Kiley

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
- S.T.A.R.S. 8D

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
- Paris

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
- A bear.

#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
- Probably the music video for The Reeling by Passion Pit.

#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?

#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
- Probably Joker.

#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
- Boo.

#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
- What's your definition of the meaning of life?
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
Thunderstruck said:
Bacon Boy said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Cheese sticks 8D
#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Captain Falcon, Samus, Link, Zelda, Errr.. And Mario 8D Those fireballs must hurt!
#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Candy land.
#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
The big bad-ass wolf.
#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
California Gurls, Gotta love em chocolate : D
#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?
#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
Ganondorf, I want magical powers : D
#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
The baby one. : D
#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
Question- If you could choose between eating a baby, and eating a person's upper body, what would you choose?</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Garlic Breadsticks
#2...Were stuck in limbo. what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Bacon Boy Miranda AndyB cornman64 baileyac
#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Copper (Animal crossing) Master Chief Norman Jaden Kirby Bear knight from castle crashers
#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Katy Texas
#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
#6...Were trapped in a music video your entire life, what music video would that be?
I wanna talk about me
#7...Were a smiley (using the smileys to your left), which one would you be?
#8...Were the child of a fictional villain (The Joker, Dr. Doom, Bowser, etc.), Who would you want your father to be?
Glados ^^"....
#9...Were a ghost from Luigi's Mansion, who would you want to be?
2nd boss ummmm BOGMIRE thats it thats it!
#10...Could choose the tenth question, what would it be?
If you divide 18 by 0 what do you get?
Bacon Boy said:
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Bacon Boy said:
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Psychonaut said:
Bacon Boy said:
kalinn said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
kalinn said:
Psychonaut said:
Bacon Boy said:
kalinn said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
Psychonaut said:
kalinn said:
Psychonaut said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">If You...
#1...Had to live your entire life eating one appetizer, what would it be?
Answer: Calimari

#2...Were stuck in limbo, what five TBT users would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Kalinn, Andy, Faren, Psychonaut, and Comatose.

#3...Were stuck in a zombie apocalypse, what five video game characters would you want to be stuck with?
Answer: Link, Kirby, Snake, Zoey, and Samus.

#4...Were trapped in one place on the earth. where would it be?
Answer: South Dakota, back in the cabin area we stayed at. Loved it there.

#5...Could be any real or fictional species, what would you be?
Answer: Pok
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