The Luck of the Dragon

When did they say this? When I won a star wand in the holiday raffle, they said I am free to sell or trade it as I wish, but to please let them know if anyone is pressuring me.
It would really be a matter of personal opinion. If the giveaway host would prefer that you only participate if you want the item to keep it, then it's nice to respect their wishes. But at the end of the day, you can do what you want with it. I don't think any staff said this about staff-run giveaways/raffles, though.
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It would really bad a matter of personal opinion. If the giveaway host would prefer that you only participate if you want the item to keep it, then it's nice to respect their wishes. But at the end of the day, you can do what you want with it. I don't think any staff said this about staff-run giveaways/raffles, though.
Trundle, what a great and thorough response. I wholeheartedly agree.
When did they say this? When I won a star wand in the holiday raffle, they said I am free to sell or trade it as I wish, but to please let them know if anyone is pressuring me.
They said it a couple years ago. But they don’t have any rules against selling what you win in a giveaway. They just say that it’s rude if you sell what you got for free from a user-hosted giveaway, but you don’t get any warnings for it.

The issue in question though was any use of negative wi-fi ratings against users who participated in a user-hosted giveaway just to sell what they win. Nobody has done this yet, but when I suggested that to deter selling collectibles they win for free, the staff made it clear that you can’t use wi-fi ratings for contests or giveaways. It’s only for shopping transactions.
Winning the beautiful cyan heart wand is some very fortunate luck, and I'm honestly very grateful! Thank you so much. 💗✨ The fortune cookie event was such a cute idea, and I'm happy to see everyone walk away with something from the raffle. Congratulations to everyone who won something they were hoping for! 🎉

I was surprised to see Lunar New Year as an event this year, but it's been a really cute event that I've enjoyed a lot! 🎉❤️ Can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the year. 😊
They said it a couple years ago. But they don’t have any rules against selling what you win in a giveaway. They just say that it’s rude if you sell what you got for free from a user-hosted giveaway, but you don’t get any warnings for it.

The issue in question though was any use of negative wi-fi ratings against users who participated in a user-hosted giveaway just to sell what they win. Nobody has done this yet, but when I suggested that to deter selling collectibles they win for free, the staff made it clear that you can’t use wi-fi ratings for contests or giveaways. It’s only for shopping transactions.

Thank you for explaining! When I read your post, I did not consider the difference between a user-run giveaway and a staff-run giveaway. That is an important distinguishment to make!
It is so nice to see that everyone will at least get a dragon token. I’m so happy and grateful for getting the Golden Mushroom Lamp. It is so very pretty thank you so much. I was surprised I actually won something.

Congratulations to everyone . It was a fun event and thanks so much to the staff for hosting.
it's been a long day and I didn't have the chance to post here until now, but checking in to see that I'd won the exact thing I wanted most definitely made my afternoon a lot brighter!! 🫶🍄 Between this and the Glow Shrooms, I seem to have good mushroom luck lately

I'm also very glad to see that everyone won something!! ;w; When it comes to events that are a group effort for the whole community, I like that style of prize awarding the best. Also very relieved that the orange and red/yellow candies were removed from the prize pool lol
I think I'll spend the rest of my tokens after my new shroom arrives! I think it'll look pretty sick between the festival lanterns 🙏
I’m in shock, I woke up to a message from @/Foreverfox and rushed here 😭 very grateful for the flower wand!!

I’m very glad to see they increased the odds of getting a dragon token to 100% though, and congratulations to the other winners!! 😊
At the very least you still got a token. I think the only time I won a raffle was for the camp 2022 event where I just dumped everything I had on the Eshop giftcard. I'm pretty sure I was the only one that did that anyway lol.
I've been here since January 2015 and won a raffle for the first time in October 2023, almost 9 years later!
The year people bought all those pretty start fragments, I had spent everything on a raffle to win a copy of ACNH game, everyone had that game already so there were not that much tickets sold, I bought maybe 75% of them, I don't remember but it was a lot, and still lost 😞 should have bought those fragments instead...
Even the flower breeding event didn't give me much, I think I managed to get 3 hybrids at the very end.
But I didn't lose faith, one day, one of those pretty collectible will be mine.
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So I came today not expecting anything but was super happy to learn that everybody would get something, and even more happy that it wouldn't be a yellow candy, no hate on yellow candies, but I have more than one of those. I was getting ready to get my dragon token which would have been nice because there are 6 collectibles, secretly dreaming of maybe, maybe, a yellow frag ...(wands being like unicorns and out of reach) but NO, I got a GOLDEN MUSHROOM! Wow! I'm very very happy to win that unexpected collectible, thank you!

Congrats to all other winners, especially the wand winners, you all work hard for those and honestly I thought there would be less winners, like just one, so I'm glad for you :)
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I must admit I normally feel a little bummed when I don’t win the thing I want during TBT events but having that 100% dragon token chance really makes this a win for everyone! Congratulations to those who got collectibles, I hope you got the one you wanted :) Now I need to think what I want to use my extra token on…
I’m a little late in posting in here (food poisoning is evil), but I wanted to say congratulations to everyone who won something, whether it be a collectible or a dragon token!!! 🎉 I’m so happy to see that so many of my friends and lovely people won something cool!! I’m especially happy that Meri got their desired mush lamp!!!! ☺️🥳❤️

I‘m really happy that the odds of winning each respective collectible ended up being higher than I thought, and that the orange and candies were taken out of the prize pool entirely (no shade to them or any orange/candy lovers, though!). I know not everyone is happy with the outcome or this event in general, but I’m grateful that everyone walked away with at least something.

I’m very grateful for my dragon token, thank you! 🫶
I would like to thank the staff for listening to us grumble about the loot table-- it's impossible to please everybody and to keep the events challenging enough without ruffling all the feathers, so I really appreciate that any changes were considered at all during the event.

And I had just the right amount of stress to be motivated enough to somehow produce arts and crafts that I can be proud of. My defective dragon lanterns are hanging out by my bedside; I can't bring myself to recycle them. And the results of what everyone else produced? WOW! The creativity is amazing.
So happy to have won a prize and so grateful that the staff expanded the prize pool! I always feel a bit bad because I don’t have as much time as I would like to participate and submit good entries to things. But I still like to be a part of things and I was so surprised and happy to have actually won something! Thank you for the red feather!