The Longest You've Played a Game In One Sitting

Probably Socom 2 on the PS2. I remember playing the game from like 6PM to like 3AM during my high school days. The Addiction was worth the Sleep Deprivation lol
when I was playing tales from the borderlands (which I wanna replay), I would have to force myself to stop playing because I would spend hours and hours playing it just to finish a chapter lol
Probably around 4-6 hours. Seems weak, but it was alot for me! And here I am a bellionaire
18 hours on the original Black&White (the Lionhead one, not the Pok?mon versions). I‘m still sad that they decided to make sequels for the Fable series instead of B&W...
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I'd say 10 hours, if I manage the beat the game in said sitting. Second Sight, Beyond Good & Evil, Overlord: Dark Legend and Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem are my picks.
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Pokemon Sun .. had just finished my finals on that day.
10 hours straight, completed the game and proceeded slept for 24 hours afterwards. xD
maybe around 9 hours straight playing persona 5 without even getting up
If I really like a game, I can usually spend my entire waking day on it, which is usually 16 hours or so.
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I've played Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and Breath of the Wild in pretty long sittings, probably 4 or 5 hours max?
Oh wow, a lot of these times are really long. I think the longest I have played a game in one sitting was 2-3 hours. I usually only play a game for around an hour before I need a break or want to do something else. I tend to play games with an open world for longer because I get distracted by random things I find and want to explore more. Phoenix Wright also makes me play for a while because I want to find out what happens next in the story.
I've played The Sims 3 for 15 hours straight before. Phoenix Wright also has me playing for a long period of time as well.
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Didn't measure it but played Minecraft from world generation to beating the Ender Dragon in a single sitting
I think when I was younger somebody bet me I couldn't beat Ocarina of Time in less than two days because that was his record and I did it in like 14 hours breaks included.

I know I RP'd in WoW for about 16 hours one day so technically that.

Honestly I've had many lazy days in my life, especially pre-college and work, when I'd just play a game all day so there's no telling.
Not sure if it counts but one summer a few years ago, I played an MMORPG and I started the game at 7 am and quit at 5 am the next day. Only had bathroom and food breaks... It was one of those games that you stay in a team and grind the area. I had two teams that day with the second one taking up the longest chunk @v@;