The forum is now ready!


Retired Staff
Dec 19, 2004
This forum was made by justin125 and me.


Join if you like it. there are special ranks and a lot of features planned.
We disided on Games and chat. but now we need a name. any ideas?
We choce the name and now working on it.
ok it's open now! party! and no thanks.
need any help? i'm good with codes and skins.
sure thing. we need a yellowish skin. so it can fit our banner. the ][/url]
I did not think we needed any help. I guess we do.
I personally liked this one.

I wonder what justin125 will say...

lets wait for his opinion. If he say's yes, then can you give me the
css and the header and body code?

html { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } 

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</style><center><b>SV Orange</b> created by <b>Cortez</b> of the <b><a href="" target="_blank">IF Skin Zone</a></b></center><style type="text/css">

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header & body
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and i know how to get clocks and news boxes and stuff like that for your site

I like it too Zero. So I'll put it on.( I just leaned how.)