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The Epic war out the outsider


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005

<big><big>a fan fiction for all</big></big>
by fabioisonfire
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So hey guys this is basicaly my masterwor ki guess you could casll it. I worked really hard on these fanfiction so i really hop youll enjoy it lots. i get a lot of questions abot etanu's lineage and stuff so ill try to explain everythin ghere,.

etanu was basically aa lone wonderer as a kid and he had no friends because the evil firedemon spirit had went into his soul. He was outcast and he had to live alone. one day he met a very nice man called Mr. rogers, and he was old and wise. you see mister rodgers also had a demo nin his soul so he knew whatb etyanu was going threw. he treated him like a son and taught him the way of the Ninjutsu. Basically Etanu became powerful and started gaining followers.

after he got many of this followers He took over the leader of konoa whe nhe die of some unnown desease, he gain many friend in the process like sakura slayer and boomer. and this is where our story begin...

chaper 1: it all begin
toiday was like Any other day. sakura and i (etanu), were just sittin by the oshun. sakur is looking all nicce with he rskimpy lil bikini and her perfec ttan. my frien dslayer and Boomer were. tryin to show off jumping off cliffs. life was good an diw as the king of all the land.

just as i see boomer jump off a clif f, i hear a loud BOOM!! ABnd people are scream! out of the ocean Water I hear my arch nemesis stinky Linky laugh!!

"HAHA etanu i has risen agen!'
i say "but stinky linky u helped me maek thi splace the kingdom it is today yuo could help!!!"
Stinky linky "u stupid fool i wuz never hear to hel pthis place n e way! i only here to use my outsiders to take control of the village!!"
"u bastered!" i yelled.

i culd see his outsiders gatherin garound sakura but there was no way i was going to let them take here away from me not this time. So i quickyl released an ebnergy blast to scatter the mob.,

we made a break 4 it runnin as fast as we could. I look back to see if there was any outsider following and i saw an archer. he shot an arrow that pierced sakuras heart. my heart sank deeply but there was nothing i could do she was surley dead.

me slayer and boomer got away safe but sakura was not so lucky. we could not live in our village anymnore so we set up a Rebellion in the hidden forestt.

To this day we live ready to strike any of those that that seeks to harm the ones that cannot protect themselves. To stand for those in need of help and a safe Heaven to resided in.

Chapte r2- stinky linky attack!!
so as u all no our reblion wa started in the forests of konoha.people came from far and wide to join us 2 stop stinky linky the evil maser of konoha. slayer ran the training camp for all the newcomers. The ypoung men with fear in their eyes slayer made them warriors. boomer was the head shef (sp?) and i was the clan leader. everyone looked up tp me for advice and whatnot thats kinda what a clan leader does fyi

i was jus sitting on ym throne thinkin about sakura wen i hear a old village elder runnin to me

"master etanu! there is word that stinky linky is sending a raid pary to destroy us! and all that is good!!"

alerted, i get up from me seat and look for slayer. i see slayer, but he not movin g. something was weird and I knew it 4 a fact. "Slayer, whats wrong?" he still no move or respond.

sudenly slayer jump up an dattack me! i Get knocked to the ground
"slayer how could you?!"
but i see in his eyes the fire of stinky linky. he had been taken over n there was nothing i could do i had no choise but to kill him

i released my energy blas tand it killed him instantly. he stood no chance.
I searched the village and there was no sign of any other threat,

boomer was okay but my good friend slayer had been killed all because of stinky linky.. he will pay!! this isnt the end!!

In Dedicated to slayer
(btw if u knw any1 else who can train peeps let me know k>? thkx)

Chapter 3- spying
so now i had to make my mov eon stinky linky. he had made his so now it was my turn kind of like checkers,

i set out by myself seeing as everyone else had no skill to spy aroun dlike i could. stinky linkys fortress was hiden amungst the dark forest. I traveled threw it swiftly and nobody ever notcied me. This reason is because i had train with the grand maste rof the sneak skill, master kwanee.

he taight me literaly EVERYTHING h eknew so i was pretty much set for this mision. anyway i infilitrated the base and started looking around until i found stinky. he was sittin in a throne telling his bad men to attack my Rebelion! I had to get back quickly to tell the ;eople and get ready to defend the rebelion!

i ran using my Swift Air technique and was back in no time. it was time to prepatre.

chapter four: the battle for the rebelion
after i warn every1 in the Rebellion about the incoming Stinky Linky atttack, we had set up a couple treehouse and treestands for us to reside in. We would mkae it look like the Rebellion was deserte dso they wouldnt suspect a thing. we wuld have the elemtn of suprise on our side.

so after waiting a while i see Stinky Linkies dark ninjas coming into the ranje of the rebelion for i give the singal. Everyone sees it and gets ready to attack. but, just before we were supposed to attack, a young rebeller threw his shuriken too early and alerted the dark ninjine. His young eager excited mind.. battle does that too young mens.

they dark ninja got alert and started using their shadow ninjutsu to turn invisdible. 'throw your Ninja dust at them! itll expose them!!" i yell. so they all do like i yelled and expose the dark ninja just like i said it would. they punce and take out a few dark ninjas but the rest scatter.

i release an energy blas tto try to flush them out but they were using the quickness ni justo so i couldnt see them.

all the sudden i hear boomer yell "etanu! look out!!" and i looked out and saw a dark ninja jumping to me! i put my hands up and we engaged ina ninja dual... "may the best man win" i say to him but he no respond his cold eyes

we duel and duel until i cannot dual anymore. i must defeat him........ for sakura!!!

so i do. i defeat him. the battle is over. we lost a couple of rebelers. damn you, stinky linky. we've won the battle... but the war is not over quiet yet!!

C5- A strange stranger
so after the battle we are rebuildin gthe Rebelion. just as i was building a barracks with boomer we both saw a man in a dark hood aproching the rebelion. we thought it was a stinky linky follower so we drew our swords.

as he came closer tho he held up his hand and said "friends, i am here to help. i am a friend of you." we asked what his name was and he said his name was kakashi. i asked what he did for a living and he told us he was a master of the fire ninjutsu!! i asked if he could train my men for me. i said "we will become good friends i think so."

and so came the age of kakshi. he became popular in the village Rebellion quickly and he trained the men well.soon we wer eall well versed in fire ninjustu. we were ready to take the battle to stinky linky and every1 new it to. i only had to give the word. but we needed more forces! we were still missing something..........

chapter six:: the book of stinky linky
so on one of the more normale days etanu was strolling the forest whe nhe say see a a glowing book lying upon the forest floor. the title read 'the book of stinky linky'. hesitantly, etanu open the book. Blinded by the intense lite comin from the boo ksshine power, he closed his eyes until the shiny wore off.

etanu bring trhe misterious book to kakashi and boome rto have a look see. boomer didn know what it was was but kakashi told etanu after a great puase,, "this is the great mistical book for stinky linky. this book have all his secrets!!" this was it! this is just what the Rebelion were missing!!

etanu read the book theroughly and then passed it along to everyone in the Rebelion. the rbeleion was gainin gmore and more member every day. and now that etanu had stinky linky's book it was almost time for attack~!

SEVEN: attack on stinky linky fortress! part 1
so camr the time When we was all ready ot attack on stinky linky. everyopne had learnt his secerts and we had all trained. kakashi and boomer were helping ,me get my armor on for the battle. our plan was to travel to the dar kforest where his fortress was and sneak atack through the back door! we catch him by surprise

so we set out to the dark forest. Everyone was nervous the tension was high. But it was good tension everyone was ready toi battle. Along the way there were several dark ninja but with our new fire ni justsu we learned thanks to Kakashi we took them out with eese.

Up ahead we see his fortress, a tall big black structure as tall as the eye can see. in stinky linky's book it said there were three levels, and wed have to beat the grand master on each level to get to stinky linky's final level.

so we finaly arive at The front door. everyon eis nervous. it was tiem to take on the first level. we all enter and.........

IT EMPTY!!?? lol weird!

CHAPTER 8: attack on stinky linky fortress! part 2
we all of us look around, Stunned that no 1 is n e where 2 b seen! "it quite. 2 QUITE." say kakashi. we all loo karound for emeny ninja but there really was no one there!! "on to the second level." etanu said. there waas a long flgit of steps tha twe had to go up and it was tiring me out. Finally wer got to the second level to be greeted by two ninja trols. the ninja trolls big and furry with sharp teeth. Very scary!

"hold fire." i say. one of the nija troll look at me and say "you have to answer this riddle to pass onto lord stinky linky." Okay, I said. what the riddlez'? the 2 giant look at each other and the other say "What is bigger than an elephant but smaller than ant???"

'HOW THIS POSSIBLE!????/???/' etanu yell. "wait etanu dont do anything stupid dont be a hero!" yell boomer. "Every1 think!" i said. and everyone start top onder the q. eventualyl i get stumped and ask "can i have a hint or lifeline???"

the giant say no and i go sit back down to think more.


etanu think for a ver lon gtime and finaly he give up and say to giant. "nothing! nothing is like that!!!" the giant say "yes, u get it rihgt!!"

the doors open and etanu is hero! now for the final part of the castle, it was tiem for destin yto take hold and for etanu to showdown with stinky.

they walk up long stair and stinky is there, siting in chair. etanu say "every one leave this is for me and stinky to finishe!!" everyone did as etanu say and ran away.

"stinky u take everything away from me now IT TIME FOR ME TO TAKE SOMETHUNG FROM YOU!1"

etanu lunge at stinky and thgey roll on the ground and grapple. stinky use his power throw jutsu and knock etanu away. etanu use his millio ncopy jutsu to confuse stinky.

"cant find me!!"

he punch stinky in the face and then go for double kick counter but stinky grabs his leg and throws him away.

stinky linky yell "YOU ARE TO WEEK FOR ME" and use his fire jutsu and burn etanus face. it would surly leave a huge big scar for life.

etanu recovered from the pain and jumped into the air. he concentrated and turn himself int o the FIRE DEMO NFOX.

The fox had a mind of its own and gobbled up stinky forever and ever. etanu transform back, stuned and confuse.

"what happened... where stinky..."

the tower was shaking, surely the power of the demon fox would blow it up. etanu was too stuned and he had no where to run.. he was crawling to the door and


years later.. flowers bloom. boomer and the outsiders gather around etanu grave. boom,er say "this marks the ten year aniversary of etanu sacrificing himself to kill stinky. now all there is is peace and he can tenjoy it. we miss you etanu. friend."

in memory of etanu

whos who and Terminology
(in alhpabetical order.)

our hero, the main character. was an outcvast when he was young and now is the leader of the Rebelion.

one of Etanus oldest frends but was killed tragicly when stinky linky possessed him. he trained the yound fighters when he was alive.

Another one of etanus closest friends, hes the head chefy at the Rebelion.

etanus almost wife that was killed by a flying arrow.. nobodsy knows much about her past

stinky linky-
the main villen, one of etanus old comrads. he has taken over konoha with his outsiders.

dark ninja-
stinky linky's main form of henchmen

the Rebellion-
this is etanus refuge where all the rebelers gather to fight stinky linkys outsiders.

the beatiful land wherre ou rstory take place

ninja giant-
big furry giants that work 4 stinky linky

a stranger who came to the Rebelion to train men. hes an expert in fire ninustu.

Book of Stinky linky-
this is a magic book that has all stinky linkys secrets in it.

the eternal beast that live inside etanu waiting to come out and destroy

suport me pleasse i rly need it!
Please Remember if ur supportin these fanfic to hav a lin kin your sig!!!



i maek thi sone jus 4 the ladeis heh B)




i try a borde ron this 1 didn turn out 2 good tho lol












fan arts!!!
i jus wanna thank everyone who sent in any fan art u will be recognised here.!

by connor!

by jubstan thanx dood!

sunate was a member here at The Bell Tree for quite some time, and, if he were still here, would be one of the few remaining veterans. I loved him and I had endless fun with him. I will forever miss him. (If you're sunate and reading this, this is a tribute to you, my friend.) Read some of his posts/topics and you'll understand what I mean.

Anyway, I created a fan-fiction that was meant to harass him a while ago, it was locked, blah blah blah. This is the remake of that tried fan-fiction, except this time, I'm not harassing him, but honoring how hilarious he was.

'etanu' is 'sunate' spelled backwards without the S, that's where I got our hero's name. The name of the fan-fiction was also ripped from one he made at his own forum, as well as some of the character's names.