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The effects of a shoutbox on a forum community


The New Architect
Jan 21, 2014
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Father's Day Carnation
Candy Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Blue Balloon
Fair Pinwheel
Togepi Easter Egg
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Classic Easter Egg
Fair Pinwheel
(Reprinted from my forum.)


The shoutbox, as it relates to the Internet forum, is a feature, usually attached to the front page, which provides a space for a type of interaction similar to an instant messenger program in that there is more of an emphasis on synchronous communication. Also, since the shoutbox, by its very nature, so encourages spontaneous interaction between forum members, it is often viewed, especially by webmasters, with contempt for influencing the creation of messages of exceptionally meager value.

Indeed, the value of a shoutbox has, on numerous occasions, been made into a topic of discussion at webmaster forums. In such discussions, several arguments against the use of shoutboxes have been advanced, but the most substantive and common is, in my estimation, the assertion that the shoutbox siphons or robs member-generated content that would otherwise have been created as topics or posts.

That said, my intention is to show the following: (1) the assertion that the shoutbox necessarily robs activity is specious at best, (2) the other criticisms advanced against shoutbox use are merely window dressing, and (3) there are ways to effectively minimize the perceived disadvantages of the shoutbox.

Countering The Main Argument

The problem with asserting that the shoutbox robs topics and posts is this: it simply assumes, without evidence, that, if the content was never posted in the shoutbox, it would have been posted as a topic, or reply to a topic. The assertion may, at first, seem self-evident: after all, the members visit and submit content, but with a shoutbox present, you may see them submit much of their content there while paying little attention to the topic listing area of the forum. This, in turn, creates the impression, in the observer's mind, that the shoutbox offsets activity in the topic listing area.

What this ignores is that it is because the shoutbox is a different medium of communication that to compare it to the Internet forum's topic and reply system is similar to comparing apples and oranges. The shoutbox, as I said, is more like an instant messenger program, which necessarily implies that the standard for starting topics is more relaxed, and so members who participate in it move from one topic to the next more freely and with little effort.

When it comes to participation in the topic listing area of the Internet forum, however, it is no secret that it is the administrator, or other staff members, who submit the majority of the topics, which means that the non-staff members (the overwhelming majority of an Internet forum's population, hopefully), in comparison, rarely submit topics. Therefore, replies are limited to what topics already exist, which means that the majority of the topics created in the shoutbox are either nonexistent in the topic listing, or are not current.

Of course, it is not always the case that the administrator, or staff members, post the majority of topics, but this is very often the case for smaller Internet forums, especially the stand-alone, non-niche variety. This is important, too, since it is mostly these forums that struggle with activity that will have webmasters who care about activity being robbed from the topic listing area.

Also, since the shoutbox encourages such spontaneous interaction, and, as I said, allows participants to "move from one topic to the next more freely and with little effort", it is wrong to assume that these topics would have occurred just as likely within the topic listing area, where there are more stringent rules or standards for communication; e.g., off-topic posting is more regulated, even in the off-topic section. Even if you have a "spam" section, moreover, this doesn't encourage the same spontaneity as the shoutbox allows.

Finally, if a shoutbox really never encourages anything more than valueless interaction, why is it blamed for stopping valuable interaction from taking place in the topic listing area?

Countering Additional Arguments


It has been asserted that, all other considerations notwithstanding, the shoutbox remains redundant, as the Internet forum already provides several ways to communicate. Sure, there is the private messaging system, which is like the topic listing area except more personal. Also, depending on what Internet forum software you use, there is a visitor messaging area within each member's profile, and that is more like the shoutbox except more private. There are certainly other means, but those two examples should suffice. My concern, in any case, is why a webmaster would cut down on the ways members may communicate. I already explained why I believe the shoutbox is a unique method of communication, so with that in mind, I wish to share the following short essay by Richard Millington, "It's The Interactions That Matter Most":

Make sure you're always spending the overwhelming majority of time working on elements that directly increase the number of interactions in your community.

If you increase the number of interactions (comments, likes, ratings, blog posts, befriending etc..) your online community will be better.

If the number of interactions decrease, your community will decline.

Don’t be sidetracked with writing guidelines, resolving petty disputes, writing metric reports. Spend your time on issues that directly affect the number of interactions. Spend your time stimulating discussions, reaching out to members, soliciting volunteers, arranging events, rewarding contributors.

The point is to get members to communicate, whatever the means, as long as it's on the forum. It helps foster a sense of community, as members are more often communicating with each other and therefore quickly getting comfortable doing so.

Case in point: two members of my forum ("saturnword" and "Dhampir Boy") "met" after registering years ago, and were most active in the topic listing area. They frequently had one-on-one conversations in the shoutbox, and visitor comments area of their respective profiles, before they recently moved in together in real life.

Although they were using the several methods of communication afforded to them by the Internet forum, furthermore, their activity in the topic listing area only increased. I theorize that this is because the relationship they struck up with each other also helped to foster a sense of affiliation with the forum, thereby increasing their desire to make use of it.

After all, the challenge of every administrator is to make a member more interested in visiting his Internet forum than in watching whatever is airing on the television. What better way to do that than to encourage a sense of camaraderie among the members?

Obtrusiveness, Or "Ugliness"

The shoutbox, as a product, exists as a plural, not a singular. For Internet forums alone, several coders have constructed their own version of the shoutbox, and each construction has its own features, benefits, and disadvantages. That said, many webmasters should have the option to change the height and width of the shoutbox they choose to implement, and may sometimes be able to make other changes based on aesthetic considerations.

Furthermore, these shoutboxes designed specifically for Internet forums do a better job integrating by virtue of having been created with a specific Internet forum's code and construction in mind. With the many shoutboxes in existence for Internet forums, some expertly crafted and others not so much, the "look" of a shoutbox becomes more a matter of preference than one of any substantive standard like quality of integration.

A shoutbox may also be considered intrusive because it was placed near the top of the forum's front page, but this is usually the choice of the administrator, who should be able to place it near the bottom where it is may still be noticed, but doesn't demand attention.

Webmasters: Tips For Shoutbox Implementation

Much of what I wish to say here was alluded to in the previous section, but it may bare repeating. If you want to add a shoutbox to your Internet forum, first of all, try to find one that was made with the software you're using specifically in mind, as it is more likely to look more "natural" with the styles you're using.

Additionally, you want to keep the shoutbox from featuring too prominently on your Internet forum's front page, so be conservative with its height, and make sure to allow members to minimize or close it.

Lastly, I would make the shoutbox viewable only to members, as it should only be of concern to members anyway, and is unlikely to help with guests' first impressions.


I don't think the shoutbox is necessarily much of a positive or a negative; rather, it's but a minor perk. At my forum, which runs on vBulletin, the shoutbox is near the bottom of the front page, just above the "What's Going On?" box. I couldn't care less if the box was even lower than that, but its current location is fine. I do not like it near the top because I want the welcome message, sample topics, and forum list to be foremost in catching one's eye.

By posting new topics with my own substantive input whenever I can, I help maintain the activity of the sections of my forum. Along those lines, the idea is to start (or revive) topics on a regular basis so that there's at least content for members to look at (and look forward to). If you're not doing that, perhaps the reason why it feels like the shoutbox is sucking away activity is because there isn't much activity there in the first place.
(More commentary I posted on the matter.)

At phpBB Communities, I took part in a conversation about shoutboxes. Here was the exchange between me and another member:

Wrecks said:
Not to mention, someone might try to promote on those.
This is commonly feared on forums where a great many (if not most or even all) of the members are fellow forum owners with an advertising agenda (i.e., they come from promotion forums). The examples I have above [i.e., forums.kametsu.com and rpg-directory.com], which are certainly not uncommon, is of forums where the community is composed of a radically different membership. Mine may serve as example, too, in that very few of my members were forum owners, and although I have gotten a few registrations over the last two years from promotion forums I can only hope to name two who became active.

That said, as I pointed out in my article about shoutboxes, they exist as plural, in that there are many types, both by third parties or coded specifically for a particular forum or website software. With these choices come varying degrees of control and flexibility afforded to the staff, as for instance those I pointed out in a post about shoutboxes submitted at Mature Gamers forum (emphasis mine):

I see this as a window dressing argument. Sure, issues may occur in the shoutbox, just as they may occur in forum topics, profile visitor comments, private messaging, or reputation comments (many a large community has disabled negative reputation, or reputation entirely, as a result). The shoutbox is not so insulated that you cannot touch a member no matter what he does, especially when it comes to vBulletin, which has a lot of shoutboxes/chatboxes available for it at vbulletin.org and related communities. The reason this is of consequence is because these shoutboxes come with a plethora of features. For example, here are permission features available for Cyb's shoutbox:

- Usergroups able to view ChatBox but not post messages
- Usergroups NOT able to view ChatBox (comma separated ID list)
- Users banned from ChatBox (comma separated UserID list)

Note: When user is banned via menu in ChatBox Archive this field will be automatically updated
- Users with post count less than X can not view ChatBox - Set X
- Groups able to moderate ChatBox (comma separated usergroup IDs)
- Allow users to delete their own messages
- Banned BB Tags (comma separated, example: img, code)

Additionally, for a forum of this size, it should not be a big issue to moderate member accounts using the features built into the vBulletin software, if he is to abuse his shoutbox privilege. Well, assuming you have to go so far, because most issues may be resolved by simply talking it over with the member, from my experience.

While we are talking about experience, you gave as evidence your experience as a forum administrator that shoutboxes drain activity. Well, it is my experience that no drain on activity has occurred on my forum despite a shoutbox being present for much of its life.

However, let me throw that aside for the moment. To show that activity in forum topics has drained whereas activity in the shoutbox has increased does not necessarily show that the shoutbox is at fault; indeed, there may be other factors at work, which is something that must always be considered. Along those lines, there is information that needs to be included. For example, when was the shoutbox added? Have you come across similar lulls in activity before? How long has your forum been around? Also, were you the main topic starter at your forum, and was the rate at which you were starting topics at least nearly the same when you noticed a drain in activity as when activity was fine, and when there was no shoutbox? I do not think it is so easy to point to the shoutbox whenever there is a steady decrease in forum activity.
It is of course also important to have clear regulations in place. Going back to RPG-Directory forum, for instance, they have a highly visible (i.e., it is one of three "sticky" topics, including one on general rules and another on advertising in particular, in the first forum on the index titled "Rules and Information") topic titled "Shoutbox Rules & Guidelines," which includes the following rule on shoutbox advertising:

It is not allowed to advertise in any shape or form. Doing so will result in a warning, second time it might lead to a ban.
Wrecks said:
Yeah, but some may just do it with out bothering to read the rules on it.
This is a possibility in regard to all forum rules, as most do not read them. As pointed out above, the composition of membership for your community is one notable role in regard to the likelihood of abuse. However, as also pointed out above, there are varying degrees of control afforded depending on the shoutbox chosen, and some are indeed so comprehensive that you have as much control as the post-and-reply pages of your forum.

Wrecks said:
Especially like guests if it is open to them.
Yes, as pointed out above, the likelihood of abuse depends on several factors, one of them being the shoutbox chosen. In the example shoutbox quoted above, there is comprehensive control including user group permissions, which means not only the ability to shut out guests, but to only allow a special user group access (whether based on post count, or other criteria).

Wrecks said:
Not to mention, if members get into arguments in that kind of open area. It makes the forum look slightly bad.
The shoutbox is certainly more immediate to the view of guests than the post-and-reply system. Moderators may sometimes not be able to clean up quickly, though if you have a good team (with some more prone to be on at certain times, like with us at phpBB Communities) and the shoutbox has a good set of options, you can usually clean up quickly and with ease. I am reminded of a risk similar to someone registering in order to submit spam posts all over the place: Though this example is less immediate in terms of visibility, it may be said to be equivalent as a problem.

If you are worried about guests seeing potentially unflattering content, one of the options available to many shoutboxes is to have it visible only to members, though this option may easily be hard-coded as well. Relatedly, I even argue in my article about shoutboxes that the shoutbox be removed from guest view, as the conversations contained therein hardly entice guests, and there are certainly features more worthy of the guests' attention.

That said, there are solutions to the many problems brought up about shoutboxes, just as there are solutions to problems with other built-in aspects or add-ons to a forum.