The Crossing Guardian Newspaper


Retired Staff
Jan 15, 2005
Sautéed Mushrooms
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Alright y'all, STORM and I have been thinking and talking about a Crossing Guardian Newspaper, similiar to the NSider Times and all those other newspapers. We barely know anything about anything as of now. We know that STORM is the owner, and I will be the co-owner. We have thought about putting my new Fashion Magazine in it, CYNDA's fanfics and everything. This is just a thread to put suggestions for everything from names to positions.
Well, here are some names:

Golden Shovel Free Press
Turnip Weekly
Animal Crossing Pioneer Press
Golden Axe Times

Meh, I am bad at this. Maybe sections could be named after items. The Insect section could be the Golden Net and the Golden Rod for Fish. I could change my magazine to a column, the Flame Shirt. There could be a code section, too.

I think that a good job (for me especially) is a proofreader. I do have almost perfect spelling. Writers for different things would be good. Subscription Head is another idea, so that they could be sent via e-mail.
PIRANHA2 said:
can we add other fanfics aswell, like my friends?
If he is an NSider, yeah, I am not too sure if he is not.
Some of the sections could be:
Code of the Month (or however often it is published)
Monthly events
Houses and towns
Villager of the month
Other "of the Months"

A name for it could be The Fauna Magazine.
that'd be copying ac and could be arrested if you don't give credit. Lets go with something original like "The Guardian" or "The Animal Times" I like the guardian the most. As for sections there could be The code of the day, The Weekly events, villager of the week, furniture of the day, Fashion column. Also we'd send it via pm.
BASTOISE99 said:
that'd be copying ac and could be arrested if you don't give credit. Lets go with something original like "The Guardian" or "The Animal Times" I like the guardian the most. As for sections there could be The code of the day, The Weekly events, villager of the week, furniture of the day, Fashion column. Also we'd send it via pm.
Meh, I doubt you'd get arrested, or even noticed. Anyhoo, it is a newspaper, not a magazine.
I like the Crossing Guardian Free Press sounds like a good name. Naming the sections after items, would be cool, too.
My idea for the name was "The Golden Press." You may have see nthat name on TBT's main page becasue it was planned to be our newspaper. So what do you think of it as this name?
BASTOISE99 said:
that'd be copying ac and could be arrested if you don't give credit. Lets go with something original like "The Guardian" or "The Animal Times" I like the guardian the most. As for sections there could be The code of the day, The Weekly events, villager of the week, furniture of the day, Fashion column. Also we'd send it via pm.
What's copying? We weren't planning on having it called The Crossing Guardian.
My idea for the name was "The Golden Press." You may have see nthat name on TBT's main page becasue it was planned to be our newspaper. So what do you think of it as this name?
can I be part of it?
I would like to run a section called "House and Design"
It would be about people's houses and designs.

Also, how about a bussiness section that is on ways to make money.
Maybe a name could be.......hmmm.....lemme think......... The Weekly(or Daily) Bark(Quack Moo Squawk Meow or any animal noise.

Maybe a name could be.......hmmm.....lemme think......... The Weekly(or Daily) Bark(Quack Moo Squawk Meow or any animal noise.

I like the "Weekly Meow" :lol:
I think that we could have my fashion section be the "Gracie Top"
The Fish section could be the "Golden Rod"
The Insect section could be the "Golden Net"
Tips and Tricks could be the "Golden Axe"
The Animal of the Week (from MSHRM's contest) could be the "Mario Trophy" or just plain "Animal of the Week"
A code section could be the "Nintendo Bench"

I can get pictures for any item. If we could save it as a .doc file, we could have it be downloadable. I know how to make download links.
I can also put it on my website. But first, I want to think of a name.
PIKMIN042 said:
I can also put it on my website. But first, I want to think of a name.
And I'm making a newspaper at my Forums, so maybe we can collaberate.
PIKMIN042 said:
I can also put it on my website. But first, I want to think of a name.
And I'm making a newspaper at my Forums, so maybe we can collaberate.
I meant that I can make a web site that can be updated.