The Australia, New Zealand & South East Asia Thread!

I often stay up to like 2am on weekends or school holidays to do trades with people XD
So it's kinda annoying when you stay up late and someone either cancels on you or says - oh just wait an hour or so, I'm just going to do something. It's fine to not be free to trade but it's just when they change their plans. :/

I live in WA so my time zone is GMT +8 :)
I'm often online in the evenings and night because I'm at school all day. My town is rather messy rn becausr I've been doing a lot of trading and stuff XD
I often stay up to like 2am on weekends or school holidays to do trades with people XD
So it's kinda annoying when you stay up late and someone either cancels on you or says - oh just wait an hour or so, I'm just going to do something. It's fine to not be free to trade but it's just when they change their plans. :/

I live in WA so my time zone is GMT +8 :)
I'm often online in the evenings and night because I'm at school all day. My town is rather messy rn becausr I've been doing a lot of trading and stuff XD

My girlfriend and I often have that problem with trades. Fortunately we don't have social lives or like leaving the house :p

And omg! Another Perthie....? Perthite? Perthian? Person from WA!
I love this thread!

I am a player from the South Island of New Zealand.
My town is nearly 2 years old.
Came to TBT initially to trade amiibo cards but would also love friends in similar timezones to play with.

I'm on my phone at the moment but will add my friend code later.
Joined the Discord too, not that I know how to use it yet. :D

Can also add to the discussion that my EB Games have entirely sold out of amiibo cards with no sign of ever restocking them. And the JB in my city never had them, it only opened this year.
Alrighty, I just joined the discord chat! (Finally)
Milo all the way *pats my pug* Im australian vic :)

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O hi I forgot I already commented xD
Lol that's quite OK Aazia. It's a Thursday afternoon, and it's been a long week. The sooner it's the weekend, the better.
This is awesome!

I have never heard of discord before but I'm in. Just joined with the same name as here :)
I havent been at school or week since ive been sick I feel so depressed o_o luckily im ok now and going back tomorrow :)
It kind of was considering my docter was going to send me to the royal childrens hospital luckily i got better just before he did..
I'm from America but I wanted to say HIYA to ma friends from around the World!
Haha! Yeah it's really hot here. But I want to come to Australia so bad!!! New Zealand as well!
If you ever do decide to visit, there's plenty of sights to see. Though they tend to be in the eastern states, so I'm not sure what there is :p