The ACNH Rant Thread

I agree that the "Cranky" villagers are so nice that's it's sort of a misnomer to call them that.

I mean, I love the crankies who've lived on my island. But I wouldn't mind the villagers being just a tad bit meaner/more mischievious than they are.
I'm sick and tired of "Waawaawahh, I miss >this and that< from NL!11!".
I wish people would stop whining, move on, and finally accept NH for what it is!
Or, if you miss that stuff that badly: go back and play New Leaf! It's still perfectly playable!
Especially when it comes to furniture, I think there are a lot of solid options, even more so when you take refurbishing into account. How about you try something new and work with what is there??

It's just kind of grating to see that kind of topic pop up all the time. People need to learn to be flexible! Of all the complaints to have about the game, this is imo the least justified one.

I understand what you’re saying but people have a right to be disappointed and upset when a game they’ve waited for for so long and invested so much in doesn’t stand up expectations.
The New Leaf welcome amiibo update really spoiled us ngl. It set the bar way too high, putting in QoL updates and adding tons of new furniture. I don't know why they didn't think people would be somewhat disappointed when the next version of the game has tons of furniture removed, including entire sets that people liked. And I'll admit I am one of those people. Both of my favourite sets didn't make it into this game (Rococo and and Regal) and it's disappointing. Especially in the terms of the regal set, which has been in every version of a main Animal Crossing game up until now.

It also kinda sets up the expectation that they will do an update like that again since they did it with New Leaf, which is why I think people are more vocal about it because Nintendo did provide an update eventually, even if it was years down the line.
I need 4 more beetles and then I'm done with the bugs but I can't for the life of me catch them! No matter what I do they always fly away.
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I'm amazed by others creativity, although I agree that the game still feels a little incomplete for people who like to play everyday. I don't remember the last time I bought something new in the store - it must be a month at least.

NH has been so incredibly popular that I can't imagine some sort of expansive furniture DLC isn't released.
Why do the aquatic models have little plaques? The bug models look more natural to display with the plain stand.
Really missing fossil miniatures too.

I need 4 more beetles and then I'm done with the bugs but I can't for the life of me catch them! No matter what I do they always fly away.
Not a rant from me, but if you're talking about the cicadas on the trees you need to approach them slowly with the net already ready to swing. You have to match it with their movement. It's one or the other (I can't remember) if they're wiggling you should be good to approach and if they stop you need to wait for them to start wiggling again. It's like when they stop that is their alert status. Or it could be the other way around.

I'm amazed by others creativity, although I agree that the game still feels a little incomplete for people who like to play everyday. I don't remember the last time I bought something new in the store - it must be a month at least.

NH has been so incredibly popular that I can't imagine some sort of expansive furniture DLC isn't released.
Yeah some ideas are amazing like the panels to depict a far away building or the hat customs to make food, but come on Nintendo you need food now. All the other games had food based items.
So.. we can eat 10 turnips at a time.. Why can't we eat 10 fruits or pumpkins (if we stack those) at a time? Another thing that annoys me is that the Nookling store is slightly bigger than the Able sisters, making it hard to make a shopping area like in WW..
I hate spending an abundance of Nook Miles on NMT's only for there not to be a villager on the island D:
I feel like maybe Ive been getting really unlucky with my Nook Miles islands but I can hardly even find hybrids to take back to my island :/
I hate spending an abundance of Nook Miles on NMT's only for there not to be a villager on the island D:
I feel like maybe Ive been getting really unlucky with my Nook Miles islands but I can hardly even find hybrids to take back to my island :/
You need to have an empty plot (that is for sale) on your island for a villager to appear on a mystery tour, I did the same before I realised.
I hate spending an abundance of Nook Miles on NMT's only for there not to be a villager on the island D:
I feel like maybe Ive been getting really unlucky with my Nook Miles islands but I can hardly even find hybrids to take back to my island :/

The hybrid islands have been removed with one of the first updates
sprocket is visiting my camp, and he's been one of the villagers i've actually been contemplating on searching to find when i have an open slot. but i don't have an open slot right now, and i'm too scared he'll kick lobo out if he forces a move in :c

on a secondary not, why is he a jock? i dunno why, but i expected a robot-ish character to.. just not be like that. slightly makes me want him less, so i guess that's a relatively good thing considering my predicament. ugh.
I hate that not only I can't release creatures while diving but I have to constantly keep opening pockets to release them. Seriously why can't your pockets stay open when you release anything just like they do when you place an item.