The ACNH Rant Thread

A thing about removed features...

You may contact Nintendo about features that were removed and ask why they were removed (like house size being reduced). If they planned it for DLC, fine. But if they have a legitimate reason to not have certain features (like Nook upgrades and Brewster’s), then that’s when you should ask for them back. Right now, the game is still new, and paid DLC hasn’t been announced yet.

How do I contact Nintendo? I would like to ask them about several features like Art, Rooster's Cafe, or swimming.
even if you use the path tool to lay down qr codes they still work like regular qr codes and dont show up on map as path :(
and the ingame paths are not as great as the qr code paths im used too from new leaf
i know its a small thing but it really gets on my nerves xD
Anyone else notice the devs seem to hate Crankies and Snooties? They unlock so late. Honestly wish those would've replaced Peppy and Lazy on the initial mystery islands for a change of pace. Also anyone know when we get access to online adoptions? If it's right after the campsite, going for a Cranky off an online town.
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I have to wait months for it to be shark season...

Meanwhile everyone in southern hemisphere are making a lot of freaking dough with them
You can't see how many uses your tools have before they break. Would be nice if they'd let you know that.
Like others I'm not a fan of breakable tools, and imagine they will get really annoying after a while... Gonna get sick of constantly having to go back and remake stuff over and over and over and over. Was hoping only the flimsy tools would be breakable, but no... apparently even golden tools eventually break? Really hoping we get unbreakable tools at SOME point!
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I just wish I had enough free time to play during the day! I’ve pretty much only gotten a chance to play at night, and while I love the aesthetic, I really want to play during the day.
I wish the villagers had a bit more stuff for me to do! I haven't recieved any real tasks and now that I'm done with all the stuff Nook had for me I'm playing the waiting game :(
Also wish you got different hourly music earlier on (or even better, from the start), I'm already sick of hearing the same music all the time.

I miss gyroids, hope they'll be back later...

And the museum not having an art section... hopefully this and Redd will be added later

Overall I feel the game just has a really slow start compared to earlier games? I get the whole "building up a deserted island" thing, but still...
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- I'll be pretty bummed if the artwork doesn't return and Redd. :(
- I'm also confused why they reduced the house sizes so that's a bit tedious as well especially with so much amazing looking stuff with the new textures.
- I personally hate that the players are tied to switch users. So, if I want multiple characters for multiple houses to design, I have to make multiple switch users...and I can't online with each user because theyll require nintendo accounts and only one account can be sync'd to one user...annoying. Should have just kept it simple and like New Leaf's.
- Golden tools breaking supposedly.
- Storage in airport? Not sure if this comes later but man would a locker have been nice in the airport.
- I'm down to DIY but why the heck do I have to craft 1 medicine and 1 one fish bait at a tedious to sit through the crafting animation/selections 10 times when you have 10 clams in your bags.
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^^ if i catch one more black bass i’ll scream. their shadows look so much bigger now and it’s confusing :c

- the museum is gorgeous but i really hope redd comes back and that artwork can have its own exhibit again.
- i discovered today that the additional rooms in your house can no longer be expanded which is disappointing
- i really hate having to craft furniture for villagers moving in. i don’t mind crafting at all but having to do that just feels way too much like pocket camp and i don’t like it at all - plus, it’s exhausting.
- i really miss when my tools didn’t break - axes are one thing but having to replace all my tools 3-5 times per day? hate it lmao.
- having to pay 200 bells to send one letter sucks. i miss the post office and i miss when stationary was like,, 80 bells and actually sending letters was free.
- the fish shadow sizes are kinda wonky,, you have sea-bass sized shadows that turn out to be oarfish and you have bigger shadows that turn out to be black bass/sea bass.
- what is the reason behind the tarantula’s availability change,, also why do they spawn so easily now lmao they’re everywhere
I wish the villagers had a bit more stuff for me to do! I haven't recieved any real tasks and now that I'm done with all the stuff Nook had for me I'm playing the waiting game :(

They will after the town hall.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, the first week seems to be a tutorial, then on day 5 they give us nothing to do.
Sea Bass
Black Bass
Yellow Perch

Enough said.

Its kinda funny that the prices of both the sea bass and the black bass are raised to 400 Bells each. I remember when sea basses were worth 120 Bells, which explained why we hated sea basses in the first place. Now they’re worth more than the carp, which was always worth 300 Bells. But they are still hard to like because of their negative reputation from the past.
Lots of people seem to be stressed about the lack of shops... I can only assume they will be added in DLC

I’m FAIRLY certain the Nooks Cranny upgrade wasn’t there before 1.1 so I’m assuming they’ll add them when they should be available to prevent time travellers unlocking everything right away- cause although it may be how YOU play, it’s not how the game is intended to be played and prevents any spoilers tbh...
Lots of people seem to be stressed about the lack of shops... I can only assume they will be added in DLC

I’m FAIRLY certain the Nooks Cranny upgrade wasn’t there before 1.1 so I’m assuming they’ll add them when they should be available to prevent time travellers unlocking everything right away- cause although it may be how YOU play, it’s not how the game is intended to be played and prevents any spoilers tbh...

I kind of agree. A lot of people's disappointments about this game seem to be because the game itself was datamined instantly upon release. The Direct made it clear that there will be updates added incrementally. They probably even did this because they knew it would be dissected immediately. I'm fairly certain that all these "classic" features like bushes (and NPCs) will be added later on. Maybe Leif making a reappearance will be when bushes will be brought back? Who knows. But there's way too many Switch games now that also follow this type of pattern to not assume that this will happen to ACNH as well, eg. a game at release and then updates added throughout the year with patches and DLC. Splatoon does it. Pokemon does it. The Switch is so online-orientated that that's just the way that the games are on this system.

Anyways here are my rants:

- I agree that the hourly music is taking too long to make an appearance. I was so hyped about the music after listening to a few tracks that the only reason why the game is feeling "slow" to me is because the hourly music isn't appearing yet.
- I don't like how Mystery Island tickets are bought with Nook Miles. So far I haven't run out yet but I've been discouraged into going lately because I always get the same types of Islands. I still think they are really pretty though.
- I'm not too fond of the Nookling items having unique customisation for each player. I don't mind trading online and I love playing online, but I feel like this game is really pushing players to trade for items that frankly should be customisable. I know it makes each island more unique, but it's such an extra step to take to acquire the variants.
- (This is a "me" problem and also a rant about joycons) It's frustrating as hell playing this game with drift. I keep digging up the wrong things and interior designing is impossible.
- Gardening used to be one of my favourite things to do in ACNL. It's my least favourite in this game for sure! At least in this early stage. For one, I don't like shovelling flowers to replant them (RIP my shovel charges). I also haven't really found many uses for the plucked flowers at this stage so it's a shame that such an easy mechanic to move flowers in NL is now replaced with this in NH.
Meh. New Leaf remains the most transformative and fulfilling Animal Crossing game.

My main issue with New Horizons is that it isn't as relaxing as previous installments. Chilling out fishing? Whoops, let's break your fishing rod. Now you've got to go through the bore of chopping wood and crafting a rod through the tedious mechanics of crafting. You can't do what you want to do without interruption anymore and that's a problem.

Don't get me started on the missing content. We're paying £50/$60 for this game, give us more than enough in the base game, Nintendo. To echo what others have said, it's like they took a masterclass on how to release a game Sims 4-style (which is horrible).

I don't dislike the game, I'm just a little underwhelmed. They're definitely catering to a more casual audience who will play the game for a couple of months and then retire it indefinitely. I'm sure they'll add plenty of content through updates, but I'm still underwhelmed.

The villager dialogue is abysmal. Shame.

This is why you can't really give a game like Animal Crossing an accurate review score without having played it for a few months. Animal Crossing isn't a short experience.

Oh well. I'm staying optimistic and there's still plenty I do like about the game.