The 155 Pok

Wargle, Desukan, Rankurusu, Gochiruzeru, Abagoora, Yanakki are the only cool looking ones I see.
Bacon Boy said:
They're certainly better than Gen IV.
I liked Gen IV better because I can easily identify where they got the inspiration from. I recognize a few ones here, but other than that, I just see spikes and rocks.
-Aaron said:
Bacon Boy said:
They're certainly better than Gen IV.
I liked Gen IV better because I can easily identify where they got the inspiration from. I recognize a few ones here, but other than that, I just see spikes and rocks.
This this this, they look pretty dull and just put together without real thought.
AndyB said:
Some look kinda cool, but I'm really not bothered by any of them.
Exactly, I don't know why people don't really think this gen is "creative"...
But anyways, anyone see any pokemon that might be evos past pokemon besides the probably luvdisc evo?
They actually look like the fakes I see around internet, But they're real...

But anyway, I'll get used to it. I also see Bug/Steel and Bug/Fire, I like.
Josh. said:
They actually look like the fakes I see around internet, But they're real...

But anyway, I'll get used to it. I also see Bug/Steel and Bug/Fire, I like.
Bug/steel bug/fire? I guess I missed those since I was pre-occupied with ice cream... Do you remember the numbers?
I think they look pretty cool, regardless of them just being "rocks and spikes". It's a nice change in direction for Pokemon than just creating slight variants of real-life animals.
Jas0n said:
I think the look pretty cool, regardless of them just being "rocks and spikes". It's a nice change in direction for Pokemon than just creating slight variants of real-life animals.
I like the odd types, too:

Man I can't make up my mind so many look amazing, yet the other half are ******** and don't look like Poekmon more digimonish