tell me ur villager headcanons!!


Apr 16, 2020
hi sorry this thread has probably already been made but
i'm curious on people's headcanons for their villagers! like, are any of ur villagers dating, or perhaps besties? any spicy drama between your villagers? or perhaps just some traits ur villagers have!! i'm really curious, so tell me all about it!!
Tybalt is a really nice scumbag who used people.
Hes dating quillson for his money but is slowly becoming attached to him.

Quillson is a young 21 year old spoilt rich kid who is fending for himself for the first time ever. Assuming you don't count the fact his parents still pay for all his stuff. He doesn't realise he's being used.

Egbert puts on a smile for the crowds but is deep down very sad. I've yet to find out why but I'm sure I'll find out one day.

Harry is an avid fisherman.

Peggy used to star on a children's TV show when she was younger and since then has been trying to reclaim the lime light. Not that she would phrase it like that. She still thinks she's famous.

Tiffany is... well you've all seen her. You know what she is.

Sherb is a young child and frankly I'm not even sure how he ended up here. Someone should really call his parents.

Cherry never grew out of the goth style from her teenage days and wishes that personality types weren't gender locked because she's really into sports and would make a great goth jock.

Bruce moved in tonight so no comment on him

Maple... maple is on the island... God normal is such a boring personality type. She reads books and is kind to people. That's who she is.

I recently moved a load of villagers out.
Hans and Becky were an item.
Carmen was an activist in a love triangle with tybalt.
Cyd never really got any story because I knew I planned on giving him away after i got his photo
Tybalt is a really nice scumbag who used people.
Hes dating quillson for his money but is slowly becoming attached to him.

Quillson is a young 21 year old spoilt rich kid who is fending for himself for the first time ever. Assuming you don't count the fact his parents still pay for all his stuff. He doesn't realise he's being used.

Egbert puts on a smile for the crowds but is deep down very sad. I've yet to find out why but I'm sure I'll find out one day.

Harry is an avid fisherman.

Peggy used to star on a children's TV show when she was younger and since then has been trying to reclaim the lime light. Not that she would phrase it like that. She still thinks she's famous.

Tiffany is... well you've all seen her. You know what she is.

Sherb is a young child and frankly I'm not even sure how he ended up here. Someone should really call his parents.

Cherry never grew out of the goth style from her teenage days and wishes that personality types weren't gender locked because she's really into sports and would make a great goth jock.

Bruce moved in tonight so no comment on him

Maple... maple is on the island... God normal is such a boring personality type. She reads books and is kind to people. That's who she is.

I recently moved a load of villagers out.
Hans and Becky were an item.
Carmen was an activist in a love triangle with tybalt.
Cyd never really got any story because I knew I planned on giving him away after i got his photo
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH? i really like how much character you give to your villagers !!
I have a whole other list of headcanons based on the lore of my island but my general headcanons for my villagers are:

Del- Is a retired Navy Officer (based on his navy ship design and sailor poster). He's not a robot as commonly thought but instead he has prosthetic limbs and a cranial plate due to war time injury. He's in a relationship with Tiffany, drawn together by being the older residents of the island and also a shared bond due to their painful pasts.

Tiffany- Has a colorful past including being a former burlesque dancer. Like Del, she wanted a quiet place to retire and a place to put her past behind her.

Elmer- A blue-collared workhorse. He's a Lazy due to being in a haze of medications to treat his old workplace injuries.

Doc- More immature than Elmer, Doc enjoys teaching and is a remote elementary school teacher (he's the only Lazy with an education hobby!).

Tybalt- The good natured Jock of the village. Comes from a working class background, which contrasts with his best friend on the island, Pierce.

Pierce- An Ivy League rugby player from an affluent old money family (solely based on that preppy sweater he wears), Pierce is taking a year off to work on the island for fun. It took some adjusting, but he's getting along with the more rough and tumble locals. Best friends with Tybalt.

Piper- An aspiring pop singer and girlfriend of Jacques. They work together on her music career. She's a little bit of a diva, but they get along most of the time.

Jacques- An aspiring music producer, Jacques DJs as a side hustle on the weekends. He collaborates and helps his girlfriend Piper with her musical aspiration with instrumentals and mixing.

Eunice- The old kindly spinster of the island. She also runs the island's only laundromat and gets into long conversations with anybody that drops by.

Deirdre- The rough and tumble tomboy. She's always looking out for everyone but she one days dreams of leaving the island behind to explore the world.
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On my island:

-Mitzi, Ken, Roscoe, and Ed are either in a love triangle or in some weird limbo of trying to get over your ex. It's hard to tell. Early on in the game I would see Mitzi and Roscoe hanging out regularly, sending gifts, and occasionally sitting next to each other during concerts. I made them an item. However, I then saw Mitzi spending more time with Ken and less with Roscoe. Likewise, Roscoe and Ed have been spending a lot more time recently. There was even one funny incident when my character was walking and I saw them standing super close together. I watched them waiting to see if a conversation would start but they just walked away. Hmm, did I interrupt something?😄

-Chrissy left the sister duo first. She wanted a break in order to understand herself and moved to my island which was rural at that time.

-Francine is an overprotective older sister, so she moved in afterwards to look after her sister. Her house is to the left of Chrissy's and has pathway between their yards for easier access to her house.

- Graham is a BIG fan of Chrissy and Francine and moved in to be closer to them. Totally not because I adopted him. He's even their next door neighbor.

-Merengue and Pashmina are my local food joints. Merengue owns a bakery and Pashmina owns a retro-inspired diner.

-Mitzi is your local book enthusiast and encourages everyone to read more. She even has a tiny library outside her fence to encourage reading.

-Ken is a weeb. Nothing can change my mind about this.

-Roscoe wanted to be a rock singer when he was younger, but it didn't quite work out. That's why he has a tendency to sing everywhere on my island.

-Ed was a stylist for celebrities before moving to my island. Like Chrissy, he needed to find himself.

-There are no concrete or sidewalks on my town at the moment, so everyone either rides a bike or scooter to travel. They park their mode of transportation in front of Nook's Cranny.
on my island, sally is the big sis of poppy :3 *poppy's moving in in 4 days time :3 *

i think marina likes julian :3 she even showed up to his birthday party :3
marina likes poetry :3

& bubbles is biff's younger sister :3

i'm not sure about jakey... i think he's a child :3
Cherry and Lolly grew up in the same area, and Cherry talked Lolly into moving to Deilf Isle, because it was such a fun place. They often trade Lolly's baking for Cherry's flowers.

Sally is Filbert's older cousin, and she came to the island to help keep an eye on him. Because Filbert and Snake share one brain cell between them (I insist that Snake is a lazy just pretending to be a jock), she has taken Snake under her wing, as well. The thing is, neither of the boys realize that they are being looked after.

Lionel came, just for a visit, while he worked on his new one-lion show. He's decided that island life suits him, and has stopped taking calls from his agent. He moved into a house next to Lolly and in front of Purrl, thinking these cats might make for potential romantic interests. He's since adopted a more older brother attitude toward Lolly (I suspect Cherry and Dobie both spoke to him on that score), but still expresses interest in Purrl.


Purrl has shown no real interest in Lionel, preferring the more mature Gruff. She will use Lionel to try to make Gruff jealous, but it hasn't worked so far, and then she has to squash any new romantic ideas from Lionel. Fortunately, she is very good at that. She is good friends with Lolly and Sally, finding them to be sweet, innocent girls, and always trying to give them a bit more confidence. Flora confuses her, but she respects the goals of becoming a pop star. The unexpected friendship is between Purrl and Cherry. It started out a bit rocky, but they have bonded over similar taste in music, and annoyance at Lionel.

Flora lives in a dream world where she is the queen of pop. She talks about wanting to spread her wings and make her way in the world, but is actually hesitant to leave the nest. She also loves to play, and can often be found on a beach, running up and down. Generally easygoing, she doesn't put up with sass from anyone, and her slang and phrases often give Gruff and Dobie headaches. Still, no one stays upset with her for long.

Snake talks about working out a lot, but spends most of his time sitting under a tree, empty look on his face. He's a loveable, empty-headed boy and gets along with everyone. He's often dismayed at Sally and Lolly being able to do more squats than he can, though.

Filbert is a sweet baby who convinced his grandmother to let him strike out on his own. He loves snacks, naps, and can be brought to tears if someone raises their voice. Dobie and Gruff are patient with him, and have stepped in as surrogate grandfathers. Filbert looks up to Snake, and Cherry tries to talk to him, but she can be a little too blunt sometimes. I think she feels worse, after that.

Gruff and Dobie are the resident grandfathers of the island. Gruff adores Sally, and the two often share walks together. Dobie has adopted Lolly as family. She often stops to see him, and he just beams. Gruff is a bit confused by Purrl's interest, but there's a glint in his eye that tells me my cranky goat knows what is what. Dobie has formed a good friendship with Cherry, in which they trade insults. Anyone not in the know would think they can't stand one another, but it makes them both laugh.
My Island:

Julian-Precedes the era when the original castle and town stood, hundreds of year ago. His appearance ushered in the building of the Cathedral of the Celestial (a place of learning for stars and constellations), he was a celebrity throughout time. After the kingdom fell and the population left the island, so did he, travelling and star gazing for centuries. Once Nook Inc. bought the island, by then Julian had become interested in another type of star power. He helps promote the island via online brochure's and blogs.

Drago-Old in human years, but still young in dragon's, he remembers the original kingdom on the island, but only that everything tastes good. That and it wasn't long after he arrived that everyone moved out, doesn't know why though. He's been keeping the bugs company and foraging for food since then, now he's a regular denizen of the island once more since Nook Inc's purchase.

Knox-His family has been in service to the island as knights and caretakers since the original kingdom stood. However Knox is the last who actually still cares about the island. He's been doing his best maintaining the structures and statues, but without support he almost gave up in his older years. But thanks to the funding and resources from Nook Inc. He now has the help and materials he needs to keep up with things. He was even able to renovate the Cathedral of the Celestial and the star gardens to look closer to their former selves.

Sterling-Was one of the first new residents to settle on the island with Nook's Getaway Package. Although a love of sports and working out, this meathead has a passion for medieval sports and vast knowledge of knights, even if he is somewhat embarrassed about it. He was hired by Knox to be his assistant but more importantly to look after the patrolling and security of the island. He does his best, but, nothing really happens on Oldenbel. Even the dragons are friendly.

Molly-A young duck starting her life on her own, she fell in love with appeal of the island and moved in when she could. She busies her days being the best of herself and being a neighbor. She help's with maintaining the flowers with Nook Inc's Groundskeeper (my gf).

Tia-She was hired by Nook Inc. as a caregiver for the older residents of the island, but more importantly she came to start her own tea cafe business, using the local ingredients. One that has skyrocketed on the island.

Lionel-A retiring actor who has taken up being a playwright. Using the island as inspiration, he hopes to create something as famous as himself. Has history with Monique.

Dobie-An actually retired criminologist and detective, he has come to the island to live a quiet life. However, he can't help but keep looking into some of his old or other's cold cases. He may also have some crime novels he his working on, but his shy about it. In the day to day he does what he can to help out. Such as fishing for barbecues and selling bait/tackle, fixing furniture, carving knickknacks and chopping wood for campers. But he also loves his privacy.

Snooty-She became enthralled with the potential of the island and has come to help not only make it grow more, but to maintain some culture of the island's original owner's roots. She, with the help of Dobie's and the Island Rep's crafting skills. Has created a natural hot springs on one of the beaches to entice tourism and honor the heavenly cherry blossom's of the island and their seasonal impact.

Monique-An actress of both movies and theatre, she has come to get away from it all and live simply for herself for a while. She remembered Lionel once talking about it and came for a camping trip, fell in love and decided to move in. Much to mixed emotions from Lionel and herself however.

Moved out-

Agnes-One of the original of the new residents to move in. She came for the rough and wild lifestyle, but became bored with how the island soon became more of a bougie town. Left to return to more of a thrilling life.

Flora-Left to another island when she felt like it was a better fit for her.

Anabelle-Mistakenly came here thinking it was another island she was coming to vacation for. She left after her vacation was done.

Not related:

Rasher has killed a man
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I don't really have any backstories for my characters, but I like to pretend AC:NH is in a post-apocalyptic world where radiation has allowed animals to mutate and live amongst what's left of the humans. It helps explain why I have random priceless artwork and artifacts on my island; I am collecting the detritus of a fallen civilization.
Filbert and Marshal are in love. They are always hanging around each other or each others' houses and I've been sent on gift-giving journeys more than once. They're so cute together.
Wow, these are all really impressive! My island is still too new for me to have much history with all the villagers. I have decided that Dobie came to the island after his wife died--the house he lives in is her old family home, hidden away in a quiet corner of the island. Her grave sits near the house, so he can still visit her every morning as he waters the flowers. He was a detective, now retired, but he still spends most evenings combing through cold case files hoping to put his decades of experience to use for people who never got to say goodbye. His wife's niece and nephew live on the island (Maddie and Mac), and while he initially didn't want to bother anyone and thought they'd have no use for an old geezer like him they actually love having him around and their boundless youthful energy helps to bring him out of his shell a bit. For a while, Dobie was investigating a strange island resident, a newcomer that looked like no animal he'd ever seen...but he was quickly convinced that they were harmless, and they bonded unexpectedly after discovering that they had each recently lost someone important.

That's all I got. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my villagers to observe how they interact with each other...who knows, there could be a spicy romance unfolding right under my nose!