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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - Your Thoughts

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sentate gop rushes a tax bill through so hard, they manage to **** it up for the people they're most interested in serving

10/10, brb dying of laughter

This haste had an upside for the Senate GOP: It allowed the party to pass deeply unpopular changes to the tax code before the public had time to learn about them.

Sums it up pretty good, isn't this like all republican decisions nowadays though lol
or before they even had time to learn about them lmao

good job fools, on being able to finally claim a "win" for 2017

no biggie that you also colossally ****ed up, right?
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The Democrats made a similar mistake back when Obamacare was passed. The Dems not only got to pass it without a single Republican voting “yes”, but they didn’t even read the bill, hence why they lost seats. And now it’s already done more harm than help, yet it appears to be very popular (which actually bothers me).
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Pretty sure Orin Hatch and Chuck Grassley gave the game away. Unless you are a wealthy investor, you're essentially undeserving. As Grassley said, it would just be blown on "booze, women, or movies".

Tell me again how they have the interests of the middle- and lower-classes at heart.

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Or at least awful was putting it lightly... but it's really just a huge threat to lower income folks in terms of health, it makes the rich richer, it makes paying off student loan debts even more difficult and could make graduate studies accessible only to the very wealthy students, it favors big businesses who have corporate tax cuts(and this WON'T lead to more employment options, despite GOP claims...), it discourages any sort of homeownership for folks in the middle class(which is a tactic to make rich people richer), it's gonna repeal all of the local tax deductions which will effectively penalize people who live in states where the taxes are higher(and therefore states that tend to have more social safety nets and progressive voters), and the best part of all is how it’s predicted it'll have a horrible effect on nonprofits and charity organizations(meaning we're gonna have a drop in quality for services people are in need of.)

This is all just the beginning too, but what this all is promoting is just more political corruption... Like, repealing the whole Johnson Amendment has consequences, as I even quote:

[Doing so will] dramatically increase untraceable political spending and lead to the creation of 'sham churches' to take advantage of the new avenue for political spending, which — unlike donations to candidates, msuper PACs' and party committees — would allow donors to deduct contributions."[x]

For those who aren't familiar with the Johnson Amendment, its current job is to prevent churches and other tax-exempt organizations from organizing politically, endorsing political candidates, and so on. What repealing it would do is throw separation of church and state out the window… not to mention that it would give evangelical churches and televangelist organizations much more power, driving the country further to a sort of evangelical hierarchy. So much for freedom of religion, right fellas? (Then again, I'd argue that wasn't preached very often anyways in this country, but that's a different topic for a different day.)

That's not all, though. There's also a plan to grant personhood to unborn fetuses, and here's a quote:

The language is contained in an innocuous provision related to education savings vehicles — so-called 529 plans, which are state-sponsored, tax-free investment funds that allow families to put aside money for a child’s college education. The provision explicitly allows expectant parents to designate a “child in utero” as a beneficiary of a 529 plan.

Parents have long been able to set up 529 accounts for an unborn child, but the provision accomplishes what anti-abortion activists have long sought: It enshrines into federal law the recognition of the unborn.

Those of you who're familiar with me know I don't favor that sort of crap at all, and that's a completely moronic idea to push and agree on. Like, can you believe they still managed to put something anti-choice in a freakin' tax bill?

But yeah, as I was sayin'... awful is putting it lightly. This is some real bull.
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Wow, he got that travel ban act through too? Really now.

@Goshi.. wait what so you can set up an account for an unborn child... what the ****? also someone just slam those pro-lifers in the head with a hammer, or even better.. force them to live through an unwanted and bad pregnancy.
Wow, he got that travel ban act through too? Really now.

@Goshi.. wait what so you can set up an account for an unborn child... what the ****? also someone just slam those pro-lifers in the head with a hammer, or even better.. force them to live through an unwanted and bad pregnancy.

Well the setting up an account for unborn children has been a thing, but before this it wasn't specified as "child in utero" and what makes it so dangerous is how it's giving federal recognition to fetuses as "children" which perpetuates the whole pro lifer humanizing thing that only stigmatizes abortion even further. It's a mess.
Well the setting up an account for unborn children has been a thing, but before this it wasn't specified as "child in utero" and what makes it so dangerous is how it's giving federal recognition to fetuses as "children" which perpetuates the whole pro lifer humanizing thing that only stigmatizes abortion even further. It's a mess.

Yeah, exactly why I reacted like that... why is that even a thing and seems real messy is those people getting it through and getting more fuel for their pro-life campaigns...
Wow, he got that travel ban act through too? Really now.

@Goshi.. wait what so you can set up an account for an unborn child... what the ****? also someone just slam those pro-lifers in the head with a hammer, or even better.. force them to live through an unwanted and bad pregnancy.

I’m a pro-lifer, and I don’t believe in using violence against people for specifically having certain opinions.

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This actually turned my stomach. I hope you didn't mean this the way it came out.

I actually don’t. What I mean is that I don’t believe in forcing people to own anything, whether it’s good for them or bad for them. Now if I a choice to either keep Obamacare, or replace it with single-payer universal healthcare, I would rather stick with Obamacare. If I have a choose to keep Obamacare or repeal it completely, I would repeal it completely. The government should not get involved in healthcare. We should care for the sick, but this is none of the government’s business.
I’m a pro-lifer, and I don’t believe in using violence against people for specifically having certain opinions.

Well yeah, if there is one opinion/lifestyle whatever I can't stand it's this regardless of degree. I guess you wanna go back to the early-mid 1900s with illegal abortions and such (heck some countries still have even more strict abortion laws today, so yeahhh progress).

Also, apparently government need to step in since people want to be sick/healthy of choice rather than actually getting treatment and want to be healthy. I guess it's a result of all these years of "freedom" of choosing healthcare yourself, and only being able to get it if you have money (or if you are lucky and getting on Dr. Phil lol). Of course it's up to the doctor to set a diagnosis and treat you, it's like setting a random nurse in the senate, and a random senator doing a surgery if you get the point.
I actually don’t. What I mean is that I don’t believe in forcing people to own anything, whether it’s good for them or bad for them. Now if I a choice to either keep Obamacare, or replace it with single-payer universal healthcare, I would rather stick with Obamacare. If I have a choose to keep Obamacare or repeal it completely, I would repeal it completely. The government should not get involved in healthcare. We should care for the sick, but this is none of the government’s business.

Yeah, I know all about your stance on government and healthcare, and that's fine and all, those are your opinions. I'm just glad you don't actually feel the way you expressed in that quote.

they ain't gonna give a single **** about them once born, and we all know that

Yep, more true than most stuff nowadays.

Also what are they even gonna do with a ****ing "pro-fetus bank account" Like.. uh keep the money til the kid is born then take it for themselves for looks?
Well yeah, if there is one opinion/lifestyle whatever I can't stand it's this regardless of degree. I guess you wanna go back to the early-mid 1900s with illegal abortions and such (heck some countries still have even more strict abortion laws today, so yeahhh progress).

Wanna know what opinion I can't stand? There's a lot, but the one I can't stand at the same level you can't stand pro-lifers is any opinions in support of Black Lives Matter or Antifa. In fact, anyone part of these two groups or defending these groups, I have absolutely no respect for them to the point where I would not be friends with them. If anybody on this forum supports BLM or Antifa, I would:

- Not add them to my friends list
- Not buy or sell items/art from them or to them

If you are indifferent to these two, that's fine. I don't expect everybody to hate them.

I'm not sure if you're against the pro-life opinion that much, but I know that is the one opinion you can't stand.
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america is soon gonna be "land of the rich" it's already happening

Well considering the tax cuts are for, you know, rich people and corporations... people and companies who make millions or more... guess who has to pick up the slack? That's right my fellow working class Americans. I believe it even says in the bill that we basically all get tax cuts but in a year or two after it's actually implemented the working class taxes go up quite a lot. Do you know why? Because you're life is not worth anything and any money you make actually belongs to someone else. I think it also consolidates some tax brackets so now you may be in a higher tax bracket and don't get to get a return at the end of tax season too! I think this is just great for the American economy to starve the working class even more! What a wonderful job, President Trump. That was sarcasm by the way. I think the tax bill is just awful.

As for the heath care bill, America is just.... I don't understand why people want their fellow Americans to not be allowed to get insurance. Most people who complain that they're required to get insurance only complain because they can't afford it. If you can't afford it you were probably eligible for medicaid or a cheaper form of commercial insurance. I work with insurance every day at our local clinical office. When you say you're glad it was repealed you basically say to me that you are glad that millions of people who can't afford insurance don't get to have insurance. They don't get to go to the doctor when they're sick. You're saying that their life is not worth taking care of.

You tell me that you're okay with corporations taking money from you in taxes and getting tax breaks by reaching into your pocket filled with your hard earned money, but you're not okay with your fellow Americans getting the health care they deserve because you think your life is worth more than theirs. We're all equal people. You deserve to be able to go to the doctor just as much as they do.

This is going to be a very taxing (heeeey :cool: ) 4-8 years...
this made a lot more sense, thanks. but that's also real sad....sorry to all those poor that are dying without medical attention because the rich took their ability away. i can't do anything about it though. but i am very sorry :(
Wanna know what opinion I can't stand? There's a lot, but the one I can't stand at the same level you can't stand pro-lifers is any opinions in support of Black Lives Matter or Antifa. In fact, anyone part of these two groups or defending these groups, I have absolutely no respect for them to the point where I would not be friends with them. If anybody on this forum supports BLM or Antifa, I would:

- Not add them to my friends list
- Not buy or sell items/art from them or to them

If you are indifferent to these two, that's fine. I don't expect everybody to hate them.

I'm not sure if you're against the pro-life opinion that much, but I know that is the one opinion you can't stand.

ah yes, those groups that oppose systematic institutional racism, police brutality, and genocidal ideologies. truly they're the worst things in the country right now
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Wanna know what opinion I can't stand? There's a lot, but the one I can't stand at the same level you can't stand pro-lifers is any opinions in support of Black Lives Matter or Antifa.

i'd say most people for these two are pretty tame. you get a bunch of bad apples in all kinds of groups. the issue is a real one.
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