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☀️ sunnytop ☀️

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


curious ghost
Feb 11, 2014
Toy Duck Plush
Toy Duck Plush
Pink Love Potion
Bloodshot Potion
Swamp Potion
Eerie Star Potion
Purple Bat Potion
Pink Star Fragment
Red Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Hi :3 I'm Parker, the resident representative of Sunnytop! I hope you enjoy this blog of my island adventures~



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I've been playing since launch day, so my island has seen quite a few changes c: Here is my original map vs. my map now




My original residents, Ursula and Tybalt are still here c: I like all of my current residents, but I'll let many of them move out so that I can see more faces. I really enjoy the nook miles island hopping, so that I can have a little influence over my residents without needing to trade online. I'm pretty indecisive, and it makes it easier than trying to seek specific villagers from other players c:
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Here's a few photos of my island and house entrance! I'm going for a natural theme on my island with mainly white, yellow, and orange flowers (I can't wait until my tea-olive bushes are in bloom!). I still haven't decided which flowers to put on the lowest or highest level of my personal mountain, but I really like the arrangement of black hybrids on the second tier :3



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I made an exciting addition to my island today.. Mush lamps :3 <3 Originally, I wanted to wait until November to earn and craft them myself, but I'm glad I didn't because they're too cute! I think many of the mush items will really look great, but I think I'm going to wait until I can earn the DIYs myself. I don't time-travel, so who knows if my patience will truly last that long.
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Here's a night tour of some of the most scenic areas in Sunnytop :3 I still have work to do on the beaches and updating a few of the flower beds, but I am happy with what I have so far! Obtaining a 5 star rating wasn't that difficult for me since I naturally dispersed my furniture, although the tree limit is my worst enemy. Once I collect enough lily of the valley flowers, I may add more trees and just accept a lower rating.
Here's the beach area near my house c:




Here's a cute little picnic spot <3

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This next area on my island sometimes causes frames to drop if it's raining, but I like it anyways. The entrance is a little tucked away and guarded by gnomes, but you can also enter and exit from the NE beach. That's a stargazing area on the rocky cliff :)








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The island is especially peaceful at night <3

Here's my lucky bamboo island! It came as a part of my original map, and I thought it would be a great way to display my bamboo while preventing it from spreading all over the place. I guess that's not much of an issue in New Horizons since you only get one bamboo shoot per tree, but I like the look of it anyways. It's one of the first areas I created :3 This is the only spot on Sunnytop with blue flowers; I think they really pop.



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The top cliff area is one of my favorite places. After I placed a few orange, yellow, and white flowers here, I decided to change all of my island's flowers to match c: In New Leaf I used pink, purple, and blue flowers, so it's nice to have a change of pace. Plus I feel that the warmer colors make Sunnytop truly sunny for once (although it's rained almost everyday this month).


I'm hiding behind the tree :3



I really want to change some of the flower species so that these beds feel more cohesive.. it probably needs more mums

Bonus Wisp~

Here's my little rest area for my residents and campsite visitors to use (well it's there if the campers ever left their tent). I can't decide what to put on the snack machine, but I feel like it needs something. I might put my green portable radio back up there for now.


On the other side of the clifftops behind the museum is my secret garden <3 It grows green mums because they are the best flower. The giant moon makes me happy. I'll probably swap out the stool for the mush stool when November arrives c:


Ables in the background~

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Here's my campsite area! Thankfully, there's a camper there tonight (the campsite just looks best that way, ya know). I have a little area for them to cook some food.


If you take the pathway to the right of the campsite, you arrive at the secret beach! (I'll never forget the amazement I felt after knocking down the UFO in Wild World... so cool)


On the beach nearby I have a nice Egyptian desert scene (thanks Gulliver!)


Here's my "rock garden". They aren't in a tight group, but it's nice to have them close to each other for easy resource gathering. Plus, it gives the forest surrounding the camp a more natural feel than the rest of the island.


Here's Nooks Cranny and its entrance from the other side of the bridge. Good thing there's a sign; it's kind of hard to see :3


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Here's the seating area behind resident services :3 this is pretty much the only interesting thing you get to see on the flight into Sunnytop



Little beach playground near the airport <3


Well that's most of Sunnytop that's worth seeing so far. It's crazy how fast everything gets developed. I can't wait to see what changes the future will bring (also for the ground to be littered with mushrooms come November). I'll get a few pictures of the residential area tomorrow when more residents are awake~
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As promised, I took a few pictures of my residential area although it wasn't sunny (again). I'll change the flower beds and exteriors a little with each new resident, so I haven't put too much time into them. Just enough to feel like everyone has a personal space <3


I went back to get more photos because I really like his little lake (which he asked for personally!) surrounded by bugs and his tricycle c: I'll probably keep Filbert forever even though he's got the starter interior (definitely not ready to part anytime soon)






Bye-bye c: Don't know who I'll ask to move in yet, but not another smug (1 is enough). I'm excited to see what luck the Nook Miles Islands will bring me this time!

The man. He's probably here forever <3 I went back later to get a picture of the other side of his house


She is also probably here forever <3 so cute

That's the residential area so far! It's nice to have all of my residents together and close to the front for easy visitor access c: Sometimes I wish there was a little bit more room between them and the main entrance, but I probably won't move anything around as it's a pain. I'll post my flyover video when I get a good one.. I was zoning out today on my flight back to Sunnytop and accidentally started recording too late. Oh well, it gives me more to post in the future :)

Also, Raymond asked to leave Sunnytop today! Last time he asked, I panicked and said no even though I knew I didn't want him forever, but having two smugs can be a little annoying (sometimes they have the exact same dialogue when I talk to one right after the other -_-; ) If Raymond is a dream villager for you, make sure to enter the giveaway raffle which ends tomorrow at 1pm EST :3

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I haven't updated this journal in so long! Not much has changed in Sunnytop, just a few things here and there. Chevre moved in and she and her house are precious <3 (I also feel obligated to find Nan now)


Also, my birthday happened! Everyone at the party looked so cute, and delivering the cupcakes was really fun :3 <3 The messages during K.K.'s performance were so sweet I might have teared up a little



Here's a look at some of the minor changes I've made around the island since I last posted..
I only participated in the first fishing tourney once, so I was happy to get a couple more prizes this last time around


I put some lucky bamboo at the entrance to my fishing area! I'm thrilled that this item can finally be placed outdoors. Also, I re-customized the nova lights because I thought the area looked cuter this way :3 It still needs some work, but I'm not in a rush



I changed the flowerbeds in front of the museum~


And lastly is one of my favorite spots on my island, the little seating area next to the campground c: I've posted this before, but I put the portable radio back on top of the snack machine and I couldn't help but repost <3

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I've updated my town quite a bit since I last wrote in my island journal..
Here's a flyover video of Sunnytop c:
In preparation for the update, I made a farm area with a new resident (Turnip). I liked the natural looking area so much that I decided to get rid of all my rock paths and add more weeds/trees. I'm pretty happy with how the island is looking right now, and I especially love the halloween decor. I'll probably upload a dream address once mushroom season comes 🍄

I'll upload some new pictures soon!
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Here's some more recent pictures of my island :3
I realized that the twitter account I have for uploading my ac pictures is set to private, so you might not even be able to see the flyover video I posted above .-.

I updated the area around my house to get rid of the really loud waterfalls.. I ended up falling in love with the tiny creek though <3

I traded out my shell fountain for a hammock spot. I think the lack of paths makes the area feel more wooded and calming.. also it's really nice to hear the crunch of the leaves again. In this picture I'm stealing a fish from Vivian :devilish: I've never seen villagers fish in front of an actual shadow before, so I felt a little mean taking it.. not enough to not do it I guess


I really love the halloween decorations. This is the first time I've ever decorated my island for a holiday, and it's been a lot of fun c:

We didn't get Brewster's cafe with the new update, but I'm still hopeful for the future! This is the spot I'm reserving for my cliffside cafe.


The biggest change I've made to my island has been removing the waterfall fishing area and replacing it with Turnip's farm. One of my least favorite areas on the island quickly became one of my favorites, and Turnip is such a cutie. Here's the entrance to her farm! The gnomes are still there lol

And here's Turnip! Considering how dense the forest is across most of my island, it's nice to have a spacious area to look at the sky (and use for future snowman building)



Thanks for looking at some of my updates :) I didn't really know where to fit this beachside arcade into the flow of things, so I'm just shoving it on at the end. Here you go!
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DA: 5368-8367-8653

Updated my island's dream address for winter! It's all christmas trees 🎄✨ I couldn't resist replanting all of my trees bc the lights are so pretty. Still haven't made a perfect snowman yet .-. but the pretty snow makes up for (almost) all of my heartbreak.
I removed all of my leaf piles bc they didnt look right with the snow. I think my island feels less cluttered now, so I may not even replace them when spring comes.
If you stop by, there are a few tools just south of resident services if you want to fish, catch snowflakes, pole vault, or use a ladder

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i've been doing a lot of work on sunnytop lately! mostly, i've been trying to clear out some visual space by removing flowers, bushes, and weeds. also, i've replaced a lot of flowers, so there are more whites and yellows around than the bright orange (which was becoming too much to look at).

today, i removed almost all of my weeds that aren't fully grown in the hopes that more start growing to later stages.. i didnt count because laziness, so i guess i'll just have to wait and see if they grow at all 😅

here's some new pictures. i'm getting a little tired of the snow, but i really love when it is actively snowing (also the auroras are amazing!)
rudy and me enjoying the view

marshal's hot take on holidays

i found the last arcade machine needed for my beachside arcade!

rudy performing his ritual dance under the festival moon

i agree with you, nan

thanks for checking out my journal update c: i try to keep my dream address updated as often as i can. right now, my island dream is in the middle of a snowstorm! ❄
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i havent updated this in about a month, but i havent changed too much. i updated the hair and eye colors for both characters. now i have white (well its sort of silvery) hair with the light gray eyes, and turnip has green bedhead with brown eyes.

i swapped out the orange flowers in front of nooks cranny with black ones. i think it fits the area better and i was getting tired of so much orange. theres barely any left on my island now :eek: i dont think ive cut back on enough weeds to continue growing any more, but ive been too lazy to count them all and find out how many i need to remove. ill do it eventually haha i would like to have as many large weeds as possible. it was raining on my island today, so i updated my dream address again :3 feel free to stop by (dream address in my signature). the rain is some of my favorite weather to play in, but it is a pain to dig up all of the flower buds the next day. i dont have any paths, so they spawn absolutely everywhere -_-;


i dont think ive ever posted pictures of all of the rooms in my house, so here goes. i havent prioritized item hunting or trading, so i just worked with what i did have. im really happy with how it looks so far, but im sure ill make changes as i continue to get more items.
heres my main room. i tried to make it cozy like a winter cabin getaway. sometimes i wish i could relax here.

this is my kitchen. i really like the fruit set

this is my office/gaming/craft/laundry room haha i guess i could call it a multipurpose room. i used a lot of the pastel furniture i like here. i also included zodiac furniture to match my sun, rising, and moon signs (cancer, aries, and gemini).

this is my bathroom :3 i would love to soak in this bathtub in real life. i put up a bathrobe on the wall above the stool so that my character would never get cold when they leave the tub (you cant see the robe in the photo bc its behind my character). i also placed a heater in the corner to keep the bathroom toasty

this is my bedroom and the room where i change outfits. i like the dark wood furniture, and the stormy wallpaper is one of my favorite wallpapers in the game. it would be so nice to sleep with it

last is my diy workroom/dream suite with the aurora wall, another one of my favorite wallpapers

thanks for reading my update c:
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