Soup, /tbt/.

Heyy there.
Any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
&& Welcome to TBT:)
Rockman! said:

Are you from 4chan?
Well, I'm from California, so no, I don't live there. But yes I frequent it a lot. Don't worry, I don't troll. :)
I know what ch@n is. I was playing on the structure of the quest-- yeah nevermind, that was a poorly executed joke. Derpa derp.
For some reason, you seem familiar.
Rockman! said:

Are you from 4chan?
Well, I'm from California, so no, I don't live there. But yes I frequent it a lot. Don't worry, I don't troll. :)
I know what ch@n is. I was playing on the structure of the quest-- yeah nevermind, that was a poorly executed joke. Derpa derp.
Sorry. I'm feeling quiet noobish today.

*hits self on the head with 2 by 4*
@ Sakura: Is it because I'm relevant to everyone? (;. Just kidding. Nice to meet you.
@ Kyel: Sure. I'll give you a kiss... with my fist. :D.
Nic said:
Nice picture you got of 4Chan.
You mean off*? But I am highly flattered that you think someone would picture fake me. :D. And since you think so highly of this board that /b/ would troll it, I think I'll feel right at home.
Kyel said:
0snap! she/he bout to make dis *censored.2.0* her/his home son!
LUL I prove u, I b real. If not, u all can burn me at the stake and call me a wrench!
Bish, I'll do that on my own time, ain't no need no permission