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Sea witch/ mermaid themed house help!


Oct 4, 2016
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Hello from the witchy Autumnal town of salem!

For my 4th pc/villager i want them to be a sea hag/ mermaid/Sea witch and i'd like their house to reflect that!

Im haveing issues comeing up with room ideas though. :(

So far i just know that shes going to have a very oceany bathroom with sea shells and stuff but i dont really have much else in mind.

Your thoughts will be appreciated! Thanks!
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I suggest using intimidating sea creatures from the ocean, so sea creatures like the football fish, spider crab, and moray eel. And if you want to go big, there’s always the sharks to choose from. The creepy set also has the fortune teller orb thing which would be perfect for a sea witch
For the more mermaid look, use more of the tropical, colorful fish from the ocean, so clownfish or butterfly fish for example. There are also some pretty adorable splatoon items you could use too.

If you’re going for the “Little Mermaid” Route, you could make the top floor Eric’s Ship or a sandy beach with a royal theme
For furniture sets, the mermaid set and fish set would be a good choice, obviously. Other than that, could the regal and rococo sets work? Personally, I think they give off a powerful vibe that could be very oceany if you pair it with some nautical items!

If you’re looking for specific room ideas, maybe you could do a main entryway with a general ocean feel, like you’re underwater. You could use shells and the underwater wall and floor! You could also make a room for different treasures she collects in the ocean, and another for her to practice her spells. You could use some of the furniture that Jack has for that.

I hope that helps, I’m sure it’ll turn out great!
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Thanks for your feedback!

And its more of a sea hag vibe or a tempest cleric than a little mermaid. She changes just like the tides and has more of a darker side. Still thanks everyone!
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I think the rococo furniture would work pretty well for that kind of thing. I know you can customize the lamp so the light will give off a blue or purple shade. If you turn off the main lights, you can use those to illuminate the room more intensely. To me it makes the entire room look very moody and mysterious.
Oh, fun! I'm doing a witchy house but not specifically sea-hag.

Some ideas:

Floors: ancient tile; galaxy floor; ice floor; mermaid floor; ramshackle floor; shanty mat; shipdeck floor; underwater floor; water floor
Walls: bamboo-grove wall; dirt-clod wall; garden wall; ice wall; mermaid wall; sea view; shanty wall; sky wall; tropical vista; underwater wall

Check out gyroids, I bet there are some creepy/watery ones.

Furniture: drip pail for the sound effect; aurora screen (a little too "pretty" maybe but definitely magicky); bamboo bench; bamboo fence; barrel; beacon fire; birdbath maybe?; blowfish sashimi; blue vase; bonfire; bottled ship; broken post; brown pot; campfire cookware; carp banner; clay furnace; coconut palm; cool globe; creepy cauldron; creepy crystal; creepy skeleton; the Fish set; deer scare; Diver Dan; egg lamp; elder mask; fairy bottle; female mask; firefly lamp; firewood; fish grill; fish on a board; florence flask; garden rock; gaudi's lizard; gemini closet; giant stew pot; Gorgeous set; Gossip stone; hearth; helm; hibachi; hologram machine (might look too high tech though); hourglass; hula girl; Hyrulean treasure; iceberg; ice lamp; Ikada trophy; iron garden chair; iron garden table; jomon pottery; kadomatsu; keg; kokeshi doll; large egg; Lon Lon milk; lotus lamp; lotus pond; mannekin pis; master sword; medicine chest; merlion; mermaid statue; Metroid (may also be too scifi); moai statue; moss ball; moth orchid; mouth of truth, mugho bonsai; mush chair; mush lamp; mush wall lamp (esp if this can be refurbished to a spookier color); ninja sword; ogre mask; oil lamp; otomon egg; outdoor bath; Pave set (for the blue)?; peacock chair; pickle jar; Pikmin; Pipe (these last two might be too brightly colored); pirate's armor; Pisces lamp; pitcher plant; plate armor; Rupee; Sagittarius arrow; sailboat model; sand castle; sconce; Scorpio lamp; sea globe; ship compass; skeleton; snail clock; squid bumper; stag beetle chair; star globe; steamed lobster; stewpot; stone lantern; succulent plant; Super Sea Snail; sushi container; sushi bench; sushi platter; sushi tray; tall garden rock; tall lantern; treasure chest; udon soup; Virgo harp; wave breaker; white pot; wooden bucket; Wyvern eggs; zen tea set

Fossils: archelon; dimetrodon; unassessed fossils; ichthyo; plesio; ptera

black, blue, and purple flowers

Art: ancient statue; dynamic painting; gallant statue; motherly statue; moving painting; valiant statue
Thank you that was very helpful and i appreciate it! I already have a normal witch House! Its just each of my townies are a specific kind of witch!

1. Normal eclectic witch
2. Death witch/Graveyard keeper
3.Green witch/Gardener
4: Sea hag/Sea witch

Thanks again!
When I think of a sea hag, I picture a little run-down hovel. Lots of barrels from Pascal, maybe the ship's deck flooring. It would be awesome if you could find or make a QR for the walls that looked like old netting and sails.