Satoru Iwata Passed Away on July 11th

I'm crying my eyes out. ( I don't usally cry when people die. ) He..sigh..was an amazing person..
rest in peace
i really cant say anything that has already been said
you have been amazing for nintendo and probably changed a lot of kids live with earthbound and other games
Seeing all the things he's done has made me even more sad to see him go...

I think Mother 3's Theme of Love would fit Iwata's exit from this world...
My friend sent me this in my group chat:


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this is one of the saddest things ive heard in a while
i wasnt expecting to cry today yet here i am bawling my eyes out
I'm pretty sad about this, he was always my favorite. I'm still in disbelief...
I saw this while playing Splatoon, I thought this was a joke, came on here, and BOOM. It was true.


This must reaaaally hurt Nintendo :eek:

He missed his console! (The NX)
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A part of me died along with him..

Such a great and kind CEO, he truly will be missed
May he rest in peace, as he deserves.
I can't believe it. :( He seemed like such a wonderful person and I've always really looked up to him.

Rest in peace.
I have just heard the news. Can't believe he passed away so suddenly :( RIP