Satoru Iwata Passed Away on July 11th

Such a sad day in the gaming community. Rest in peace. Please understand.
Rest in peace, Iwata.
Thanks for everything you have done.
You will be missed.

The more I read and see about this, the sadder it makes me. :'(

I just...I really have no words. I'm actually playing through my library of Kirby games right now so I can honor him, in my own bizarre way. He's the whole reason the games even exist and I will be forever grateful.

RIP, you wonderful man. I know my gaming screens will seem a litter dimmer now... </3
Had to do a double take the first time I saw it, died way too young. :(
I was very sad to hear this news earlier. Not only was he the leader of Nintendo, but a genius programmer and game developer as well.

Goodbye, Iwata. :(

Iwata was truly a beautiful person. When Pokemon G/S was in the works and GameFreak had trouble fitting the game onto a 2MB Cartridge, he came in and compressed the game, leaving enough space for Kanto. When Earthbound was on the verge of cancellation, he came in and rewrote the game's coding, which gave us the classic we all know and love today. When Super Smash Bros. Melee was in development, he debugged the game to make sure that it got out on time.

Rest in Peace, Satoru Iwata. Nintendo, and the gaming community as a whole, wouldn't and won't be the same without you.
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RIP Satoru Iwata.
I was really shocked earlier today when I heard about it. He died so young and will be missed..
The world lost a beautfiul and brilliant mind, and far too young. The world of gaming definitely wouldn't be what it is today without him.

Rest in peace, Iwata. Thank you for everything you've done.

that's pretty sad :/ such a huge loss
(hope they release some of the games he worked on the 3ds eshop as a tribute eventually, so more people can rediscover them. like earthbound, pokemon gold/silver etc. wondering where things will go from here.)

his charm and playfulness in the Directs will be missed.
thanks for taking us on this journey.
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Wow.. This is unexpected.. There was never any mention of his condition previously of him going through anything was there?
Rest in peace , Mr. iwata. You will be missed and not forgotten. Nintendos legacy will live on in your honor.
Rest in peace man. Thank you and we will miss you dearly.

The amount of times I've stayed up to 3 or 4 in the morning just to watch some charming old man speak Japanese I can't understand in front of a camera for half an hour...
