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Rune Factory 5!


Magical Girl
Dec 14, 2013
So I was just looking for videos to watch and I found the RF5 trailer which surprised me because I didn't even know they were making a new RF game, much less that it was already out!

Anyone who's into the series or bought this game, what do you think? I haven't played any other games in the series except RF4 but I still play it because I enjoy it so much. I want the new game but I wanted people's thoughts on it before I drop $60 on a new game :')
it's not as good as rf4. controls are slow and don't feel fluid, frame rate is choppy, the world is too big and feels empty and cold, it's too much for the switch to handle so often crops/people don't load in for a few seconds. characters move in such an alien way, there's not much interaction between the characters so doesn't feel like an interactive world, the furniture placing is terrible, there's no seasonal fields anymore

on the plus side the characters are all fun and there's more choice now that you can marry anyone, it's still a good game but for me it's definitely lacking all the charm from rf4, if you've got the money to spare i'd say go ahead because i've sunk about 60 hours into it and have genuinely been enjoying it
I was gonna buy it cause mog recommended it (pre-release) but after seeing a streamer play it I changed my mind lol. I don't like the graphics in the overworld (I do like the character art). I'd rather save the money for Bayonetta 3 at this point.
I was gonna buy it cause mog recommended it (pre-release) but after seeing a streamer play it I changed my mind lol. I don't like the graphics in the overworld (I do like the character art). I'd rather save the money for Bayonetta 3 at this point.
im SORRY lmao, im glad u didnt buy it coz i kind of regret it tbh (need to justify the £60 i spent tho so i'm pretending it's still fun even tho i've legit just started another rf4 play through instead)
it's not as good as rf4. controls are slow and don't feel fluid, frame rate is choppy, the world is too big and feels empty and cold, it's too much for the switch to handle so often crops/people don't load in for a few seconds. characters move in such an alien way, there's not much interaction between the characters so doesn't feel like an interactive world, the furniture placing is terrible, there's no seasonal fields anymore

on the plus side the characters are all fun and there's more choice now that you can marry anyone, it's still a good game but for me it's definitely lacking all the charm from rf4, if you've got the money to spare i'd say go ahead because i've sunk about 60 hours into it and have genuinely been enjoying it

Yeaaaah all the reviews I've found were really mixed and I was really hoping to find something redeeming because I really like all the characters this time (Murakumo being my choice of bachelor lol) but that alone isn't enough to justify buying it. Maybe if it was like 40 bucks, sure....
I’m afraid of getting this game because RE4’s crafting system was too obtuse and convoluted for me. I like the characters, farming and combat, but upgrading anything was a pain.
All the mixed reviews make me so sad.

It's pretty much the only game, aside from Pokémon Unite, that I've been consistently playing since RF5 released back in March. I absolutely loved RF4 and was super excited for RF5.

It definitely has its issues (frame loss, open world but somewhat sparse, short story compared to 4, even had a few crashes), but I'm just happy and grateful that we were even blessed with the game. I mean, I was sure RF4 was going to be the last game in the series.

I can deal with the shortcomings because I absolutely love the series and also believed that RF4 was going to be the last game, but I understand people new to the series may not want to spend the money on a game that may not be great compared to other games in its price range.

I do think that RF4 may be a better game (honestly the world feels more alive in RF4), so if you haven't played RF4 before, I think that would be a better game for the money, especially if you can look past the graphics. Both games have good stories, good characters, but I just think RF4 goes above and beyond and is definitely more polished than RF5 currently is. Something I miss about RF4 that RF5 doesn't have is that when you take NPCs out on adventures with you during story missions, they will give dialogue that you can't get otherwise, which is something RF5 is missing; it gives replayability and the NPCs have so much character.

I'm particularly biased so I can't very well recommend this game to people and feel good about it, especially with the issues it does have. I will say that if you enjoy farming games like Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, or Fantasy Life, I think you'll find enjoyment from this game.

I did manage to get my partner to try out the game. He bought his own copy and though he didn't really want to play it, he decided to try it since the series is so important to me. He admitted he didn't enjoy playing it at first (very understandable when you're doing something you don't really want to do), but as he continued playing he got to a point where he was actually having fun with it. I have even caught him playing it basically first thing after he wakes up...multiple times! Makes me happy that he eventually found joy in something I hold dear to the point where he will go out of his way to play it on his own.
RF4 definitely has a lot of advantages over RF5, but I wouldn't say that RF5 completely lacks charm. It seems like there are a lot of areas of the game that the creators put heart into, and for that I've really enjoyed playing it so far.

I tend to take my time in these games, working slowly and building up lots of different things at the same time like my farming and weapon skill and things like that, so I'm no where near finished with the game, but from what I can gather the story seems much simpler than RF4, while certain new mechanics (like the farm dragons and crystals) are more fleshed out.

The frame rate was...surprising. It drops every time you load a new area and especially when you first load the game, but after that it runs pretty smoothly. It actually seems to work better in handheld mode for me which is surprising. It's pretty easy to ignore it since it goes away pretty quickly.

Where the game really shines is it's characters, and honestly I can recommend it based solely off of that. It's Rune Factory, and those games always have a good quality of characters. It's been lots of fun getting to know them al and participate in their events.

I'd say go for it, but if the gameplay/framerate are things holding you back, it might be a good idea to wait until it goes on sale maybe.