• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

R.I.P. Team Fruit

Oct 20, 2014
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
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327432, Post #1

This is dead c: I hope you're very happy~

R.I.P. Team Fruit. You'll be missed <3...

As you know, Team Fruit is dead. Team Popsicle beat it to a pulp. (;D get it? eheh...)
Anyways, shortly after Team Fruit died, STFR (Secret Team Fruit Revived) was born. It's just a secret group that was created by me along with the creator of a previously dead team, we use our secret knowledge of collectibles to use dark fruit magic in our fruit cult :rolleyes:

LOL in all reality, it's a chat room (chatzy chat room) for us to chat in and for me and the hostess Sugar to post private giveaways in for fellow members. It's nothing suspicious and we're not mean or salty to people asking to join; in fact we actually want more members.

Currently there's only 4 members in STFR, and you have probably seen the sparkly STFR logo in some of their sigs or simply 'STFR' in their sig. That's just a sign of how little people on here like fruity pixels.

Anyways... I've decided to open up the signups for people to join this fun chat room. Maybe there'll be RPs in it later on, or other things, who knows. For now though, it's so quiet.

For me and Sugar to judge whether to invite you, please fill out and post the following form:

`-` Are you relatively active on TBT?:
`-` Have you ever been the cause of any drama on here, or helped create it/be a part of it?:
`-` Do you consider yourself salty to other people on here?:
`-` How many collectibles do you own and which ones are they?:
`-` How many TBT Bells do you have saved up in your ABD + on your profile?:
`-` What do you like and dislike about TBT?:
`-` Why do you want in STFR?:

We'll be choosing members based on their kindness/attitude towards others on here, along with how others think of them. We don't want any rude, smartmouth, or snobby persons in STFR because it'll destroy it and become another drama filled, hated group. If you don't get chosen, PLEASE don't be upset or salty; there's probably a good reason why you're not gonna be invited.

Also note that chatzy chat rooms have a limit to the number of people in them, so your activity levels on here are another indicator of whether or not you'll be invited in; inactive people will obviously be denied.

One last thing, the collectibles/tbt you own are being asked about for a reason. Not to be rude, but a lot of the richer people on here are snobby or greedy. Please don't get mad at me saying that. It's true; there are some rich people on here who are ultra generous, but I've noticed as people get rich, they get.... snobby on here. As if pixels and virtual currency make you better than everyone else. So... if you're loaded it'll be a sign of whether or not we need to be cautious about adding you. It's not an instant turn away, it's just a sign on whether or not we need to keep an eye on you. Totally not judging, considering I have so many myself and so little tbt rip

if you get invited/added you'll get a PM with the chatzy link + password.

k that's all, let the signups begin~~


~ Current Events & Notices ~

c: Please read below in the Giveaways & Raffles section for more info~
~ Watermelon (TBT Beach Party) Collectible ~

o: So if you seen in the Team Popsicle thread I made a WOP of what should be an existing collectible: watermelon.

Random Trivia + History: Did you know that the watermelon might have possibly been the third in the TBT Beach Party collectible set? It won third place in the 2014 Collectible Creation Contest, but sadly the watermelon collectible wasn't released, instead they opted to just have popsicles and ice cream swirls. In fact, popsicles weren't even supposed to be released, just the swirls! But the popsicle won second by 1 vote, so they thought they should release both to make the populous happy. But low and behold, they just left and ignored the watermelon. :c

If it would have been released, I would be very happy *-* (considering it's a fruit and this is Team Fruit after all haha ;D) Anyways, I was planning on creating a petition on making and releasing an official watermelon collectible, and I would use a photoshopped collectible as like an example?

Here it is:


The other two next to it are for comparing; I photoshopped it using the watermelon entry and popsicle/swirl backgrounds as reference. I'm still slowly working on it, and as of now I need to maybe lighten the seeds and give it a little more depth. As I work on it I'll post updates and update OP.

Anyways, tell me what you think of it! And whether or not I should make a petition for it! ;D Thanks~

~ Information ~

Ahaha so you're probably wondering what's with all of the groups lately, don't you? xD Well, anyways thank Miharu and Jacob_lawall for the inspiration behind team fruit c: Anyways, I thought that since there's way too many junk food teams, we need a healthy, nutritional team, like one all about fruit! ^^

This thread was made to chat about you, your life, random stuff, etc (even non-members can join in on the fun!), so please post, chat, and enjoy yourself here! :D

If you'd rather join a different team, here are the current popular collectible teams available:
~ The ORIGINAL Team ~
GO TEAM POPSICLE ~ Jacob_lawall & Miharu

~ Other Teams ~
GO TEAM CAKE ~ oswaldies
GO TEAM APPLE ~ Goldenapple
GO TEAM BIRTHSTONE ~ D3athsdoppelganger
GO TEAM PEAR ~ JellyDitto
GO TEAM SWEETS ~ Magic Marshmallow

~ Non-Collectible Teams ~
GO TEAM BOOKWORM ~ Samanthers (^-^), chees4mees, KawaiiX3, & oswaldies
GO TEAM POKEMON ~ NijiNymphia & pokedude729
GO TEAM LOVE ~ oswaldies
GO TEAM BRADFORD ~ Captain Crazy Chicken
GO TEAM PONY (club actually) ~ KawaiiX3, Samanthers (^-^), & chees4mees
GO TEAM MANGA AND ANIME ~ MayorEvvie & MayorBambie
GO TEAM MINION ~ piimisu
GO TEAM GUDETAMA Currently under construction ~ Miharu

~ Closed Teams ~

Sadly, most of the teams have dried up, and Team Popsicle is the only one that's still currently alive. Because of this, the list of teams will no longer be updated, but will stay here for any people who might want to revive any or look back at the past.

~ Joining the Team ~

In order to join Team Fruit, you simply must have 1 fruit collectible! That's it! No need for spending 1,000's of TBT to buy rare and expensive collectibles, you just need a single fruit! ^-^ The fruit can be a pear, orange, cherry, peach, or rare apple, but it must be one of those five!

But, to encourage the hoarding of higher value fruit collectibles, your name will be shown in the color of the highest value fruit collectible (or lower) that you own! You may choose which one you want, assuming you own the collectible, and you may change it whenever you want, as many times as you want! ^-^

Since anyone can just buy a pear or an orange from the shop, it makes being a member not mean anything special. So, if you have a cherry, peach, or an apple, you'll have the title of a Perfect Fruit Member! If you don't, your title is an Unripe Fruit!

Unripe Fruit members, though, have a nice bonus, in that they have the option to participate in raffles or giveaways for free or discounted rare fruit collectibles!

Being a Perfect Fruit member does come with bonuses too! Since I currently need helpers (co-founders, to be exact), if you are a Perfect Fruit member, you can help with the group in terms of that! I may or may not assign someone a higher rank and have them help be in charge, but for now I'm still deciding how things will work.

If you are lucky enough to own one of each of the fruits though, you can choose to have whatever color you want for your username (please tell me the name of the color as shown in the color editing menu, or it won't be changed), along with being in the 森 (sen, Japanese for "forest") section!


Lucanosa (me; founder)






Call me Daniel






~ ;D coming soon! huehuehue ~

~ Quests ~

c: Thank you very much Miharu of Team Popsicle for the idea behind quests! Since Team Fruit is relatively inactive, and I want people to chat more here, I am setting up a quests section!

I will have a list of currently active quests, and in order to complete them, you must do whatever those quests say. After you complete them, post whatever is necessary (if needed) and add the appropriate quest number (#) along with it, and you will have completed it!

By completing quests, you will receive fruitie points! (represented with ƒ) The amount of ƒ you get will be listed next to the quest, and you will receive them once you have completed the criteria and posted (with whatever in it you need) saying which quest you finished. You can also receive ƒ by posting! Each post will earn you ƒ1, not including merged posts. Please try to avoid spamming the thread to earn ƒ, although bumps will always be appreciated!

After you have earned and saved enough ƒ, you can cash them in for rewards!!! Below down in the Team Fruit Shop will be a section of things you can purchase exclusively with ƒ. As of now there isn't much, but later on I will add more when I've figured out what to have. If you have any idea, let me know!

Quest #1: Reach 100 posts!
Reward: ƒ10
Claimed: 0/10

Quest #2: Design a custom fruit collectible! You can just post an idea, or if you're up to it, make some art to go with it as well! You may post as many fruit as you want, but you will only get the ƒ for it once.
Reward: ƒ5 (ƒ15 If collectible design is shown)
Claimed: 1/10

Quest #3: What is your favorite collectible on TBT and why?
Reward: ƒ5
Claimed: 3/10​
~You must have completed a quest or have ƒ10+ in order to appear here c:~

pandapples - ƒ24 (completed Quests #: 2,3)
NijiNymphia - ƒ17
VanessaMay18 - ƒ16 (completed Quests #: 3)
Aerate - ƒ12
typhoonmoore - ƒ8 (completed Quests #: 3)

~ Donations Collection ~

Since a lot of the more rare fruit collectibles are rather expensive, for the most part, very few of my supply (hoard I should say) are going to be plopped into the group's collection. Same with TBT since as of now, I'm also trying to save for the whole birthstone set, and let me tell you how hard it is! e.e

Anyways, to donate, send me or whoever else is currently second or third in charge the TBT or collectibles, and post here saying what exactly your giving (this is for reference purposes). It'll be logged into the group's collection list below. If you donate collectibles, they'll be plopped into the shop on the post below !!! o|V|o

Once enough TBT is collected, I'll add a poll asking which fruit you would like me to spend the donations on, and it'll be spent and either raffled or given away ^.^

TBT x30 ~ cookiecrisps

TBT x20 ~ Dilute
TBT x1 ~ pandapples
Pear (Fruit) ~ pandapples
Pear (Fruit) ~ Shimmer
Orange (Fruit) ~ Shimmer
TBT x1 ~ D3athsdoppelganger
In the case the group is disbanded for whatever reason, all of the TBT and collectibles collected will be hosted in a massive (hopefully) giveaway, so it's all dumped back in the community! ^u^

~ Giveaways & Raffles ~

This can't be complete without giveaways and raffles! As noted in the above section, the amount of fruits circulating the forum is increasing, but strangely enough, the prices are too. Just when the Apple was released, Cherries were 250-300 TBT per, and now they're worth even more!

Now, those of you who are Perfect Fruit members, and you want to participate in a giveaway/raffle, you must donate something (collectible or TBT) to the group in order to participate! If you are an Unripe Fruit member, donation is not necessary! This is so the donations collected can be used for another giveaway/raffle, and so on, not to mention there's many on here who really want some fruits! Be nice, and give everyone a chance to get their dream fruits for their collection or line-up.

New: Even if you are not a member, you can join the giveaway! You must donate some TBT/collectible if you want to participate though. It can be as little as 1 TBT, or as generous as an Apple! ^-^

~ ↓Please read for rules and entry info inside spoiler↓ ~
In order to participate, you must first see if a donation is required. It can be as low as 1 TBT, or as high as even donating a collectible!

Donation is necessary if you:
- Have a Cherry, Peach, or Apple collectible
- Are not a current member

Afterwards, please vote (and post saying which you choose) and you will be entered! ^-^ You must vote in order to enter though as explained next~


Votes: 4


Votes: 0

After this ends, I will count the votes and whichever current available one receives the most votes will become the prize for the giveaway!!! Then, I will take all of the names of participants and use a random number generator to determine the winner. If you vote for a certain fruit, and it isn't the one that becomes the prize, no worries! You still have a chance in winning the other prize fruit! c:
For those of you planning on buying some rare 'n delicious fruit, ~ HERE ~ is a link to the collectible price guide! Or, if too lazy, the prices for fruits are below:

Apple ~ 2.5k-2.8k TBT
Peach ~ 1.5k-1.7k TBT
Cherry ~ 300-450 TBT
Orange ~ 1-79 TBT
Pear ~ 1-39 TBT
As soon as enough TBT/collectibles are collected, all raffles/giveaways will be listed here! Make sure to scroll back and read this when you see a new one announced! c:
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~ Buying ~
c: Sell me your unhealthy candies and sweets, and buy some healthy fruit instead!!! If the amount I pay isn't to your liking, offer instead! Beware that I more than likely won't accept if it's too much higher than listed~

Pear (Fruit) - 20 TBT
Orange (Fruit) - 40 TBT
Yellow Candy - 55 TBT
Red Candy - 150 TBT
Green Candy - 225 TBT
Cake - 250 TBT

~ Selling ~
Delicious fruit in-game! If you are interested in buying any of the collectibles above, please PM/VM me!

perfect apple (basket of 9) x∞ - 5 TBT
perfect cherry (basket of 9) x∞ - 5 TBT
perfect orange (basket of 9) x∞ - 5 TBT
perfect peach (basket of 9) x∞ - 5 TBT
perfect pear (basket of 9) x∞ - 5 TBT

I suck at art, but I'll try it to the best of my ability~

Team Fruit Badge x10 - ƒ75
-fill this out with your post when you purchase-
Name: [ ]
Name Color: [ ]
Fruit (any, even non-AC:NL ones): [ ]
Background Color: [ ]

~ Items in the Shop from Donations ~
TBT x22
Pear (Fruit) x2
Orange (Fruit) x1

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I'll join! I'd like to be in peach-rank (color and favorite fruit of the five, hehe) :)
Hi, may I join as a cherry member? Thank you so much! (Just wondering, are we allowed to change our fruit rank later on?) c:
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I'll join! I'd like to be in peach-rank (color and favorite fruit of the five, hehe) :)

Okay! c: Added~

Hi, may I join as a cherry member? Thank you so much! (Just wondering, are we allowed to change our fruit rank later on?) c:

Sure! And yes, of course! You may change your fruit rank whenever you want (post or VM me), the only restriction is that you must own the fruit of the rank you want to be.
Sure! And yes, of course! You may change your fruit rank whenever you want (post or VM me), the only restriction is that you must own the fruit of the rank you want to be.

Ah, thank you so much! If you need any help with the group, feel free to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help with anything ^-^
just a suggestion, but you should also make a rank for those with all of the fruits. i don't really want to choose a rank, since i can choose from any five. c:
if you don't want to do this, then i guess i'll have to go with peach.
So I have an apple and not a peach. What rank do I go in? xD

You may go as an Apple rank, or a Cherry rank! You can enter as any rank as you want, as long as you have the corresponding fruit collectible.

Ah, thank you so much! If you need any help with the group, feel free to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help with anything ^-^

No problem! If I get asked that more, I'll add a FAQ section so people can just see xD
And thank you so much! o:
Everyone who is a Cherry+ member is sorta a mini-mod on here for now until I get that sorted cx

just a suggestion, but you should also make a rank for those with all of the fruits. i don't really want to choose a rank, since i can choose from any five. c:
if you don't want to do this, then i guess i'll have to go with peach.

o: Aye! That's a good idea!
I'll add it now owo

I'm guessing you wanna be part of it? xD