I love pasta so much!!! So many different types you can make.. so versatile. I like pizza but I can't eat fast food pizza anymore, it makes me sick for some reason
Talk about an impossible choice. Both can be amazing. Really good pizza and really good pasta are incredible. I voted for pasta in the poll, but I'm undecided. In an hour I might vote pizza.
my vote definitely goes to pasta. If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be pasta lol. there was a place I used to eat at that served pasta on top of pizza dough, they called it pasta pie It’s unfortunately closed dow now but it was so good.
I kinda hate cheese so pasta it is for me. Although I can fall for a mozzarella pizza since it's a pretty weak cheese I can manage eating it.
But I loooove pasta so much. It's cheap and easy to cook + it's tasty and very versatile!!