
Aug 3, 2016
Pavé Purple Feather
Mom's Plush
Snow Bunny
Nightmare Easter Egg
Pink Candy
Glam Feather
Cherry (Fruit)
Chao Easter Egg
Chocolate Cake
Voodoo Doll
Do you have any and what to you think about them? I have two ear piercings, my nose done and I'm going to have my tongue done this week. I'm not planning on getting any others. I love how they look but there's a limit for me.

update: i now have 3 ear piercings and i got my tongue done !
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I only have earlobe earrings atm. Kinda toying with the idea of getting my nose pierced but I'm a wuss and I'm not sure I could pull it off :p

I honestly have no problem with 'em, even when they're so many that most people would consider them to be "too much". They only kinda freak me out when they're genital or nipple piercings, but mostly just because they make me think of how painful it must've been to get them...
I have none. I think they're pretty cool but like, on other people. I don't think I'd get any myself. Also I agree with the "there's a limit" thing
I agree that there is a limit, and I've already decided my limit. Right now, I have just my earlobes pierced, and my septum. The last piercing I want done is that little spot under my bottom lip. I forget the name of it, ugh.
-septum piercing but I hardly wear it due to allergies
-nipple piercings, they're both heart shaped
I have two piercings in each ear. I got a cartilage piercing on my left ear which I had done two years ago now. It was such a nuisance that I had to remove the earring because every time I would go to lay on that side, wear my headphones or even wash my hair, I would feel pain. I didn't wear an earring for at least a year, I left it thinking that the hole would have closed up by now. It only surprised me when I managed to push an earring through a few weeks ago. I did want to get my nose done but now I have mixed opinions, whether it would actually suit my face or not.
I currently only have my ears done, two on each side (main lobe stretched a tiny bit). I do want more piercings but I'm traumatised from past times when they got infected or my ear just rejected the piercing. now that I have really short hair I think it would be easier to maintain but also *broke*
i have double lobe piercings, an industrial, a tragus piercing, and a helix. i want to get at least one more helix piercing, and i've been considering getting my nose pierced too, but i'm not sure about that one. i really love piercings, but there is also a limit for me without a doubt.
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I just have my ear lobes pierced but I really want to get my nose pierced. I don't think I'd get any more after that, though! ^^
I love them. I've double lobes, daith, helix, and navel. I had a second helix but removed it a few days ago due to both not healing well. Since taking it out and switching the first one to a bar (was pieced with a ring) it is now looking better. Planning to get the second redone once it heals up fully.

Definitely intend to get more in future. :)
I fully intend to get my ears pierced at some point, but I don't have much desire for having it done anywhere else.
I don't have any piercings as of now, but I fully intend on getting both ears & my nose pierced this year. I'm trying to save money right now, but maybe for my birthday.
I only have my lobes pierced once, and I've never thought about getting piercings anywhere else. It's not really my style, plus I have fears of body piercings getting caught on clothing, even though it's kind of an irrational fear to some. I'm happy enough with what I have anyway, and I don't wear earrings too often unless I'm completely dressed up to go somewhere important.
i have 5 in my ear. double lobe piercing and my helix! i've also had my nose pierced twice in the past but i got bored of it (i'll probably get it done again though at one point haha)
I only have my ears pierced, I got 2nd ear piercings but one side got infected so I took them both out.

I also had my left eyebrow but I got a crowdsurfing guy's boot to my head and there went that. It's not really noticeable in pictures but a piece of my eyebrow is gone now lol.

I think nose piercings would look cute on me but with my allergies I can't commit to getting one.
I had double earlobe piercings when I was way younger. The second hole closed up a few years ago and the first hole has been stretched to 00g. I have a septum piercing and medusa piercing. I love piercings a lot.
i have an one ear piercing in each ear...got them done as a baby and after like 6th grade i stopped wearing them so theyre probably closed by now
I only have ear piercing since I was a baby. I don't plan to have anymore piercing because I'm scared of pain. :,) hah