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Peoples opinions on time hopping ?


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2015
I know some people really hate it and feel it ruins the game but I admit I'm guilty of doing it as I am extremely impatient :/

What are your views ?
When I was younger I used to be extremely impatient and I used to time skip up until several years ahead in the future, but as I got older I became more patient with the game somewhat. I also noticed that I used to get really burnt out on my towns quickly because of this, and i've found that I enjoy playing the game more without time skipping anymore. It really helps me to get hyped for events and such because I used to just time travel to get the stuff if I missed it.
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It does come in handy for some things, especially to us impatient ones. Gotta be careful with it, though, if you don't want to lose a villager and don't have an amiibo card for him or her
I'm very impatient, but I try not to time travel too much too often. Maximum 5 days ahead at a time.
Yeah same often if I'm redecorating my town and I want a project to appear faster I'll skip but never more than a week
I don't like to jump more than one or two days, but unless I do it for rare beetles, I can't stand to play at night.
I TT everyday cause i need to. When i finish my town i must stop.
I don't think I can ever stop time traveling. I don't want any of my villagers to move and I don't have the luxury of playing everyday with my schedule. With the limited time I have to play, I like to pack in as much as possible. If you're for or against it, that's cool. If it ruins the game for you, then I wouldn't do it.
I TT more with the cards then I did before the update. I have cards for most of my villagers so I'm only concerned with losing a few. I'm also super careful when I travel more then a day ahead though so I don't lose anyone. Buying stuff from the campground and or doing trades on here with WA items causes me to want to skip more now.
I time travel almost everyday. I'm either time traveling to get a specific item I want, moving a villager out, or just get my growing trees and bushes to grow up faster.

I think it's fine to time travel. If the person wants to time travel, they can. No one controls you. But I must say that time traveling also ruins the game for me. I've time traveled so much before that I got tired of playing acnl. I lost my motivation to play. ▪~▪
I only Time Travel to get villagers in or out, and then within the same day to hunt for a specific bug or fish. I honestly think it is OK as long as you don't time travel too far ahead or behind because it kind of kills the fun. I can see the flip side to this because I am constantly busy, so when I have time to play I would like to cover a few days worth :3

Devils advocate
My main town is a time-travel free zone. I really don't like it. However, I do it a lot in my villager selling town. It's very tedious and has turned me off from seeing it as a fun thing to do for any town. Lol. But I don't see an issue with anyone else doing it!
i TT almost everytime i play. i tend to have a schedule in my life so there are parts of the day/night that i dont get to ever see/participate in limited timed events. i have no problems with others who do it, and i have no problems with others who dont do it. but people shouldnt bash others if they TT, calling it cheating and such. its just a different way of playing. not everyone has time to play at all hours of the day.
I used to time travel. For the first two years. I was so impatient. I don't time travel now unless it's for a villager. I'll never time travel again like I used to just because I'm impatient.
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I don't time travel as I like that the game takes place at the same time as real life. I don't judge anyone for time travelling though, we all have busy schedules and better to TT than miss out on an event.
It is up to you honestly. Some people like it, some don't. I don't like it personally because I like gardening in the game and it messes up my flowers of I go too far. Plus I like keeping the clock in tact. The only times I really time travel is to go a few hours back if I play late at night and need Re-tail or some other store. It also puts you at risk of losing a villager. The one time I time travelled back to over a month ago and came back to the present, I got lucky and my least favorite villager left and I was able to replace him with Fauna. But the garden I spent months on was destroyed and though I need to keep the Night Owl ordinance because I don't have time to play during the day, if you can put the Beautiful Town ordinance it will prevent the issue with plants.
I don't mind time traveling at all. It's your game so do what fits your game needs honestly. I find it useful whenever you'll be taking a break from the game. It helps to look at the Activity Log information as to exactly when was the last time you played. I spent about a month and a half not playing due to being too busy. I heavily time traveled to catch up to the current date.

I typically play day by day because it helps me get hyped for events and I do my best to include my towns for my daily routine. As long as you're satisfied with your game, that's all that matters. There's no right/wrong way to play this game imo.
Oh, another reason I dislike time traveling (for myself) is that it messes up the town's timeline, the one you see when you sit by the town tree. I don't like seeing the dates in a weird order that doesn't make sense. I have OCD tendencies and seeing a single date out of order will ruin the entire experience for me :(