Paper Mario 3ds

Honestly. I never played the Wii version. But I've surely put some serious thought to buying it. But I'm thinkin' now to wait for the 3DS version instead. Will look forward to this.
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
They're going to bring back the original battle system from Paper Mario :D (The one for Wii was just normal stomping instead of taking turns.)
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
OddCrazyMe said:
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
I hope to God that this is the case. That system was so good.

And @Jake, you're not really missing anything by not playing the Wii game. I didn't like it at all.
Tortimer said:
OddCrazyMe said:
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
I hope to God that this is the case. That system was so good.

And @Jake, you're not really missing anything by not playing the Wii game. I didn't like it at all.
It was ok...
Say Whaaaaa said:
Tortimer said:
OddCrazyMe said:
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
I hope to God that this is the case. That system was so good.

And @Jake, you're not really missing anything by not playing the Wii game. I didn't like it at all.
It was ok...
I just felt that there was way too much dialogue throughout the entire game, and it failed to follow the good ol' formula that the first two did. Also, the 3D aspect felt gimmicky to me. It just didn't seem like Paper Mario.
I've been waiting a long time for a new Paper mario... AND SHWEET they switched back to normal fight mode!!!
Tortimer said:
OddCrazyMe said:
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
I hope to God that this is the case. That system was so good.

And @Jake, you're not really missing anything by not playing the Wii game. I didn't like it at all.
Hey, the storyline was amazing for Super Paper Mario.

Plus, I had just recently finished Paper Mario on the N64 so not having turn based battle felt great.
OddCrazyMe said:
Jake. said:
Will you be able to switch into 3D mode like on Wii?
Most likely not. I think they're returning to the original style of the N64 and Gamecube versions.
Oh good. They look much sexier when in 2D <3
Looks like Nintendo is going to be rehashing their old franchises and put them on the 3DS.
I'm glad they're returning to the original turn based battle system. Those are the kind of RPG's that I like.