Nintendo NSider Forum


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
Yes, I looked around at NSider, I even looked through the chat threads, and it's not the same NSider that I used to go to a long time ago.

I mean, I've seen some stuff that I would consider inappropriate, some words that should not have been said there. It's just not the same.

Personally, I think that NSider has gone downhill from when I was there.
I'm pretty busy, so I'm hardley in Power On. I'm pretty sure it's only Power On that's like that.
i never go to power you said, all chat and spam...i'm usually in croosing guardian, ds, gc, news/reviews, helping new members in gameplay help, or once in a while in good old pokemon or legacy.
Power On is a spammer's haven, and I sometimes like to be in the chat threads and... folow suit...

I posted about 800 of my posts in Power On... the rest is well-thought out, good, long stuff, like guides, previews, and meaningfull posts.
Bulerias said:
Power On is a spammer's haven, and I sometimes like to be in the chat threads and... folow suit...

I posted about 800 of my posts in Power On... the rest is well-thought out, good, long stuff, like guides, previews, and meaningfull posts.
Well, I'm glad some people still have good posts.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:
Power On is a spammer's haven, and I sometimes like to be in the chat threads and... folow suit...

I posted about 800 of my posts in Power On... the rest is well-thought out, good, long stuff, like guides, previews, and meaningfull posts.
Well, I'm glad some people still have good posts.
Mostly Sages, though. Kezay, in my opinion, is Nsider's best member. His posts, at least some, are GIGANTIC.


Oh, and BTW, my AC DS preview at the front page of News isn't small either... :r
that was apretty good preview bul...but i'm mad that they pushed back the release date.
I have posted about 50% of my posts at power on. I've net a bunch of people and I think is one of the greatest parts of Nsider. The chat theads are so fun. Its just fun carrying on a conversation with people that are friendly. Soem people I have no respect for there, but some are great. I see about 1/4 of the people on my friends list there everyday
i've made about 10 of my 800+ posts there. 9 for ngm, a game magazine i'm an employee for and 1 for somethin random probably...i tried joinin a chat once but the people were about as friendly as tommy talarico or adam sesler.
Squishy3 said:
Did anyone here witness the spam fest of 05?
yeah, pretty much every day half the power on threads are spam, along with a few threads in random places.