I have a new company that I am making that will have various services. They are listed below and I am looking for employees/people that can help me. I don't know what the pay will be and I don't want to make one now. It will be decided as the release of ACDS comes.
Company Rating- We will rate the clans and services for ACDS on a scale from 1 to 10 with a review. Some employees might like them and some won't. There will be multiple reviewers. We don't want to cause anything bad for these clans just a way to get the one that fits your needs the most.
Other Rating- We will also rate anything else that someone wants rated. We will rate your character, house, town, or anything else you can think of.
A Helping Hand- We will help you with other things and this will be separated into different jobs later once it is requested. We can help clean, plan, and tons of other things.
AC:WW News- We will give the people that play AC:WW some new info about the game and what is going on in the game. We will have a "Buyer Beware" like piece that warns people about a certain thing that they can get/buy/use (a company, item, ect.). There will be many parts to this and this will be reported when ever something new comes up or we find something to report. This will be typed up and posted here. This will also be an e-mail newsletter. (Your e-mail address won't be given to anyone outside this company and will be secure. You will only be sent what you asked, no spam.)
Reviewers- You will rate and review other clans and groups for ACDS.
Raters- You will rate other things like characters, towns, houses and more.
Helpers- You help with other things listed in the Helping Hand section. This job will be split up once A Helping Hand starts to be used.
Reporter- You will get the info that we need for the news that we tell the AC:WW citizens.
The jobs for employees match up with the services so that is also a descrption of your job. I hope many people will join and there is no limit yet on how many jobs someone can have and how many people can have each job.
More info will come as the release of the game draws near.
Please do not copy these ideas in any way. I have not tried to copy any clan or company.
Company Rating- We will rate the clans and services for ACDS on a scale from 1 to 10 with a review. Some employees might like them and some won't. There will be multiple reviewers. We don't want to cause anything bad for these clans just a way to get the one that fits your needs the most.
Other Rating- We will also rate anything else that someone wants rated. We will rate your character, house, town, or anything else you can think of.
A Helping Hand- We will help you with other things and this will be separated into different jobs later once it is requested. We can help clean, plan, and tons of other things.
AC:WW News- We will give the people that play AC:WW some new info about the game and what is going on in the game. We will have a "Buyer Beware" like piece that warns people about a certain thing that they can get/buy/use (a company, item, ect.). There will be many parts to this and this will be reported when ever something new comes up or we find something to report. This will be typed up and posted here. This will also be an e-mail newsletter. (Your e-mail address won't be given to anyone outside this company and will be secure. You will only be sent what you asked, no spam.)
Reviewers- You will rate and review other clans and groups for ACDS.
Raters- You will rate other things like characters, towns, houses and more.
Helpers- You help with other things listed in the Helping Hand section. This job will be split up once A Helping Hand starts to be used.
Reporter- You will get the info that we need for the news that we tell the AC:WW citizens.
The jobs for employees match up with the services so that is also a descrption of your job. I hope many people will join and there is no limit yet on how many jobs someone can have and how many people can have each job.
More info will come as the release of the game draws near.
Please do not copy these ideas in any way. I have not tried to copy any clan or company.