Native Town Fruit: Which one would you like?

Anything but pears. Although I'd love to have lemons as a native fruit.
The peach is a classic favourite of mine so I would say that but I love all of the fruits! Will permissons not be in the new game?
Since lemons were considered tropical in New Leaf, and New Horizons will be set on an island -- I'd love to have them as the native fruit! If not, apples always look very pretty.
If perfect fruit is still a thing, then I'd like cherries and shall probably reset for them.
Assuming there are no new fruits introduced, I'd like to have pears or apples this time around. I don't think I'd reset for them, but it would be nice.
Apples, peaches or oranges. I like the 'rounder' fruits. I think I'd even reset for them!
I was actually hoping they'd make previous plants/trees/shrubs/flowers that were ornamental for inside the house growable!

Cacao_Tree_HHD_Icon.png Holly_Bonsai_HHD_Icon.png

Would really love my town fruit to be Cacao!!! Chocolate FTW!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄ˊૢ⁄ ⌑︎ ⁄ˋૢ⁄ ⁄)⁄ ♡♡♡
Personally, I'd like peaches. Peaches are always so cute because they're pink and look so soft. The way they're detailed, as we've recently seen, they look almost like they were colored with colored pencils, which make them even prettier. I just hope they add a leaf again, since without it, they look a little bare.

Eventually I'll probably want all the fruit, but peaches for my native fruit!! I also hope they give a little more detail and definition to the cherries, they really look bland in their comparison from New Leaf.
I've never had Oranges so I would like them the most! Pears would be cool too, since I only had them in Wild World.
At first, I'd really hoped I'd get the peach, because they look like butts, but then... grapes! I'd love the grapes!! Never had grapes in these games.
cherries!!! 🍒🍒🤍🤍

i've had all the otheer fruits before, except for cherries, and they look rlly neat in new horizons,
so i hope i get them this time around!
I've never really loved the whole idea of the native fruits, especially when it impacts the perfect fruits. I want to grow perfect fruits of all types!

If I had to choose, lemon, cherries, or grapes. I especially love perfect lemons and perfect cherries.
I'd personally love cherries again, since that's what I had in my first town. But I'd also like to see more fruit options in general!
Just remember guys, we haven't seen images of perfect fruit yet! Just imagine how beautiful they're going to look!!! ( ✧︎Д✧︎) キラーン