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Marshal vs. Julian.

Marshal vs. Julian.

  • Marshal.

    Votes: 34 57.6%
  • Julian.

    Votes: 25 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
Throwback Tickets
I see this two are very popular in Animal Crossing community, so i want you to ask which one you prefer and why?

-I have Marshal, and i like not because of his popularity, actually i like his facial expressions, the way he looks and his house a lot. Even when you talking to him, he's kind of funny.

-Julian. I never saw anything of interest in that horse, considering he's a unicorn. The colora looks cool, but i don't know... The rest of the design looks weird for me.

What do you think about this two?
i've had both marshal and julian in my town but i recently let julian go. I kept marshal because he's super sweet and always writes me love letters and it's really funny
i've had both marshal and julian in my town but i recently let julian go. I kept marshal because he's super sweet and always writes me love letters and it's really funny

Yeah... Sometimes he write is poetic and i'm like "Wow, this squirrel is really feeling it".
Kyle. ;)

In all seriousness I don't really like either of them to be honest. If I had to pick one I'd pick Julian though but that's only because Julian Bashir is my favourite DS9 character. xD
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I love them both! But personally I loooove unicorns, so I have to go with Julian. He's even cooler because he's a male unicorn since unicorns are always portrayed as the girliest of girls. Although Julian is very effeminate. :p
Both are cute but Julian's design is a lot more exciting than Marshal's, so needless to say I like him more.
Even though Marshal is popular, that hasn't ruined my adoration for him. He's a little marshmallow!! :D Plus he's a squirrel which is my favourite villager spieces!
It's been a long time since I've had either of them (habitual town resetter) but if I remember right, I liked Julian a tiny bit more.
I have both in my town, Marshal was a random move in but any villager smaller than my mayor is absolutely adorable, however I love unicorns more than anything so Julian is my one and true bae, even if he never opens his eyes and when he does he hasn't got any pupils 😂😂 I also love the fact that he's a male since unicorns are usually a girly thing.
julian looks very punch-in-the-face-able so id have to pick marshal. also marshal is based off a marshmallow so ofc. im adding him to my food themed town
I like Marshal more. I had them both in my town before and I just couldn't get into Julian. I don't hate him or anything and I think it's neat he is a unicorn, but I just couldn't attach to him like I did Marshal. Plus I like Marshal's squirrel design better than the horse design
had to vote Marshall because I have a pet bunny that is white and always angry so Marshal reminds me of him
I prefer Marshal because he's so tiny and looks cute when he is happy. But I got bored of him :( I just don't like Julian. I feel like they could have designed a better unicorn.
Julian! I love having fantasy type villagers in my town, and he's perfect. Plus I really don't like Marshal, he's kinda bland looking