Mariorock09's Furniture and Clothes shop ( Grand Opening ) ACCF


Who you Callin' Pinhead?
Nov 1, 2010
Hey The Bell Tree! I decided to make my own ' House shop ' where i will be selling ALL the furniture i have in my wardrobe ( trust me, i'm nearly up to page 16 filled with clothes and furniture! ) Sometimes i'll be selling the Mario series for abit much, half of the Mario series will be sold for a small amount! Normal furniture will be half from Tom Nook's and sometimes on the special days ( example: Christmas Eve ) I'll sell DLC's like the Snowman Vanity or even the Model Bus! I'll be selling normal hats AND THE SPECIAL ONES like the Hot Dog Hat, Banana Split and some other ones ( since im not sure if i should talk about one other thing im selling. oh well... ) Please, my info is on the left side underneath my avatar, pm me about it and i'll try and take some suggestions.

PS: If you want to complain or give me some feedback, please, do NOT PM ME OVER TBT! Please letter me Via Animal Crossing City Folk, it would help much better then pming... Cya there!
Yeohkei said:
Hmm... The Banana Split looks promising... May I order one?
You may :D I'll have to order one in, someone's bought the 1st one, the banana split hat WAS 3000 bells, but due to half price for grand opening, it will only be 1500, pm me info sometime, right now im busy! I also have a Green Pipe, A Cannon, Phone box, Papa Bear, a whole lot of normal stuff, and 2 wall papers. 1 is hidden!
Sorry for Double posting! I'm selling a green pipe, a bullet bill cannon, a papa bear, a phone box, a Persian wall and some other stuff, I have a hot dog hat and...i better not get warned for this: a DimentioMask HDLC...If you would like to buy something, please wait untill i say my gates are open...
phone box
banana split
hot dog hat
just posting this to remind myself what i wanted, i'll be waiting for you to get online rock so we can haggle a price
@DashS since the grand opening has finished, i'll be nice enough, the next 4 customers will have half off of EVERYTHING, so DashS is the first of the 4 customers, so 3 customers left!
Do you have things on display in your house? i so i would love to come and see what you have, and if i am interested in anything I will buy it for your named price.

Thanks! =]
Everything im selling is on display, when things run out, i just stock up, since i've got 8 pages full of furniture and 3 pages full of clothes and hats and accessories.
Today the shop may be closed but sure, i'll try and get one in for you! I've got a Hot dog hat if that helps...
Special: Today we have a Jingle T.V in stock! only 1! From this post, the store is closed cuz of some unfinished buisness with some people.
Please don't double post! I might be opening, since i hardly go on Animal Crossing anymore because, you know...Christmas and friends in real life...Real life problems....