League of Legends

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Doesn't matter how hard I carry, how many times I successfully gank, how many times I spread encouragement. I lose pretty much all my games recently, and it's all due to people not knowing what the heck they're doing. I know I still make mistakes but I'm at a complete other level compared to some of these guys, yet I'm stuck in Bronze III due to afk's, trolls, and people who don't know much about their job/role. I'm not going to say that everyone just sucks, there's pretty much always at least 1 other person who has a good mindset and knows what their doing, but you can only carry so hard. It's not really that frustrating (sometimes it is), but It's really more disappointing than anything. Troongle carry me.
i recommend everyone in silver to play lux support and troll
http://i.imgur.com/VbXJdqD.png cuz this is wat happens to me after losing 4 ranked in a row and then trolling
Doesn't matter how hard I carry, how many times I successfully gank, how many times I spread encouragement. I lose pretty much all my games recently, and it's all due to people not knowing what the heck they're doing. I know I still make mistakes but I'm at a complete other level compared to some of these guys, yet I'm stuck in Bronze III due to afk's, trolls, and people who don't know much about their job/role. I'm not going to say that everyone just sucks, there's pretty much always at least 1 other person who has a good mindset and knows what their doing, but you can only carry so hard. It's not really that frustrating (sometimes it is), but It's really more disappointing than anything. Troongle carry me.

i've seen your account when u posted it before and honestly you're letting yourself get on that losing streak. in cases like that you gotta take a break and not let yourself get demoted that hard. you went from like bronze 1 to 4 or something right? you're focusing so much on your teammates when really you should be focusing on your own personal gameplay as well. it's completely possible to win 4v5s with an afk as long as your team can cooperate and has not lost lane early game.

i played ranked today and won but i was so nervous it was like wtf. the game before that i was playing normals as akali and got a penta so i was like ok screw it i'm trying ranked bc why not, i'm feeling confident. then i got to the game and i just kept overanalyzing every mistake i made and omg it was crap but i did alright i guess. my teammates did good too. i just need to figure out how to get over that 'ranked anxiety' like i know people get that only when playing ranked >___> that's my 4th provisional and i'm now 3-1 so if i can continue to win those i guess i'll end up in silver. i think it was if you win 6/10 you get into silver v or something?
but yeah next ranked i play i might duo with my friend, we usually do mid & jungle and it works rly well.
I'm in Silver 4 right now, and I main Morgana woot. I haven't played with Gnar yet, but he looks adorable!
okay wtf is going on with these servers, 2nd game we've gotten just lagged out of today blahhh. :(
hope you weren't trying to play ranked ahri!
i've seen your account when u posted it before and honestly you're letting yourself get on that losing streak. in cases like that you gotta take a break and not let yourself get demoted that hard. you went from like bronze 1 to 4 or something right? you're focusing so much on your teammates when really you should be focusing on your own personal gameplay as well. it's completely possible to win 4v5s with an afk as long as your team can cooperate and has not lost lane early game.

i played ranked today and won but i was so nervous it was like wtf. the game before that i was playing normals as akali and got a penta so i was like ok screw it i'm trying ranked bc why not, i'm feeling confident. then i got to the game and i just kept overanalyzing every mistake i made and omg it was crap but i did alright i guess. my teammates did good too. i just need to figure out how to get over that 'ranked anxiety' like i know people get that only when playing ranked >___> that's my 4th provisional and i'm now 3-1 so if i can continue to win those i guess i'll end up in silver. i think it was if you win 6/10 you get into silver v or something?
but yeah next ranked i play i might duo with my friend, we usually do mid & jungle and it works rly well.

I know 4v5's are completely winnable, and I do focus on improving my own gameplay, that isn't the problem. I can win 4v5's IF the team cooperates. There are so many variables.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've won plenty of 4v5's, and I'm really not a bad player. If you look at my most played champs, my win ratios are quite good.
Just hit Gold V! Woo! Here is why!

I even win 4v5s!
Haha thanks Leah :p I wouldn't have gotten a lot of kills without the speedups and stuffs though xD
ahri duo lag of legends with me :( i just played and my mid lane fed then rage quit yay
we totally need TBT league nights. I know not everyone is on NA but still... totally down for skype calls and nights of league :')