Leaf's Gallery

you should!!! youll make so much omg,,
once i get out of this awful artblock i may do another auction uAu idk

>w<! Yeah I'd be really excited to do it. Tempted to put it up sometime soon since I'm feeling extremely creative + I want to start a little project outside of my classwork.

Stay tuned! If I do post an auction it'll be under the marketplace, so I'll make sure to update here.
I'm saving early for them. It's hard to resist temptation >:[

Can't wait to see your new creations, Leaf!

Yes. Earn TBT, waste them and give them to evil artists. lol, not that any artist is evil...

I might have to pass these auctions because who knows what comes to TBT in the latter.
Leafs work is amazing and has inspired me to practice in Illustrator and Photoshop more! Im so jealous of Zanes Pumpkaboo Sig! Its so cute! > w <
Waaah!~ This thread has been a bit dead lately, I'm sorry y'all! I'm too busy with midterms and stuff like that so I haven't had too much time to just make designs~

Definitely stay tuned for an auction closer to thanksgiving since I've got basically a week to spare :> Hopefully I'll get through a couple requests before then though.

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Also thank you all for the lovely comments as usual >W< <33333
Waaah!~ This thread has been a bit dead lately, I'm sorry y'all! I'm too busy with midterms and stuff like that so I haven't had too much time to just make designs~

Definitely stay tuned for an auction closer to thanksgiving since I've got basically a week to spare :> Hopefully I'll get through a couple requests before then though.

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Also thank you all for the lovely comments as usual >W< <33333
aw that sounds horrible. I wish you the best though! take all the time you need.
Baaaah~ So I'm unfortunately going to have to close my gallery thread for a while since I don't seem to be getting a whole lot of time to work on these requests and I hate to leave all of you hanging.

My apologies to everyone who requested art and didn't get a piece :<~ Hope you'll understand though! <3
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Baaaah~ So I'm unfortunately going to have to close my gallery thread for a while since I don't seem to be getting a whole lot of time to work on these requests and I hate to leave all of you hanging.

My apologies to everyone who requested art and didn't get a piece :<~ Hope you'll understand though! <3
Aww it's ok! I hope you have some time to relax soon...
Closed by request. If you ever want it reopened, don't hesitate to report this post and ask. Hope the midterms went well for you!
Weeeee~ Kinda sorta back-ish. I'm finally at the end of the school year so I've been using my study breaks to get back into drawing and animal crossing when I have time.

Figured I'd post a few of my sketches from these past months. I haven't had the time to use illustrator in a long time so I've settled for good ol' pen+paper and colored pencils.








Also, I'm in love with the artwork/colors/everything for the upcoming Animal Crossing game so I made myself a quickie signature since my beautiful santa signature from Zane was a lil outdated hehe.

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Oh my goodness, your backkkk *attacks*

Very lovely sketches! :)
Eeee~ Thanks everyone! I think I might open a couple slots for requests. Kinda wanna try a different style of villager signature if people are still interested :>

I'll go ahead and open up two slots for now!~
Eeee~ Thanks everyone! I think I might open a couple slots for requests. Kinda wanna try a different style of villager signature if people are still interested :>

I'll go ahead and open up two slots for now!~


jk good to see your gallery open again!! :D Your sketches and new sig look fab, I'm interested to see any new villager signatures from you!
eep i can't find a form but maybe one that says candyland with a couple of my villagers mixed in? or you could do just one, my villagers are poppy, molly, chrissy, wolfgang, rudy, fang, whitney, beau, deirdre, and mint. i just request that you don't put in fang in there because idk how long he'll be my dreamy, same with chrissy >.< i can add 250 tbt to it if you'd like, i know it's not much but idk how much i owe artists right now so i don't want to be in debt. i have no specification for theme, you can choose c: aslkdjf i have no clue what i'm saying lol, i just love your art. thank you so much for considering!
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I'm in love with your typography, gosh ♥ //dies at the fabulous everything

And since this seems to be open ??? I think? Could I possibly request a signature styled after Ankha that reads Luminescence, or if that's too long you can shorten it to Lumi or Lumi?re or even Quixotic/Quix? Thank you very much for considering~