Shop Kitten-Kiss Gardens


Dec 21, 2016
100% (5) +


Welcome to the garden of kitten kisses!


We sell small flower-picking trips!
One trip is 2 TBT! In your trip you may pick up to four normal flowers, one hybrid, and shake a tree for three pears (and grab one mango, if that tickles your fancy)!

We have all normal flowers and a few hybrids, split between the two beach areas.


We have a few rules we ask you to follow, however!
1) Do not walk or run in any of the flowers. If you see a flower you want and you cannot get to it, flag me down and I will gladly make a path for you to retrieve it.
2) Do not run in my town. I will not run, so I ask you do not either.
3) Do not talk to any villagers, or NPCs. This includes Kapp'n, Brewster, and Isabelle. Do not enter any shops, or go onto Main ST.
4) Stay close behind me when I am leading you. Do not stray from me.
5) Can't find a flower, or color you want? Flag me down, it may be on the opposite beach area. I will lead you there.
6) I do not list how many flowers I have, and of which. You may ask here if I have any flowers you are looking for, and I will reply as soon as I can.
7) I will friend you, then open my gates and PM you when I am ready. Give me time. I am very busy, especially because it is the holidays.

You must pay first, then I will friend you and open my gates so you may come complete your trip.


I will not hesitate to boot you and leave a negative review if you majorly break a rule, so be polite and kind, and I will do the same for you.

Thanks for stopping by, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have! xoxoxo

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- gl on your shop! ( I think you should do a hybrid trip.. or just sell individually )
I'll pay 2tbt for a trip, can i pay 2 tbt for any additional hybrids that I find there that I like, or limited 1 per person?
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I'll pay 2tbt for a trip, can i pay 2 tbt for any additional hybrids that I find there that I like, or limited 1 per person?

Sure thing! I currently have a few orange, pink, and black hybrids. You may grab a few more, I just ask that you don't take all of everything.
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Added you, let me know when your gate's open.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thanks for the pink rose! :D

Just so you and others know, there's a orange pansy, some Black Lilies, a orange cosmo and 6-ish pink roses.

I could be wrong, just what I saw on my brief visit. :)
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