

Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Chomp Call
Smash Ball
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
If you don't know, Katie is this little cat who lost her mom. Well she came crying to me in my town asking me to bring to her mommy in Da Town (yah, she wanted to go to justin's town). So I started running to the gate to bring her to Justin. But then she fell on her face and started crying, lol. So I walked REALLY slow with her untill we got to the gate, but Justin didn't have his gate anymore , so I just went to Liqefy's town and she was gone.

Suposedly this only works with DS to DS, but there she was....
What the heck is that all about? Describe what the dumb little cat looked like.....lol
She was really short and sitting on the ground crying when I found her. She's brown. She kept crying and bother ing me :lol: So then she followed me around to the gate, after falling numerous times.
She's still in my town! Liqefy says she'll be here for a while. <_<

Still crying... and this time she's right in front of my house.

I'll talk to her, this is what she says:

"Waaaaaah! HWAAAAAAH!
Which way to Da Town?

I say "Come with me"

She says "...Uh-huh"

She follows me

I run

She falls flat on her face and starts crying again

She says
"H-help? ...I'm s-so cute and
lonely... Whaa... Whaaaaa....
Sniff! N-no, I'm not crying."
That is the wierdest thing i have ever heard happening in Animal Crossing. Is it fun to make her fall flat on her face? lol (i didnt mean to be mean)
Blathers said:
That is the wierdest thing i have ever heard happening in Animal Crossing. Is it fun to make her fall flat on her face? lol (i didnt mean to be mean)
:lol: Yah, she's so cute, I feel awful when it happens, but it's hilarious!!
I guess she wants to come to my town

I'll go open my gate.
I wonder what will happen when you get her here...
Wow. You might not see her. She's in the gate talking to her mom, her mom sounds mad. Do you see them?
Her mom Is Kaitlen.. She didn't give me anything, but she said thnak you and everyhting. Justin saw when I came in.
Stupid rip off cat!!! If she ever comes in your town again, try running near a lake....if you get what I mean (She might fall in). lol. Are you sure she didnt give you anything? Try talking to her mom or something.
Blathers said:
Stupid rip off cat!!! If she ever comes in your town again, try running near a lake....if you get what I mean (She might fall in). lol. Are you sure she didnt give you anything? Try talking to her mom or something.
She didn't give me anyhting and they left the town when I returned Katie to her mom.
Thats messed up. I mean, even when I give something or do a favor for one of the people in my town for another person in the SAME town i get something....this seems like too big of a job to not get anything for. Maybe when you get back to your town you will be rewarded somehow.