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Is Slut Shaming Okay?

I don't care as long as they aren't constantly talking about how much sex they're having or as long as they're being mature about it and not reckless. I don't like when people go around sleeping with as many people as possible but not even bothering to wear protection. It bothers me even more when people brag about not using protection. That's how diseases get spread.
Basically what I'm getting at is that people tend to do this because they probably got cheated on in the past or something and so they see anyone as promiscuous as something "bad" and judge them for it..or something like that. I lost my train of though. Damn.

I really doubt it has anything to do with any sort of trauma.

I think the big reasons are 1. That for so long, society's been telling people that women who are sexually active are lesser and people have eaten it up, and 2. The stigma amongst mostly younger people that losing your virginity/having sex is such a huge accomplishment to show off and be proud of, which has become something that people use against each other. So people are bitter that others are getting more than them and thus calling each other sluts and whatnot.

And then of course there's the guys who will call women who have slept with anyone who isn't them "sluts" because so many straight guys have this weird mindset where if they aren't the girl's first, she must be a nasty ho.
I really doubt it has anything to do with any sort of trauma.

I think the big reasons are 1. That for so long, society's been telling people that women who are sexually active are lesser and people have eaten it up, and 2. The stigma amongst mostly younger people that losing your virginity/having sex is such a huge accomplishment to show off and be proud of, which has become something that people use against each other. So people are bitter that others are getting more than them and thus calling each other sluts and whatnot.

And then of course there's the guys who will call women who have slept with anyone who isn't them "sluts" because so many straight guys have this weird mindset where if they aren't the girl's first, she must be a nasty ho.
If that's how people REALLY are, it's pathetic! This explains why I'm so misanthropic.
Slut shaming is just stupid in my eyes. It's just a gender centered remark against a female, used for bullying, like any other thing anyday of the week. Just because some guy/guys think you're a slut, doesn't mean anything. It's just a dumb remark.

It's just like the remark "chicken" against boys or other things like Pretty boy. You're targeting their masculinity, but you don't see "#StopChickenShaming" going around, because it's stupid.

It's just normal bullying/name-calling. It's bad, but not THAT bad.
Slut shaming is just a deal that was made too big.
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Slut shaming is just stupid in my eyes. It's just a gender centered remark against a female, used for bullying, like any other thing anyday of the week. Just because some guy/guys think you're a slut, doesn't mean anything. It's just a dumb remark.

It's just like the remark "chicken" against boys or other things like Pretty boy. You're targeting their masculinity, but you don't see "#StopChickenShaming" going around, because it's stupid.

It's just normal bullying/name-calling. It's bad, but not THAT bad.
Slut shaming is just a deal that was made too big.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no it's not the same at ALL. there's absolutely not as much stigma for a guy sleeping around than a girl. i absolutely agree that men shouldn't be put down or named called and i think that in many ways men face as much social pressure's as women but in regard to 'slut shaming' there's a double standard (hence why there's a million different variations on the world slut but not as many for guys) and ppl are trying to address it so don't say it's not a big deal.
It's just like the remark "chicken" against boys or other things like Pretty boy. You're targeting their masculinity, but you don't see "#StopChickenShaming" going around, because it's stupid.

If someone called me "Pretty boy" I'd be overjoyed
They're literally calling you good looking
Slut shaming is NEVER right in my opinion. You shouldn't name call or look down on people for having sex with people, especially since it is a part of our human nature.

I was once slut shamed in school. A 'friend' was asking me questions in a lesson about what I have done with my boyfriend and when I was pressured into telling her that we have had sex, she called me a "dirty sl*t and a wh*re." I find it super offensive as it should not matter how many people you have had sex with or if you have had a physical relationship, it should matter about the person you are on the inside. Furthermore, when word got spread around school about my situation, I received several remarks about how I was sl*tty and the like.

Sex is such a natural thing and people shouldn't be stigmatised for it. I also stand by that no matter what you wear, you are not a slut (as I had argued in a previous thread similar to this issue). People just need to relax and understand that if someone wants to have sex and it is legal/safe, then they can and shouldn't be ashamed of it!
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I do believe that 90% of women (and men), are doing prostitution not because they want to, but for a situation that happened to occur in their life. Those people are most likely already shamed for that they need to do prostituation and so, in my opinion, there's no need for the public to rub that in.
I know that there are also people who get into prostitution voluntarily and honestly, who am I to judge them? People have all kinds of hobbies and interests and if you enjoy sex, then prostitution might be an easy way for you to make some money and do something you like, no matter how weird that may sound. So no, I don't believe that people who are in prostituation ''have no respect for their body''.

Of course it's also an image society creates. Drama series/soaps bringing the subject of prostituation up regularly in a negative way. The taboo of paying for sex that still excists in a lot of countries and the 'insults' including whore- and slut-calling. Ah well, I don't think you can ever really get rid of the shaming around certain subjects but luckily there are people who have - I'm sorry to say this - a way higher tolerance level then your mother seems to have.
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i get called pretty boy as a compliment ?? the person is literally calling me pretty

There is just a difference of usage for genders when it comes to the words handsome and pretty. Also, what Belle of Pripyat said, both genders would most likely feel insulted because you're referring to them with a word meant for the other gender.
I think the obvious answer is no, shaming women for being "slutty" is not okay.
We all know it mainly only happens to women anyway.
It's a double standard I'd like to go away soon. Let women be comfortable with their sexuality.
And I say that knowing a lot of women do it to other women, because you know, internalized misogyny.