How many internet tabs do you have open?

i usually have one or two on my phone for safari, but on a computer most of the time i use one new tab to separate different links? for example- if i was looking up different acnl villager types, then i’d separate the villager types (w/ their corresponding villagers) by putting new tabs in between them. :)
At the moment, I have four open. Sometimes more, sometimes less, it depends what I'm doing on the
internet that day.
twelve atm. Three G-mails, one TBT, one Youtube, one Best Buy, one Amazon, three school-related, Microsoft account settings and a laptop listing on Microsoft.
1. Netflix, Comedians in cars getting coffee
2. tbt
3. Fossil (getting a smartwatch for christmas :D)
  1. Brewster's Cafe (TBT)
  2. How Many Internet Tabs do you have open (TBT)
  3. Mitchie M Newly Edgy Idols (YouTube Song
  4. Bunnie, Animal Crossing New Horizons Plush (Custom Plush on Deviantart)
Right now I only have one(the tab for this thread on TBT your looking at)
I usually only have 1-3 tabs open at a time
unless I'm reading some kind of wiki or information site if I'm researching something then I have no clue, 10+?