How many internet tabs do you have open?

Only one at a time.

I used to have a roommate who was a computer science major and had like, 52 tabs open at the same time. WTF. What do you even need that many tabs open for? When you’re done with something just close it <.<
At the moment I have four open. I would say the average while I'm working is eight or nine because I need to constantly reference multiple documents and check my e-mail.
This is a bit outdated and from the last time I did a count (a few weeks ago), but I was sitting at a cool 608 on my phone, really need to clean my tabs more, had some back from January
Currently on my phone, including this tab open for TBT I have three tabs open. I need to bookmark the other two since they've been open for a long time.

I never have more than about ten open. Once I get to that point I start bookmarking and closing them.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Now I just have one ^^
At home or on my phone, I usually only have 1 tab open at a time. The only exception to this is if I'm researching something and need to keep switching between multiple tabs. Even then, I usually only have 2-3 tabs open at the most.

At work, I'm required to use a lot of different programs at the same time so I will sometimes have as many as 5-10 different tabs open that I have to keep flipping between. But I always close any tabs/programs that are not necessary at the time, so I keep far fewer tabs up than most of my co-workers.

I just like a clean desktop. It's less confusing.
I mainly have three tabs open but if I go to visit the bell tree or any of my accounts somwhere I like to open a new tab
1. I can’t stand having more than 5 either on phone or laptop.
My friend is too lazy to close them so she leaves like 30 open
Th why do people have like 15 open jezzes.

One my phone it's rare for me to have 2, maybe 3 open. On my laptop I'll have a max of 3 open, but often 2. One for music and the other for whatever I'm doing online.
At the moment 5. Most of the time, I have around 3-5 taps open. One is Bell Tree, the other Twitter, one
for YouTube and if I'm searching or looking for something I have one or two more taps open then.
one is bell tree, one is youtube, one is reddit, one is discord and one is google
I have 30 on my phone right now.....when did I lose control like this?
I never have more than two or three open at a time on both my laptop and my phone. Excessive tabs bother me, so if I happen to open one that was only needed for a small period of time, I make sure to close it afterwards. I'm not sure why I'm so particular about keeping my number of tabs low. Maybe it's because I can find things easier with fewer tabs to go through, but I also hate how cluttered everything gets if I'm not vigilant about closing unnecessary ones.
- Some music from youtube
- The basement section of the forum
- This page
I have five tabs open at the moment.
-Google Docs x2