• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

How do you get to the Forum?

How do you get to the Forum?

If Other explain.

Do you want easier way to get here?
I think so. You could use the Icons on the left side of the banner. "The Bell Tree" would link to the main site, while "Forums" would link to TBT forums. Just a thought anyway.
The link in the top left corner goes to the forum index. The websites page is thebelltree.tripod.com . I have the main website as a favorite then I just click the forums tab.
Clown fish. No we didn't get it when finding Nemo came out. We have had them for 10 years. They are old.