how are you feeling right now?

I’m honestly feeling worse than I was earlier. I had another dream that my ex was in. I’m frustrated about my internet connection still; I got one suggestion to try but I’m not optimistic that will fix the issue. I’m down about something else. I kept waking up because my dad was being too loud.

I still need to take my medicine so hopefully that helps.
I’m feeling pretty good even though there has been something making me feel down. Not sure if I’m overthinking or being too sensitive again.

The Among Us sessions have been a great distraction from the stuff that has been bothering me and has been so much fun too :D.

I’m happy I got two sleeping kittens on my bed with me ☺️. They’re keeping my legs and feet nice and cozy 🥰.
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I just woke up again (I kept waking up earlier because my dad was loud) and I had a dream with my best friend kinda in it, so I’m depressed, less from this though and more maybe from what has been making me feel down. My nose is stuffy too. I’ll feel better once I take my medicine and allergy pill.
Tired, but overall fine. I actually ended up having a good family dinner with my dad and stepmom. It made me lighten up more and even laugh a bit. Going to catch up on sleep tonight so I'll feel even better tomorrow. 💚
I was irritable this morning, but thankfully a good burrito made me feel a bit better. Now I'm just kind of neutral.
Is like 6:30 am right now, so I feel tired. But I also feel, idk, I can't name it.
...decided to delete...
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A little bit in shock and a little ill.

As more gruesome details come out about crimes a childhood friend did recently, I can't help but feel out of sorts.

At one point I searched him on social media. I wanted to say 'Hi! We were friends in 3rd grade' or something like that. Then I saw some of his weird posts (making poses with various weapons) and I got scared off.

I'm glad I didn't reach out. I was very, very close. Provably would have been one of my worst decisions.
I’m doing pretty good! I’m still feeling down about something but overall doing good. My first session of Among Us today had to be cancelled, but I’m still looking forward to tonight’s. A lot more people signed up and I think there might be at least one more person that might be able to make it. :D

Also a little sleepy and starting to get a little hungry. My mom is going to make some corn bread though :D.
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I have a weird case of the jitters.

The contest polls are coming out this evening; one side of me wants to be nominated for at least one one of my entries, but another side of me doubts it. The last event in June with the win I didn't expect made me a bit too overconfident. ^^; But I'll be fine!

No hugs please.
I’m feeling happy and a little crabby, and still a bit down and little troubled by something small. I’m happy since my 8 PM session went well and was a lot of fun. I’m a bit crabby because it’s that time of the month.Also a bit anxious since my mom mentioned something about me getting my hair cut. I haven’t been taking good care of myself and I don’t want to deal with the hair stylist and I just hate going to hair salons not to mention leaving the house.
I’m feeling pretty good! Went to a Jeep event and my Wrangler won Best Stock Wrangler! Most were modded, so that was the only category I had a shot in! 😂