🧑‍🎨House and Roof Colors🏘️


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2020
Light Brown Scenery
Zen Easter Egg
Zen Easter Egg
Zen Easter Egg
Light Brown Scenery
Light Brown Scenery
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom
Light Brown Scenery
When driving around I always notice the colors people pick or have for their house. Every once in a while, I'll see a house with an uncommon color. For the longest time there was one house in a nearby town that was this Bright green like color. Sometimes I'll see a victorian house with an uncommon house color chosen but looks really nice. This is an digital example of such a case... Purple house

🏘️ I was wondering what house colors do you like/would you like? Have you've seen unusually colored houses?

Personally I like light and med blue houses with a gray roof. I also like beige houses with a green roof. I also like light colored stone/brick houses and would pick a light blue roof but I like the other two I mentioned more.
I also prefer metal rooves over shingles. I think they look more clean and they last way longer, more durable too. It is also easier to collect rain water from for your garden (if that is something you want to do or is legal).
I know some people don't like the way metal rooves look though.
Right now my house is gold color only because I was completing the Nook Miles Achievement for remodeling my house. I actually prefer the pink options under normal circumstances but I do like how my house looks like it’s solid gold right now.
I usually care more about architectural style than colors. But if it’s a beach house, I prefer white siding houses with red, green, or blue roofs.
When it comes to walls I like white the most. I like white because when its hot the house is cooler. As for the roof...also white. I have a modern roof so its not visible but I felt it was a good idea. The interior is a different story but for the exterior white is always the safe choice for me
I’m painting the rooms in the house I will renting from my dad different colors that are rather nice to look at. The bedrooms, upstairs hall, and dining room I picked a medium blue that is almost ocean blue, the Bathroom and living room a darker blue that is close to cerulean, and the kitchen a mint green. The bathroom is currently this hideous shade of puke green and everyone who has seen it agrees that it is a horrible color and it needs to be changed immediately and the kitchen is this butter yellow that just looks tacky. The rest of the current paint choices aren’t bad but it is clear that we need to repaint the walls given the condition of the house when my dad bought it since there was a cat living there before and some sections of the wall had patch jobs.
This is a tough question because the type and color of shingles are important when dealing with the environment and temperature. This may limit a person’s options when buying. Especially when there are not a lot of contractors to choose from, like in my county. Also, it’s hot where I currently live, so I can forget about choosing black or gray. Maybe light gray, but that’s about it.

Ideally, I would go for a house with a blue exterior. Light blue doesn’t look too bad. If not, then a nice olive with reddish-brown shingles would look nice.