Hopes And Expectations For This Game


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Toy Duck Plush
User Title Color Change
For me, I think it would be extremely handy if we were able to buy or craft a toolbox for our pockets. That way, our tools will only take up one slot, and not, like, half our pocket space. Plus, we won't have to go back and forth to store and take out tools from our storage, which can get annoying. Besides all tools come in handy and I would rather just have them all with me. :)
To be able to save the game in the game itself or to an SD card.

To get rid of autosave.
By now I figure nintendo knows that we all want Celeste's observatory back so I fully expect it to be added.
I hope there's more (and different) fun things to do over multiplayer with friends, I loved the island but it got very repetitive and that was about all you could do for entertainment with your buddy lol.
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By now I figure nintendo knows that we all want Celeste's observatory back so I fully expect it to be added.
I hope there's more (and different) fun things to do over multiplayer with friends, I loved the island but it got very repetitive and that was about all you could do for entertainment with your buddy lol.

Yes, I agree with this! When it came to multiplayer, all we could really do for entertainment was to play the island games. I’m not too sure what else they could add for multiplayer, but I do hope they introduce something new
I also hope PWPs, ordinances, and being able to adopt boxed villagers come back! ^_^
I have specific things I'd love to see added, but overall I think I just want a rich, interesting game that can keep me indulged for a full year-long cycle (and maybe more if they can think of things to add) with interesting villagers so the game doesn't get stale.
My hopes for the game are that it's possible to time travel. It would take a lot of fun for me if we wouldn't be able to and also I hope the crafting is limited. I don't like the crafting part in pocket camp but I am positiv that we will get normal stores to ^^ Either way I am happy as long as I enjoy the game.
I don't want new species or even new villagers. I want all the previous villagers from the GameCube game, the DS, 3DS, and Wii game to come back. Everyone is back. That's all.
I'm trying to keep my expectations low. Not that I think the game might be bad or anything. It's just that I never got Wild World or City Folk, I went straight from ACGC to New Leaf. That was a pretty big leap and I wouldn't be doing myself a favor by expecting as much for New Horizons.
I just want them to improve personalities. Allow characters to be more diverse with a wider range of emotion and dialogue
If it is as bland as new leaf was after a month I will lose my mind
I also think it would be cute if you could give (Just as yourself, not having to dress up as Jingle) and receive (ones you have a high friendship with) gifts from villagers on Toy Day! <333
I just want to plant the trees that normally grow only on the beach anywhere without restrictions...
i'm wondering if some things will be locked behind certain villager personality types, similar to how just one personality would request a specific PWP project in New Leaf?

perhaps certain personalities will allow you to unlock new recipes? :confused:

in my opinion i never cared much for the sporty / jock villagers and kicked them out of town as soon as i had unlocked their personality specific PWP.. :p so i'm not sure how i would feel about needing them to unlock things again!
I'm hoping for a lot of things already mentioned in this thread!
Also like everyone else, long hair!!! Like really long:

Also other things but I'll make a thread about that I think, since it's so long...
I'm just really hoping that I don't find those feelings of frustration when I'm creating my town to come back - you know, when you hit a brick wall with what you can do and just feel so (΄◉︎◞︎౪◟︎◉︎`) stumped...
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I'm hoping for a lot, but not expecting much of those hopes to be fufuilled.

I'm hoping the island or village you'll be dropped in is as large or larger than Animal Crossings GCN was

I'm hoping there will be a lot more vastness and complexity to the dialogue this time and personalities to match up with their attitude towards the player and other villagers

I'm hoping there will be lots of events that both the player and other villagers can take a part of

I'm hoping that villagers can be seen actually catching bugs/fishes during tournaments (or their walks). And the mischievous side of me is hoping you can chase those bugs/fishes away and get a reaction from the villagers

I'm hoping you can craft items into useful tools, food or clothing and accessories

I'm hoping you have more than 10 villagers in your town

I'm hoping a type of dive feature is added where you'll be able to see underwater floor, like Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, and you can find rare items that drop to the bottom.

I'm hoping Celete's observatory returns and Blathers has more to say other than everything you donate to him reminds him of when he was in his nest

I'm hoping PWP don't take up as much space

I'm hoping you can plant bushes next to your home

I'm hoping Happy Home features are added, like being able to decorate you villager's home exterior, adding ceiling decorations, ect.

I'm hoping for an Animal Crossing Ultimate, so to speak, but I'm kind of expecting to get an Animal Crossing Sword and Shield.
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I?m hoping that villagers can be seen actually catching bugs/fishes during tournaments (or their walks). And the mischievous side of me is hoping you can chase those bugs/fishes away and get a reaction from the villagers

I thought this happens at least in nl, for me it did, because during a bug tournament, I scared a bug a villager was about to catch and did the shocked emote

I'm hoping for an Animal Crossing Ultimate, so to speak, but I'm kind of expecting to get an Animal Crossing Sword and Shield.

I wouldn?t worry too much about it, yes they may have cut some features in the past, but I think it?s due to limations honestly (and besides, the developers know how to make a game, gfs team clearly didn?t with so much of the dex having to be cut for switch)
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I hope for the more obscure celebrations and events to come back, like morning aerobics and the "holidays" from Wild World.

I hope for the items in Pocket Camp, especially clothing and wigs to be added to the game. I would even take them in a 'Pocket Camp' DLC, which I think would be really cool. That way people who don't want the PC items can skip them. But it would be neat if they did 'Pocket Camp edition 1' DLC which included the first of the PC exclusive items, and then 6 months later we could get the next DLC pack. Idk I just love the PC items so bad I hope they're all included somehow into NH.

I hope for longer hair, even though I personally am not sure if I think it'd fit in the style of the game. I wouldn't use it but I know others want it so I hope they get it.

I hope for PWP's to be converted into normal items like in HHD, and you can just place them outside in your town if you want them out there.

I hope theres a lot of beautiful sunsets again and I really, really, hope the aurora makes a return. I loved looking at it for hours since I'm fond of them in real life as well. I hope the weather is more dynamic and rainy/stormy nights are more common during the summer in NH than they were in NL.
The only thing I can think of right now that I hope is that the villagers will have more to say each time you talk to them. The dialogue in New Leaf was OK, but it was overly repetitive and I'm hoping that the conversations we have with our villagers is much more diverse, both in the beginning of our friendship with them and when we are really good friends with them, like best friends.
My main hopes for New Horizons is a good hourly soundtrack and that the game doesn't hold your hand too much. For the music, I have liked what I've heard so far, but it's hard to judge how it really feels until you're sitting there listening to the same track for an hour. I have dumped on New Leaf's hourly music a lot, but listening to just one of the songs in a YouTube mix where the song isn't on repeat has revealed that they're better than I give them credit for.