Hello TBT'ers


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am N!ck, you might have seen me from this year's Smash Camp.
I'm in Cabin 4, the best cabin of them all, we're just giving Cabin 2 a head start and such.
Khocol4te said:
My bad officers
You forgot you had an account? It was only about a week ago you were last active xP.
HeartGold said:
Khocol4te said:
My bad officers
You forgot you had an account? It was only about a week ago you were last active xP.
Here let me paste this quote that I made on another forum I'm on:

N!ck said:
Quantom X said:
Koehler said:
Quantom X said:
Yesterday on my way home from school, I almost got hit head on by some idiot in a truck!
I was going around a turn in the road and he was coming from the other direction.
As we were passing he crossed the yellow line and forced me almost into the ditch.
I had both of my right side wheels off of the road.
When I looked in my mirror, the fool was all the way over into my lane.
Oh man, I saw that post on the Skillet Boards today and then I realized you're the same Quantom X. Why do I keep forgetting that? :p
LOL. Yeah, I forget who you are there though.
This is due to internet amnesia. Once you switch from one site to the other, you *censored.2.0* bawlz.

eAmnesia, forgot everything.