

Junior Member
Oct 24, 2023
Hello all,
I'm new here, I got by Thalidan online mostly. 39 year old who just really enjoys the game very much.
I've been playing Animal Crossing since New Leaf, so not as vetted as some of the folks around here, but been a fan ever since! I am glad to see such a fanbase and following for this franchise, and enjoy talking to other AC Fans!

My favourite villagers are the birds; Birds are my favourite animals IRL.
My entire Island is all birds minus one, who is Raymond (I love him too much to make him leave LOL )

My fave all time villager would have to be Midge - And yes she's on my island, the day I got her Amiibo card was one the best days of my life LOL!

- Nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your time here. This community is active so I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for!
Welcome to the forums! ✨

Midge is pretty adorable! I always end up with too many "normal" personality villagers on my island because they're so sweet! ☺️ Is there anything specific you're working on in-game at the moment? 🏝️

Hope you enjoy it here!
Welcome to the forums!!
Ahh I love Midge, I had her in my new leaf town ☺️
Do you have any pet birds?
Hello and welcome! I like the bird villagers, too…they are definitely underrated. Midge and Jacques are my favorite birds.
hello, thalidan! welcome to the forums; i hope you enjoy your time here! 💓

an all-bird island with one cat sounds adorable! i love that so much haha. i’m so happy to see some love for the bird villagers as well; especially midge! i had her on my island a while ago, and she was such a delightful cutie to have! so underrated.

some of my other favourite birdies are ace, piper, and twiggy! they’re all so cute, though. 💓
Thanks for the warm welcome!
To those who asked, yes I do have a pet bird, he's a parakeet named Gary whom I love and adore with all my soul.

My other faves are: Ace, Jay, Robin, Sparrow and Lucia | I have all these guys on my island minus Jay whom I'm still trying to get my hands on, and Flora cuz Flamingo (Even tho she's an ostrich lol).

It's so nice to see others who enjoy the bird villagers as well, they definitely are underrated without a doubt!

Thank you again, I'm so happy to be here!