Hello :) new to the site


Junior Member
Sep 2, 2023
Hi my name is Gabe. I've been playing acnh for a bit now but didn't think to see if there was a forum out there. Just wanted to say hello, and hopefully find answers to some of the questions that I have. Mostly about finding fruits that don't grow on my island (can't find a peach for the life of me lol) I hear that you can trade but don't know how. I have cherries, pears, and coconuts if that helps.
Thanks and sorry if I'm breaking any rules
Welcome to the forums Gabe! ✨

Unfortunately, without trading it's not possible to collect all of the fruits. The forum has a trading section where a lot of people trade fruit. Definitely check out the threads there, or you can start your own asking to trade for what you're looking for. 😊 If you see me online this weekend, I am happy to bring fruit as well! 😊

Hope you enjoy it here!
Welcome to the forums!! 😊

As long as you have nintendo switch online, you can visit/have visitors through your airport! Usually on here we do this through dodo codes, where you follow Orville's dialogue through e.g. want visitors> online play>invite via dodo code>the more the merrier, and he'll give you a code which you send (usually via private message) to whoever you're trading with! Sorry if that's confusing wording dmkf

But I hope you have a good time here!
Hello and welcome! I regularly open my island and have all fruits available, DIYs, recipes and other items. If you still need some peaches, I would be delighted to help! Hope you enjoy your time on the forums!
you’re not breaking any rules, don’t worry! welcome to the forums, gabe— it’s nice to meet you! 💞
Well hello there @bagelbb! Fortunately you can get some peaches, if they're you're sister fruit by finding a Nook Mile Island that has a fruit different to yours. Or you can hope to get one from your villagers if you do favors with them.
Hey there, Gabe! I hope you enjoy your time here on the forums! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message, I'd be happy to help :)