Have you experienced writers/artists block?


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Blue Rosewater Potion
Enchanted Bloom
Blue Rosewater Potion
Opalescent Crystal
I wanted to ask this question because I wanted to know if you have experienced this situation of a writers or artists block. For me, I experienced it sometimes and it's frustrating at times. I just put off doing art and try to do something else in case of an artists block.
Yes, but it's usually from something that puts me in a bad mood or I'm just exhausted mentally/physically tired. I write down a lot of ideas for later when I'm feeling up for it. It's helped so much.
Occasionally when I’m writing. I will walk away if that happens and then resume once ideas start coming to me again.
I would write down some what if scenes/ or ideas (even if they don't make sense), or work on my character bios. It usually helps me when I'm trying to finish my already sloppy rough drafts.

Sometimes, I just work on a scene that I already know how it will play out.
I have, but it doesn’t happen too often. I usually accept it and do a different activity (drawing, reading, etc.) for a while until something comes to me.
writing is my main hobby so, yes, all the time. in large part it's because of my undiagnosed adhd. i have terrible focus and executive dysfunction, which is always disrupting my workflow and creating a block. other times, my brain just blanks on what to write next because i have a very weird writing process and can't draft. what i write the first time is generally always the final product, save for a few grammatical errors or some rewording here and there. so i stop and start a lot when the words/scenes aren't coming to me. sometimes i just power through writer's block or i'd never write, other times i try to take a little bit of a break where i don't write anything for, say, a week or two, but i'm not entirely sure it helps asdfghjk. i hate starting things, so i'm the type of person who just has to make herself write, otherwise i simply won't do it. once i have said start out of the way though, it's usually easier to get myself to continue the project.
Yeah, nowadays I usually doodle without thinking too hard until it becomes some crazy monster and that's just how I solve artists block I guess. I can go back to that doodle monster and tune it later if I want.
I have many times, and it's usually related to my depression or insecurities 😓
drawing I can usually get back into after finding some inspiration or messing around with doodles, but writing is a lot more difficult LOL I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things after a month 😭
I used to make comics. I had a series going up until highschool.

I'm not sure why, but I eventually shelved the series (literally stuck it in my closet shelf) and never picked it back up again.

I kept it mostly private but I shared them with my cousin who found them funny.
I'm experiencing it for the past two months. About 12k words in a fic I was writing got deleted off my phone, and I've tried to rewrite it, but I can't. It's not flowing like it was when I was writing it back in August, and I feel extremely tired when I try to write. It's really annoying, I wish I could get back my ability to write.
Writer's block happens to me all the time. I really only ever write whenever brainrot starts consuming me. For example, the brainrot for my Royal AU got so bad the other day that I made a whole Pinterest board, so I knew it was time to start writing. Even if the brainrot is about something completely unrelated to one of my four main projects, I write it out. Who knows, it might end up in one of those projects later down the line!
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Oh absolutely! It's so annoying and frustrating, especially when you just wanna write. I end up just putting that plot on a break and move onto another one or just do something else entirely.
I think everyone's experienced some kind of block, whether its writer, art, or something completely else. A lot of times it's because we need a break. I love gardening and expanding my gardens with different types of plants/crops. But if this was my only source of creativity/happiness I would probably burn myself out doing it all the time. So a break is good. So you can pull yourself away from the source and pinpoint why or just let yourself have a bit of a grace period and then come back later. If you try to push through it, you're just going to burn yourself out even more.
It happens pretty frequently with me. Part of it comes from the fact I don't know how I want to take the story, and if I'm writing, it'll feel like a chore because it will seem as though I'm just writing a bunch of garbage.
I have writers block most of the time. I'm only ever in the mood to write when I have a good idea in my head and get started on writing it right away. Otherwise it ends up like the rest of my story ideas and fades away. I'm lucky I managed to feel motivated enough to finish the rough draft of my novella at all.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I think any kind of creative block is normal sometimes, especially if you've been trying to create constantly or have a lot of other things going on in your life. Taking a break and focusing on other hobbies usually helps me; sometimes you just need to passively take in inspiration for a little while.

I make sure not to force it either; I often struggle with concepts, so I'll think them over for a while (sometimes even a few days) and work on the idea before actually starting on them. It sucks when I'm stuck like "I want to draw... something", but if I go in aimlessly I'm rarely satisfied with the result.
Now that I’m drawing again, I can say for sure if you count having trouble getting something to look the way you want to as one. Right now, it’s more because I lack the skill and experience drawing and shading mouths, lips and skin.

I know when I used to write - school papers and fan fic, I’d get writer’s block all the time. For school, it was more I’d go blank and then there is also with my focus issues, and working under stress that is another issue. For writing things for fun,I experienced various forms. I suck at writing dialogue and my descriptions aren’t as good as I used to think so, I’d have ideas in my head but have trouble putting into words. Or I’d get writer’s block when I had no new ideas to progress the story.
Oh so many times. After years I think it’s related to my perfectionism as I often hit a block when the piece is almost done. In those moments I feel a strong urge to put it away and never return to it. But I feel obligated to finish it so I end up spending way too much time polishing every little detail. It’s exhausting and by the end I’m worn out. I’m trying to fight it with mixed results.
i struggle w the toxic cycle of not creating if there's 'no purpose' - everything must go in my portfolio/ be a commission or gift/ if it's not perfect there's no point in finishing it or starting in the first place... i don't really create outside of these scenarios rn but i'm trying to challenge myself! it's okay to make imperfect things but my brain just sees this as failure and wasted energy LOL - this standard i've set myself usually results in me not creating at all now because i'm scared of 'wasting time' and not achieving what i want (even tho i want to do so much and haven't yet!!!!) my technical skill has plummeted due to lack of practice because of this cycle which is then becoming harder to break - but we'll get there 🥹 tbt's drawing/writing/creative club when ???