Halo 3 Commercial


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Nov 7, 2004
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So it was on a few days ago, but no posted anything about it here. It was pretty awesome. :gyroidgrin:
Triforce3force said:
*looks at blank space*

Meh...I'm not much of a Halo fan. Actually, I don't like it. Not my type. *puts up shield*
It's suppose to be an embeded video. It didn't load for you?
Tom the Warrior said:
It loaded for me. I'm not the blood and guts type, or war for no reason.
IT is for a reason. Aliens kinda took over the Earth.

And although I would love to play it, I have no access to an XBOX360.
But Master Chief still in training? Good stuff.
Halo is alright... it's honestly overrated, but its still a fair FPS, i just bought an Xbox, and Halo 2 is one of the games i've got for it, although most PC FPS's are much better (mainly because you can aim with one hand...) Halo is the best as far as consoles go from what i've seen.

Halo 3 looks nice, i'll have to get it if i ever get a 360.
The trailer was awesome! I really hope the shield grenades, original pistol, and sprint weren't just teasers. Those would be great additions to the game.

I'm a Halo fan, unlike many of you it seems.

:p I'm also into the action games. A good WWII game is always good. Shooting Japs and Nazis is fun.

Innocent kids in a middle of a field dying is fun.


Looks cool. <---( Thats my only statement )
Well I gave up on most online gaming....sooo laggy, or at least there is almost always some kid lagging popping out of no where, and appearing to teleport away...

and then there are the most annoying kids with the high pitched voices who wear their mike far to close to their face on the highest setting...honestly that is a safety hazard they could choke!

And then there is the worst player to find... the stalker kid who wants to be a part of the clan you are n but never seems to take a hint so he stalks from room to room trying to keep up and annoy you to death....

That and the loading times is why I stopped online stuff... Although I have no doubt that the xbox had better online than the PS2....