Hacked games... like or dislike?

I refuse to visit hacked town, got stuck in these around 6 times and my game crashed twice because I visited their dream.
I don't mind minor hacks like putting trees and bushes and things where they normally can't go or whatever, but I'm not a fan of overly hacked towns like putting houses on the beach or creating islands or bridges that overlook the pond area of the river moving the plaza stone or tree around to various locations, etc. I started hacking a couple of my towns yesterday, but I don't plan to go overboard with it just minor hacks like I said with trees and stuff like that. But to each their own.
I waited SO LONG to be able to hack my town... and recently I finally did it! :D
I am so very happy! But I didn't go overboard, since I don't like glitchy or over-flashy towns. I just moved rocks around and relocated villagers.
I have no problems with anybody hacking their games, it's theirs after all. And I do really like some hacked towns I've visited. The possibilities just seem endless. If I ever did it myself it would be purely for landscaping
I don't mind hacked towns, in fact, I like how creative some of them are. It's interesting to see how they would change things and it gives me ideas about what I want to see in the next AC installment. However, I don't think I would hack. It's just so complicated and I don't want to corrupt my town.
It doesn't bother me since you can play the game however you want, but I will say I'd be worried if I visited a dream town that was hacked in a malicious way that could crash or corrupt my game. But otherwise, no, I don't have anything against it. I'd do it if I had a second copy of the game, I think it could be potentially fun to play around with and experiment, then compare it to my legit town to see the differences.
I'm probably pro-hacking, but I'm not too bothered about doing it myself. I did have a hacked town at one point, and I would consider again for a few little things...but I honestly like how the game is normally.
I don't mind minor hacks like putting trees and bushes and things where they normally can't go or whatever, but I'm not a fan of overly hacked towns like putting houses on the beach or creating islands or bridges that overlook the pond area of the river moving the plaza stone or tree around to various locations, etc. I started hacking a couple of my towns yesterday, but I don't plan to go overboard with it just minor hacks like I said with trees and stuff like that. But to each their own.

I'm about to hack mine with the minor stuff too. I like the way you put it n.n
It depends. I don't mind it if it's for benefits (such as pwp restrictions or removing rocks or something) but it still kind of feels like cheating to me. I'd never do it personally, and I'd prefer not to trade with someone who has hacked items, but I don't totally care if people do it.
What's more impressive is what people can do without hacking. Most hacked towns have the same theme, and they just place bushes/trees on either side of bridges, stuff in water, and clovers/grass everywhere. I rarely come across a hacked town that really blows me away. It's mostly frustrating trying to navigate with walls of trees/bushes everywhere.

I do like some subtle hacks, like the fountain in the lake, I've only seen that once and I liked it.
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I dont mind hacked games as long as they're not giving me hacked items, or they're hard to even walk through. Usually if I go to a hacked town thats super full of trees or whatever my game will crash.
I've hacked my towns. I've got two physical copies.
My town below is hacked, I've removed a few rocks, added a pond, changed my villagers, unlocked PWPs, and filled my town with flowers and clovers. I feel like each person has their own opinions and ideas about it, I for it, some are against it.
I enjoy visiting any town, hacked or not, and am amazed at what some can do. My town isn't hacked.