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if my dad or mom owned a gun, i would get really paranoid and probably break it because of delusions
that being said, i dont want a gun and if i feel like i need something i bring a knife just in case

wait is it legal to just go out w a knife for self defense where u live? sounds kinda weird
wait is it legal to just go out w a knife for self defense where u live? sounds kinda weird

ah i didnt mean it like that. i just meant if i had a legitimate reason to defend myself in my house (lets say someone was breaking in) i would carry a knife and lock whatever is close to me. i would probably feel really guilty for the rest of my life if i killed someone even in self defense
ah i didnt mean it like that. i just meant if i had a legitimate reason to defend myself in my house (lets say someone was breaking in) i would carry a knife and lock whatever is close to me. i would probably feel really guilty for the rest of my life if i killed someone even in self defense

oh okay lol then i get it. i kinda imagined that when u went out at night you brought a knife w you 4 safety so it kinda confused me
yes guns are fun but like some people said we shoot them at ranges so they're completely safe and only shoot objects not people. and i mean in hunting as long as you actually eat the animal i think its fine its nature. i have no fear of other people having guns on them though if anything it makes me feel safe
ah i didnt mean it like that. i just meant if i had a legitimate reason to defend myself in my house (lets say someone was breaking in) i would carry a knife and lock whatever is close to me. i would probably feel really guilty for the rest of my life if i killed someone even in self defense

i nearly killed someone and i think about it every day. i think it's so unlikely that you'll instantly think to go and shoot someone during a break-in, you might not even have access to the part of the house you're storing the gun in. obviously you can think that if it makes you feel better, but flight or fight is a legitimate thing. killing someone, even in self defense, isn't something to take lightly at all.

* they're fine btw and i didn't even mean to hurt them. not an ice cold killa, just a clutz

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i think a good start to getting rid of guns would be to stop selling them outright. then, government cracks down on people who illegally own guns/shouldn't have guns (background checks). THEN, get rid of them outright.

but it's so unlikely that this will ever happen. trump pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
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Guns scare me and I feel uncomfortable being around one. I don't live in America so I can't really have a say in gun control but where I live, guns aren't really a big thing. Still though, I don't live in America so I can't really say.
When guns were first banned in Australia, 650,000 legally, privately-owned guns were peacefully seized basically straight away

But in the US, there are 88 guns per 100 people, so it would definitely be a harder task! But when you look at murder statistics in the US, you realise how outrageous they are in comparison to so many other, gun-less countries.

Can we not give stupid replies like this? Junk like this is why we can't have decent conversations around here.

do you feel safe knowing that many other people have guns and other weapons? like, anyone you meet could have a gun, doesnt that make you feel unsafe

To answer your question, personally, no I do not feel unsafe knowing most everyone around me has a gun. Most people are good people, and a lot of them are people I've come to know thought work or just being in the community. Heck, even being new to the community I just moved to doesn't make me feel unsafe. Again, because most people are good people not looking to start a fight and will only fight to defend themselves or their families.

**Actually I have to say I feel a little better knowing that people around me have guns. If one a-hole decides to come to town starting trouble I feel better knowing one of the more numerous good people can step in and put a stop to any wrong doings.
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Just for the record people who are insane, criminals and alllll that good stuff CAN obtain a gun, background check, no background check, CC or no CC.... You can obtain make your own gun kits off the internet. No serial number, no registering, no tracking.....
lol, order it off a pre paid card in a false name, put abandoned house down as shipping address, boom.. nobody will find out you ordered it.

that is why I am getting a conceal carry when I turn 21.

people kill people not the guns. a bat, a knife, fists, anything can be used to kill somebody.
if you don't like guns--- don't own one. don't ruin it for everyone else. what if you need to protect your family? You really think my german shepherd can take down burglars who have guns themselves? what am I gonna do.. shield shot gun shells with my samurai sword... pllleaaaseeee....

my dad/brother/mom are all black belts.
their hands are considered weapons. they can only fight in self defense, like a gun used in self defense. do you think that should be taken away because they have the potential to kill?????
no? don't take away martial arts and self defense class? lets keep our guns then! (I know people who could kill with one round house kick to the temple.)

I'm not even going to get into all the house hold chemicals and utensils just ANYBODY even a felon can buy.

bleach, shovel, bat, rope, anti freeze, kitchen knives, saws used for sawing wood....
gtfo with that gun control bs.... right to bear arms.

adding this:
guns are also wonderful for deer hunting... deer are so over populated here, its much more humane to shoot some deer and bring down animal populations so they don't starve to death.
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Just for the record people who are insane, criminals and alllll that good stuff CAN obtain a gun, background check, no background check, CC or no CC.... You can obtain make your own gun kits off the internet. No serial number, no registering, no tracking.....
lol, order it off a pre paid card in a false name, put abandoned house down as shipping address, boom.. nobody will find out you ordered it.

that is why I am getting a conceal carry when I turn 21.

people kill people not the guns. a bat, a knife, fists, anything can be used to kill somebody.
if you don't like guns--- don't own one. don't ruin it for everyone else. what if you need to protect your family? You really think my german shepherd can take down burglars who have guns themselves? what am I gonna do.. shield shot gun shells with my samurai sword... pllleaaaseeee....

my dad/brother/mom are all black belts.
their hands are considered weapons. they can only fight in self defense, like a gun used in self defense. do you think that should be taken away because they have the potential to kill?????
no? don't take away martial arts and self defense class? lets keep our guns then! (I know people who could kill with one round house kick to the temple.)

I'm not even going to get into all the house hold chemicals and utensils just ANYBODY even a felon can buy.

bleach, shovel, bat, rope, anti freeze, kitchen knives, saws used for sawing wood....
gtfo with that gun control bs.... right to bear arms.

adding this:
guns are also wonderful for deer hunting... deer are so over populated here, its much more humane to shoot some deer and bring down animal populations so they don't starve to death.

you make it sound like guns are toys.

it's not humane at all to shoot and kill deer in its own habitat.
They're not toys?...... That's why you cannot legally own one unless you're twenty one. People my age literally shoot for sport all the time. Not even animals, targets, practice incase emergency strikes. I don't know where you got the "guns are toys" part from? I never said that. And never made to seem like they were? They COULD be though, I mean they make BB guns that are projected towards kids? I had one as a kid. And no, I'm still not saying they're toys.

Do you know where I live? A deer literally came up to me (I have photo proof as well) because they are so over populated. It literally acted like a DOG because it was around people too much. Deer around here are always walking in main streets, getting hit, and destroying peoples cars because they're over populated. I. WAS. THRUSTED. BY. THAT. DEER. what if that was a toddler instead of me? because lots of children live in that area where I was, they had to stay inside because it wasn't safe for the babies to play! The deer had no ill intent, I even tried to get it put into deer sanctuaries, but the laws prohibited it from being allowed! So someone eventually shot him for getting TOO CLOSE for it to still be safe. (Rip Elliot. yes, I named it.)

I love animals, I shed a tear every time I see one die. But that is food for some people. Deer meat feeds families through out the whole winter... That is putting thousands of over populated starving animals out of misery! I'm not going to preach the don't kill an animal speech because people aren't going to change their views because someone online doesn't agree with it. Why does every right have to be eliminated instead of compromise? Isn't America supposed to be a free country?

Coyotes also come in my yard during broad daylight. I have a dog, my neighbors have dogs, my other neighbors own chickens and have children, and always have other peoples children over.



Ducks and turkey literally walk across the streets where I live. We're definitely not just walking into the woods and shooting deer or any other game as we please.. they announce how many deer (and any other animal) are allowed to be hunted for that season. our areas are well monitored, if you hunt without a license, fish without a license, or any of that sorts, you will be fined. driving though some places, they search your car and ask for it. or they'll look you up in the system.

We are all raised with different upbringings so don't say what is right or wrong for some people.....
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They're not toys?...... That's why you cannot legally own one unless you're twenty one. People my age literally shoot for sport all the time. Not even animals, targets, practice incase emergency strikes. I don't know where you got the "guns are toys" part from? I never said that. And never made to seem like they were? They COULD be though, I mean they make BB guns that are projected towards kids? I had one as a kid. And no, I'm still not saying they're toys.

No, I know you didn't say they were toys, but the way you said "don't ruin it for everyone else" made it sound like having a gun was like having a hip new toy, when guns are extremely serious weapons with the capability of killing people.

And I get that animals like deer and rabbit are food for some people, but before we came and cut down the forests and stuff, animals lived there, so (at least in my opinion) we shouldn't be shooting animals that have no choice but to co-exist in the same space as us because of what people have done.
Also lol @ "don't ruin it for everyone else." Guns are literally tools for hurting/killing people. If little Jimmy wants to shoot something so bad, get him a water gun or a copy of Modern Warfare or something. :U
Also lol @ "don't ruin it for everyone else." Guns are literally tools for hurting/killing people. If little Jimmy wants to shoot something so bad, get him a water gun or a copy of Modern Warfare or something. :U

Yeah, get your kids Nerf guns or something. Don't promote guns to your kids by letting them shoot rifles at, like 13 years old. That's really bad parenting imo.
Yeah, ruining it for other people is a good way to describe it. Some people have no choice but to carry a gun with them while walking down the street so they don't get shot. My neighbor knocked on my door and asked my dad to bring his gun and check her house for her because her door was open. They make some people feel secure knowing there is some type of defense mechanism if something bad happens. You don't even need to kill people with a gun, just shoot them in the leg or something. Sometimes that isn't always doable depending on your gun skills though...

I understand that animals habitats are being destroyed. I don't agree with that. There's enough abandoned houses in the united states to house every person who is homeless, comfortably for that matter. Whether we live in houses, or just in nature the way it was thousands of years ago, we would still be killing animals. It goes way back.
But... if nobody has guns... you don't need to defend yourself from being shot...

Except guns will always exist so someone or a group of someones will always have them. Whether it's the gang that lives neatest by or the government who wants to force you into a role you dont believe in since the technology exists someone somewhere will have the capacity to use it. So our argument is to let even the worse of us have that same access.

I'm surprised this topic is making me even more pro gun.
Except guns will always exist so someone or a group of someones will always have them. Whether it's the gang that lives neatest by or the government who wants to force you into a role you dont believe in since the technology exists someone somewhere will have the capacity to use it. So our argument is to let even the worse of us have that same access.

I'm surprised this topic is making me even more pro gun.

Remove all guns = no need for guns. When you completely remove guns, there will be no need for guns.

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Remove all guns = no need for guns. When you completely remove guns, there will be no need for guns.

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Which would be great, but again, because the knowledge of the technology exists someone will be able to make guns and sell them to others illegallly. Prohibition failed for the very same reason. The war on drugs is failing for the very same reason.
Do you not know that the average time for an ambulance to arrive is 7-10 minutes? That is enough time for someone to kill me before help arrives. Am I supposed to let someone take my gift of life, when the situation could be prevented just by the privilege of OWNING a gun? I don't even have to use it. It is just nice to have.

If "little jimmy" wants to just "shoot something so bad" maybe his parents should get his brain scanned and keep the guns away because he obviously isn't mature enough yet...

And I guess my dad is a bad parent for letting me shoot off a gun to a target then? I wasn't harming anybody, I didn't hurt anybody or effect their life in any way. Because I was in my back yard lmao. If a child thinks that way then it is the parents fault for raising the child to have a thought process that heinous. Nobody is like that for no reason. Guns cant be to blame when the people who are aware of their actions are behind the gun pulling the trigger.

society is making everyone overly sensitive as time passes by. you can kill somebody with things you can buy at Walmart. the guns cause violence claim is irrelevant its people who are violent...

if someone was to kill me id rather be shot than stabbed, poisoned by somebody, or beaten with a bat or shovel, or strangled to death...

just because someone doesn't agree with this, doesn't mean it should be illegal, or that its wrong, or people just want to shoot... that's a stereotype. and it needs to stop.

I know people who fell victim to violence and a gun could have saved their life... I REFUSE to become a victim.