gimme dreams to review!

Vanessa of Astoria

+ I like the way you set out your paths and how it flows around your town. I also like where you've placed all your lamp posts and metal benches. It goes well with your path.
+ I love the areas of trees surrounded by tulips although for some reason I don't think they look that good surrounded by cosmos. But you have a good sense of flower arrangement and it's really clean and nicely laid out :)
+ I like how the bushes break up the paths, maybe you should have more of that.
+ Your main room is really nice, it looks kind of like mine :) Broffina's pic also looks nice in there. I love the little corner with the classic shelf(?) and wall thing.
+ Your rococo room is nice too, but I've seen it before. I think your main room has so much more character (since not all things adhere to the classic set) :) Maybe try introducing other furniture in there so it's not too "cataloguey" or generic. I love your top room with the gorgeous furniture and the shelves, it looks like a cozy study. Overall, your house is really nice. great job.

- Because your path is so brick-like and dark (especially against the snow), sometimes it can look strange when it doesn't stick to the 2sq standard. I also think it makes some of the PWPs, like the flower arch, a little strangely placed. But overall I like your pathing so this isn't really a big deal.
- Also I think the top area around your plaza needs some work. Maybe redo some of the pathing? especially around the train station.

Some ares around your path I think would look nice If you pushed the trees back a bit. For example, the bottom half of your town where the houses are, the trees are lined really closely to the path and there's quite a bit of space in the back that you can use. You can push the trees back a bit and have more flowers or a PWP in front so it's not just repetitive trees. Lovely town :)
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Review of Town

+ Your town is absolutely gorgeous. My initial impression was very positive… I like how you spaced out the path with areas of bushes, hybrids and cut bamboo. That's how I do my town as well. I love the bell behind the tree too and how you arranged the paths and flowers around it.
+ The path is really easy to follow and it flows well to the permanent PWPs like the cafe, police station, and villager homes
+ I love the dirt path pattern you used to navigate through small areas. I kind of did a similar thing with a stepping stone pattern I made, but I think you are way more successful with it
+ Very nice PWP placement. So gorgeous. I love the area with the log bench and Wisteria trellis.
+ I love that you don't have the typical popular villagers. It was really refreshing to see all these not so popular villagers be given such an awesome town to live in :p

I don't really know what to say about cons. The only thing is I kind of wish the Campsite area had a more "natural" feel to it. I think it's too surrounded by your pink path although the little water way and bridge is a nice touch. I think you should make this area more nature-y. Your flower arrangements get kinda crazy in some areas, but honestly it works with your town because it's so pink and colourful. Other than that, your town is one of my favorites I have visited. Definitely will visit again. Super inspired! Your town makes me want to reset my town for a better map lol.

BTW you should definitely save your DA around 6-7pm because your illuminated PWPs will turn on and it will make your town that much more awesome. Please tell me when you do because I'll visit again ;)

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Review of Deathrow

+ So first of all, before I even look at your town? your town name is amazing
+ I like where you're headed for that area around the gingerbread castle house. I really like the way you lined the path with flowers and have the PWPs placed near the path and in-between villager houses. You should do this more around the other villagers houses!
+ The path down through the illuminated arch is also very beautiful lined by those trees.
+ I like the fact that you used a lot of the smug/monument type PWPs. I rarely see them get used.
+ The tulip combo around the illuminated clock is really beautiful.

- I like your path design, but I do not like the way it sometimes thins out to a 1sq path, in front of the translation for instance. The area up there also feels very empty and needs some trees behind the fountain and illuminated heart or something. Your path also doesn't flow that well and seems to cut off in a lot of places. In places like your Re-Tail, I think you need to complete the path so it goes over the cobble stone, instead of breaking off. Your path is too different from the cobble stone so it stands out too much.
- My favourite part of your map is that center nook area, although I think the PWPs are poorly placed. The path is too jagged and there are no trees which would make the "picnic" area look a lot more lush and beautiful. I think you have the right idea with the hot spring, but the tire bench doesn't really go with the rest of them. I suggest some of the zen PWPs to go with the hot spring or some benches? just something that ties that area together so it's not so random.

I think your town has a lot of potential but the paths might need a little re-imagining. I think the way you don't stick to a straight path and meander around could work if you added more nature to line them. It's refreshing that they aren't so straight and "normal" (like my town and most towns) but I think you need something to give the zigzaggyness more purpose. Otherwise the path looks too empty and a little superfluous. Overall I enjoyed your town.
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Review of Tea Town

+ Great paths. Really easy to follow. I like the bushes in front of the plaza and how you spaced out the path with the tulips and topiary PWP / bell. It makes a lovely first impression.
+ The area in front of the fence at first felt a little empty... but after a while I actually really liked it. This to me feels like a real fruit orchard instead of the typical close knit grouping of trees. :) Is that open spot in the orchard a dead spot though? It would look so much better with another tree there. I see you've done this fruit orchard spacing in more places... I really like it lol
+ Great PWP placement.
+ Beautiful flower arrangement
+ I like the placement of the row of villagers at the bottom of the map. It looks great with the zen feel to it... I like your bamboo placement behind the zen clock - it looks really natural but not too messy. I think this area will look even lovelier with the other zen PWPs.

- The area in front of the yellow bench feels really empty (because it is). I think it has potential for a PWP or something to go there. Maybe just more flowers would do it. There are also some other empty spots in your town but I'm sure you're still developing so I'm not too worried. I think you have great PWP sense so whatever you do will turn out great and intentional.

Overall, I think you have a lovely town. I like the Tea theme you got going on. Your signs are cute too. Great town.

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Review of Tama

Your town was a little hard to review because it's so WIP but I'll give you some pointers.

I like how you're trying to imagine the PWP placement by spreading out the path first. I also like the path that leads from the plaza, to the town hall, to the train station, although you definitely need to fill in those empty spots with some trees PWPs or bushes. I get a sense of how you're trying to lay out the path. One thing I'd suggest is that you don't make the path in the bottom of the town lead straight to the ramp (that goes down to the beach). I think you should make that path lead through the center or off center a bit so it connects to that little cluster of villagers more easily. Because you're only giving that path one purpose - to the ramp - when it could be directed much better to other parts of the village. I suggest you cut down A LOT of trees and lay down a path first and THEN plant the trees. It will make imagining the town so much easier.

I'm not sure if the path pattern is supposed to be like that, but some parts when the corners turn don't really look like they flow properly (like there's a line that separates it). It's not a big deal but it bothered me a little.
Be careful using too many red roses. I think with your pink path, a red/pink/red/pink combo would benefit it.

Overall I think your town is coming along very well. It just needs more PWPs :)
Mines pretty boring and a big WIP but I have achieved perfect status. DC in sig :)
There are a few thing still incomplete, but here is mine. Excuse the Japanese household. I was just trying to get to 150,000 points this morning. I'd check in a few days if you don't want to see a disaster. 5600-2140-5065
The other 3 homes are pretty nice though.
In fact, I'd wait until the grass comes back on the 25th to visit my town. I have grass patterns. I should have fixed up that one house by then.
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Review of Twisted Circuit's town lol (crazy name)

+ So I do a lot of fruit exchanges with you.. it was nice seeing all your peaches and fruits out :p My town is exactly like that lol. I actually like seeing fruit laid out on the floor in the plaza - it reminds me of a tiny fruit market. However, the other stuff lying around looks a little too messy.
+ I like the placement of your villagers, especially in that row at the bottom near the cafe. I've always wanted a villager placement like that.
+ Props for creating your own path. I like how you tried to keep it icy with the winter theme. That being said, the blue is a little strong/bright.
+ I like your PWP placement and how it sticks close to the path
+ You have a lot of cool villagers. Kyle, Coco, and Midge are my favourites

- The path cuts off now and then but overall the flow is pretty nice. It needs more work though. I do like how part of your town has a natural path suggested by the flowers, however I think this area just has too many flowers and might need to be toned down a bit. Maybe you can put more trees or bushes along the path to direct the visitor better.
- Your town's flower arrangement is crazyyy! lol. I think it needs to be a little better organised and less messy. For example, if you don't have enough flowers to fit a certain area (or have TOO many flowers) you can alternate them like a checkerboard.

Overall nice town :)

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Review of Defi

It's really WIP so it's hard to crit so I'll try my best to give you pointers.
I really like the villager placement. They are either in a little line or spread out around your town so placing PWPs would be very easy. I also like the little nook where one of your houses is. You have a really nice big area mapped out for a PWP I assume. You also have a great map for different types of PWPs since your map is essentially split up into four different parts. For example, the side left of the bridge can have one theme, the bottom of the map can have another, etc.

I know you can't do much about it, but I don't like your cafe placement :< It's so close to the cliff... I didn't even know you could put it that close. It's also awkwardly off the path. I think it would be a cute idea though if the path around the cafe was moved up a bit (like it loops up instead of going straight down) and the cafe is surrounded by a little forest of trees. That way it's kind of like a little hideaway cafe on the cliff
Also the path gets a little confusing around Re-Tail. It thins out and becomes jagged for no reason. I also don't understand the paths placed near the light house. They look like clothing designs? However, I like all your roses around there. Your town overall needs more flowers!

Nice little town. It's looking good so far!
Oops I forgot Zukil's I'll do that now.

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Town of Myrsky

+ I love that initial pathway that comes out of the plaza. I like how it's lined by bushes and trees and how it directs you into the town.
+ I REALLY love how you line your path with those little premature stumpies. I haven't seen that done before and it's a great idea.
+ I also REALLY love that area near the town hall with all the dead trees. It looks amazing walking through there.
+ I like your white flower arrangements. White flowers look amazing in the winter. I am so horrible at making a town look pretty in the winter but yours just works. But I'm worried maybe with the choice of your grey path, your town would only look that magical way in the winter.

- I am maybe 80% sold on your path. I really like that 4sq path you use in most places and that triangular stepping stone pattern, however I don't like the paths near the green house. It WORKS around your town hall and train station but not in other places. Just because they are grey like the other paths doesn't really necessarily mean they go well together (or otherwise they are not used properly)... Soo I think you need to compromise a little. Maybe stick to the brick path around the town hall OR just the 4sq path near the plaza. You don't need to put them everywhere though.

There are some awesome things going on in your town in the early stages. It's WIP so I'm not too worried since I like the direction you're headed. Overall it's a lovely town. Can't wait to see it completed.
The fact there was no response makes me a little worried. :(
Should I be prepared for tomorrow or the 25th?
sillysloth said:
Review of Town

+ Your town is absolutely gorgeous. My initial impression was very positive? I like how you spaced out the path with areas of bushes, hybrids and cut bamboo. That's how I do my town as well. I love the bell behind the tree too and how you arranged the paths and flowers around it.
+ The path is really easy to follow and it flows well to the permanent PWPs like the cafe, police station, and villager homes
+ I love the dirt path pattern you used to navigate through small areas. I kind of did a similar thing with a stepping stone pattern I made, but I think you are way more successful with it
+ Very nice PWP placement. So gorgeous. I love the area with the log bench and Wisteria trellis.
+ I love that you don't have the typical popular villagers. It was really refreshing to see all these not so popular villagers be given such an awesome town to live in :p

I don't really know what to say about cons. The only thing is I kind of wish the Campsite area had a more "natural" feel to it. I think it's too surrounded by your pink path although the little water way and bridge is a nice touch. I think you should make this area more nature-y. Your flower arrangements get kinda crazy in some areas, but honestly it works with your town because it's so pink and colourful. Other than that, your town is one of my favorites I have visited. Definitely will visit again. Super inspired! Your town makes me want to reset my town for a better map lol.

BTW you should definitely save your DA around 6-7pm because your illuminated PWPs will turn on and it will make your town that much more awesome. Please tell me when you do because I'll visit again

Ah, thank you so much. I've taken a considerable amount of time and effort into making my town. I think the comment that made me happiest to see was that the paths were easy to follow. There are some small spots in my town that i don't really know what to do with, but I hadn't thought of making the area near the campsite more natural in appearance. I'll be working on that to some degree. :) Oh and I knew about the illuminated pwps. I just hadn't updated in a month and figured I should before my dream address changes for inactivity.